Absorption: Skin serves as reservoir for sustained release of testosterone into systemic circulation; 10% absorbed into systemic circulation during 24hr period. Well absorbed through nasal mucosa.
Distribution: Crosses the placenta.
Protein Binding: 98%.
Half-Life: 10100 min.
Transdermal (gel) | 30 min | unknown | 24 hr |
Nasal gel | unknown | unknown | 3 mo |
‡Response is highly variable among individuals; may take mo.
Contraindicated in:
Use Cautiously in:
CV: MI, STROKE, VENOUS THROMBOEMBOLISM, edema, hot flashes, hypertension
EENT: deepening of voice, nasal gelepistaxis, nasal scabbing, nasopharyngitis, rhinorrhea
GI: ↑liver enzymes, nausea, vomiting
GU: ↓fertility, nocturia, priapism, prostatic enlargement, urinary hesitancy, urinary incontinence
Endo: acne, breast pain, change in libido, gynecomastia, hypercholesterolemia
Derm: alopecia, dry skin, pruritis
Hemat: anemia, polycythemia
Local: chronic skin irritation
Topical testosterone products are not interchangeable
Lab Test Considerations:
NDC Code