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Defense MechanismExample
Denial – Refuses to accept a painful reality, pretending as if it doesn't exist.A man who snorts cocaine daily is fired for attendance problems, yet insists he doesn't have a problem.
Displacement – Directing anger toward someone or onto another, less threatening (safer) substitute.An older employee is publicly embarrassed by a younger boss at work and angrily cuts a driver off on the way home.
Identification – Taking on attributes and characteristics of someone admired.A young man joins the police academy to become a policeman like his father, whom he respects.
Intellectualization – Excessive focus on logic and reason to avoid the feelings associated with a situation.An executive who has cancer requests all studies and blood work and discusses in detail with her doctor, as if she were speaking about someone else.
Projection – Attributing to others feelings unacceptable to self.A group therapy client strongly dislikes another member but claims that it is the member who “dislikes her.”
Reaction Formation – Expressing an opposite feeling from what is actually felt and is considered undesirable.John, who despises Jeremy, greets him warmly and offers him food and beverages and special attention.
Sublimation – Redirecting unacceptable feelings or drives into an acceptable channel.A mother of a child killed in a drive-by shooting becomes involved in legislative change for gun laws and gun violence.
Undoing – Ritualistically negating or undoing intolerable feelings/thoughts.A man who has thoughts that his father will die must step on sidewalk cracks to prevent this and cannot miss a crack.