Dose Range/Adult Daily Dose
- Range: 300900 mg/d po
Start 25 mg po 12 × daily; ↑ 2550 mg/d over 2 wk to 300450 mg/d (max 900 mg/d)
FazaClo: start 12.5 mg 12 ×/d; Versacloz: start 12.5 mg 12 ×/d to 300450 mg/d (end of 2 wk); max 900 mg/d
Use/Common Side Effects (CSE)
- Use: Refractive schizophrenia (unresponsive to other treatments)
CSE: Dizziness, sedation, hypotension, tachycardia, constipation, NMS, SEIZURES, AGRANULOCYTOSIS, LEUKOPENIA, MYOCARDITIS (D/C clozapine)
Geriatric & Dose Considerations
- Use cautiously with CV/hepatic/renal disease; caution: sedation, hypotension, dizziness; polypharmacy (drug interactions); ↑mortality in elderly with dementia-related psychosis