Absorption: Gum, lozenge: Slowly absorbed from buccal mucosa during chewing/sucking. Nasal spray: 53% absorbed from nasal mucosa. Transdermal: 70% of nicotine released from the system is absorbed through the skin.
Distribution: Enter breast milk.
Half-Life: 12 hr.
(plasma concentrations)
Gum | rapid | 1530 min | unknown |
Lozenge | unknown | unknown | unknown |
Nasal spray | rapid | 415 min | unknown |
Transdermal | rapid | 24 hr | unknown |
Contraindicated in:
Use Cautiously in:
CV: tachycardia, chest pain, hypertension
Derm: transdermalburning at patch site, erythema, pruritus, cutaneous hypersensitivity, rash, sweating
EENT: sinusitis, gumpharyngitis, nasal spraynasopharyngeal irritation, sneezing, watering eyes, change in smell, earache, epistaxis, eye irritation, hoarseness
Endo: dysmenorrhea
GI: abdominal pain, abnormal taste, constipation, diarrhea, dry mouth, dyspepsia, hiccups, nausea, vomiting, gumbelching, ↑appetite, ↑salivation, oral injury, sore mouth
MS: arthralgia, back pain, myalgia, gumjaw muscle ache
Neuro: paresthesia, headache, insomnia, abnormal dreams, dizziness, drowsiness, impaired concentration, nervousness, seizures, weakness
Toxicity and Overdose:
nicotine chewing gum: Nicorette,
nicotine lozenge: Nicorette,
nicotine nasal spray: Nicotrol NS,
nicotine transdermal patch: Habitrol, Nicoderm CQ
NDC Code