(Adults and Children >12 yr): Apply twice daily for 4 wk.
Cream: 2%
Inspect involved areas of skin and mucous membranes before and frequently during therapy. Increased skin irritation may indicate need to discontinue medication.
Topical Apply small amount to cover affected areas between the toes and the immediately surrounding healthy skin. Dry affected area well if applied after bathing. Avoid the use of occlusive wrappings or dressings unless directed by health care professional.
Patient/Family Teaching⬆⬇
Instruct patient to apply medication as directed for full course of therapy, even if symptoms have improved. Emphasize the importance of avoiding the eyes, nose, mouth, and other mucous membranes. Do not use for disorders other than for which it was prescribed.
Patients with athletes foot should be taught to wear well-fitting, ventilated shoes and to change shoes and socks at least once a day.
Advise patient to report increased skin irritation, redness, itching, burning, blistering, swelling, oozing, or lack of response to therapy to health care professional.
Evaluation/Desired Outcomes⬆⬇
Decrease in skin irritation and resolution of infection. If no clinical improvement is seen in 2 wk, diagnosis should be reviewed. Recurrent fungal infections may be a sign of systemic illness.