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To add fractions, first convert them to fractions with common denominators. (See Comparing apples to apples.)

It all adds up !!navigator!!

Here's an example of adding fractions. Follow the steps below to add the fractions Harvey-ch001-inequat038.jpg and Harvey-ch001-inequat025.jpg.

  1. Find the lowest common denominator. Because the denominators in Harvey-ch001-inequat038.jpg and Harvey-ch001-inequat025.jpg are both prime numbers, multiply 7 by 3 to find the lowest common denominator, 21.

  2. Then convert the fractions by multiplying each by 1 (in the form of a fraction) to yield fractions with the lowest common denominator.

  3. Start by converting Harvey-ch001-inequat038.jpg to Harvey-ch001-inequat039.jpg:

  4. Then convert Harvey-ch001-inequat025.jpg to Harvey-ch001-inequat039.jpg

  5. Now, add the new fractions. To add fractions with a common denominator, add the numerators and place the result over the common denominator. The resulting fraction is your answer. (Reduce it to its lowest terms, if possible.)

Additional addition !!navigator!!

To add Harvey-ch001-inequat010.jpg and Harvey-ch001-inequat012.jpg, follow these steps:

  1. Find the lowest common denominator. In this case, because the denominators 2 and 5 are both prime numbers, multiply 2 by 5 to find the lowest common denominator, 10.

  2. Convert the fractions by multiplying each by 1 (in the form of a fraction) to yield fractions with the lowest common denominator.

  3. Convert the fraction Harvey-ch001-inequat010.jpg to Harvey-ch001-inequat075.jpg:

  4. Then convert Harvey-ch001-inequat012.jpg to Harvey-ch001-inequat011.jpg:

  5. Now, add the converted fractions. To do this, add the numerators and place the result over the common denominator:

Another additional addition !!navigator!!

To add Harvey-ch001-inequat001.jpg and Harvey-ch001-inequat040.jpg, follow these steps:

  1. Find the lowest common denominator—in this case, 15.

  2. Convert the fractions by multiplying each by 1 (in the form of a fraction) to yield fractions with the lowest common denominator.

  3. Convert to Harvey-ch001-inequat001.jpg to Harvey-ch001-inequat040.jpg:

  4. Then convert Harvey-ch001-unequat001.jpg to Harvey-ch001-inequat041.jpg:

  5. To add the converted fractions, add the new numerators and place the result over the common denominator:

  6. Reduce the fraction to its lowest terms:
