Therapeutic Classification: none assigned
Complementary/Alternative Medicine: This monograph describes a natural or herbal product that is not subject to FDA guidelines for medicines. Patients and clinicians are advised to read package labels carefully to ensure safe and efficacious use.
- Improving physical and mental stamina
- General tonic to energize during times of fatigue and inability to concentrate
- Sedative, sleep aid, antidepressant
- Diabetes
- Enhanced sexual performance/aphrodisiac
- Increased longevity
- Adjunctive treatment of cancer
- Increased immune response
- Increased appetite
Absorption: Unknown.
Distribution: Unknown.
Metabolism/Excretion: Unknown.
Half-Life: Unknown.
Natural-Drug Products:
Natural-Natural Products:
- May ↑ risk of bleeding when used with herbs that have antiplatelet or anticoagulant activities.
- May prolong the QT interval when used with bitter orange, country mallow, and ephedra and ↑ risk of life-threatening arrhythmias.
- May ↑ risk of hypoglycemia when used with herbs with hypoglycemic potential.
Natural-Food Products:
- May potentiate effects of caffeine in coffee or tea and CNS stimulant effects of mate.