Common Clinical Abbreviations
ac: before meals
ADLs: activities of daily living
ad. lib.: as desired
adm: admission
AKA: above-the-knee amputation
alb: albumin
amb: ambulate
ant: anterior
AP: anterior-posterior
approx: approximately
ATC: around the clock
ax: axillary
BKA: below-the-knee amputation
BM: bowel movement
BP: blood pressure
BRP: bathroom privileges
Ca: calcium
CA: cancer
C & S: culture and sensitivity
CVP: central venous pressure cysto cystoscopy
cysto: cystoscopy
diab: diabetic
diag, DX: diagnosis
DOA: dead on arrival
EENT: eye, ear, nose, throat
et: and
exam: examination
FBS: fasting/fingerstick blood sugar
FHT: fetal heart tones
fl, fld: fluid
ft: feet
fx: fracture/fractional
gt, gtt: drops
Hg: mercury
hgb: hemoglobin
HOB: head of bed
hs: hour of sleep
hx: history
I & O: intake and output
ID: intradermal
IM: intramuscular
irriga: irrigation
IV: intravenous
K+: potassium
lat: lateral
lb: pound
lymph: lymphatic
mEq: milliequivalent
MI: myocardial infarction
ml: milliliter
NKA: no known allergies
noct: nocturnal
NPO: nothing by mouth
N & V: nausea and vomiting
OD: right eye
OS: left eye
OU: each eye
PO: by mouth, orally
pr: per rectum
PRN: when needed
RBC: red blood cell
resp: respirations
RLQ: right lower quadrant
RO or r/o: rule out
ROM: range of motion
Rx: prescription
sol: solution
sp. gr.: specific gravity
S & S: signs/symptoms
stat: immediately
supp: suppository
T & A: tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy
tab: tablet
tbsp: tablespoon
t.i.d.: three times a day
tinc: tincture
TKO: to keep open
trach: tracheostomy
tsp: teaspoon
TUR: transurethral resection
tx: treatment
UGI: upper gastrointestinal
vol: volume
VS: vital signs
WNL: within normal limits
wt: weight
Selected Abbreviations Used for Specific Descriptions
ASCVD: arteriosclerotic cardiovascular disease
ASHD: arteriosclerotic heart disease
BE: barium enema
CMS: circulation movement sensation
CNS: central nervous system or Clinical Nurse Specialist
DJD: degenerative joint disease
DOE: dyspnea on exertion
DTs: delerium tremens
D5W: 5% dextrose in water
FUO: fever of unknown origin
GB: gallbladder
GI: gastrointestinal
GYN: gynecology
H2O2: hydrogen peroxide
HA: hyperalimentation or headache
HCVD: hypertensive cardiovascular disease
HEENT: head, ear, eye, nose, throat
HVD: hypertensive vascular disease
ICU: intensive care unit
LLE: left lower extremity
LLQ: left lower quadrant
LMP: last menstrual period
LOC: level of consciousness; laxatives of choice
LUE: left upper extremity
LUQ: left upper quadrant
Neuro: neurology; neurosurgery
NS: normal saline
NWB: nonweight bearing
OPD: outpatient department
ORIF: open reduction internal fixation
Ortho: orthopedics
OT: occupational therapy
PAR: postanesthesia room
PE: physical examination
PERRLA: pupils equal, round, and react to light and accommodation
PI: present illness
PID: pelvic inflammatory disease
PM & R: physical medicine and rehabilitation
Psych: psychology; psychiatric
PT: physical therapy
RL (or LR): Ringer's lactate; lactated Ringer's
RLE: right lower extremity
RR: recovery room
RUE: right upper extremity
RUQ: right upper quadrant
Rx: prescription
STSG: split-thickness skin graft
Surg: surgery, surgical
THR; TJR: total hip replacement; total joint replacement
URI: upper respiratory infection
UTI: urinary tract infection
VD: venereal disease
WNWD: well-nourished, well-developed