To add fractions, first convert them to fractions with common denominators. (See Comparing apples to apples.)
Here's an example of adding fractions. Follow the steps below to add the fractions and .
Find the lowest common denominator. Because the denominators in and are both prime numbers, multiply 7 by 3 to find the lowest common denominator, 21.
Then convert the fractions by multiplying each by 1 (in the form of a fraction) to yield fractions with the lowest common denominator.
Start by converting to :
Then convert to
Now, add the new fractions. To add fractions with a common denominator, add the numerators and place the result over the common denominator. The resulting fraction is your answer. (Reduce it to its lowest terms, if possible.)
To add and , follow these steps:
Find the lowest common denominator. In this case, because the denominators 2 and 5 are both prime numbers, multiply 2 by 5 to find the lowest common denominator, 10.
Convert the fractions by multiplying each by 1 (in the form of a fraction) to yield fractions with the lowest common denominator.
Convert the fraction to :
Then convert to :
Now, add the converted fractions. To do this, add the numerators and place the result over the common denominator:
To add and , follow these steps:
Find the lowest common denominatorin this case, 15.
Convert the fractions by multiplying each by 1 (in the form of a fraction) to yield fractions with the lowest common denominator.
Convert to to :
Then convert to :
To add the converted fractions, add the new numerators and place the result over the common denominator:
Reduce the fraction to its lowest terms: