section name header


benzocaine: BEN-zoe-kane

dibucaine: DYE-byoo-kane

dyclonine: DYE-klon-een

pramoxine: pra-MOX-een


Therapeutic Classification: anesthetics (topical/local)


High Alert



Therapeutic Effects:


Absorption: Benzocaine is poorly absorbed through intact skin. Other agents may be readily absorbed. Degree of absorption with surface area; presence of lesions, cuts, or abrasions; and amount of agent applied.

Distribution: Unknown.

Metabolism/Excretion: Ester-type agents (PABA derivatives, benzocaine) are metabolized by plasma and liver cholinesterases. Small amounts of amide-type agents (dibucaine) that may be absorbed are mostly metabolized by the liver.

Half-life: Unknown.

Time/Action Profile

(mucosal anesthetic effects)

Benzocaineabout 1 minunknown15–20 min
Dibucainewithin 15 minunknown2–4 hr
Dyclonineup to 10 minunknown60 min
Pramoxine3–5 minunknownunknown


Contraindicated in:

Use Cautiously in:

Adv. Reactions/Side Effects

EENT: mucosal use: or absent gag reflex.

Derm: topical use: burning, edema, irritation, stinging, tenderness, urticaria.















  • Assess type, location, and intensity of pain before and a few minutes after administration of anesthetic.
  • Assess integrity of involved skin and mucous membranes before and periodically throughout course of therapy. Notify health care professional if signs of infection or irritation develop.


  • High Alert:Overuse of topical anesthetic sprays on mucous membranes can result in methemoglobinemia. Avoid overuse or too liberal application.
  • Topical: Alcohol-free preparation is available for teething pain in babies. Apply to gums by rubbing gel on with fingers or cotton swab.
  • Throat Spray: Ensure that gag reflex is intact before allowing patient to drink or eat.

Patient/Family Teaching

  • Instruct patient on correct application technique. High Alert: Inform patient of potential harm from overuse. Emphasize need to avoid contact with eyes.
    • Caution patient that these agents should not be applied for prolonged periods or to large areas, especially if skin is abraded or broken, without consulting health care professional. Patient should also consult health care professional before using these agents for conditions other than indicated.
    • Advise patient to discontinue use and notify health care professional if erythema, rash, or irritation at site of administration occurs; area becomes infected; medication is swallowed; or condition worsens or does not improve within 7 days.
    • Caution patient to read list of active ingredients on OTC products. Brand names frequently change and may be misleading as to actual contents.
    • Advise adults using liquid form around the mouth to avoid smoking until solution is dry.
  • Teething Gel: Instruct patients to notify health care professional if pain is excessive or prolonged. Advise parents to avoid feeding immediately after application to prevent choking from diminished gag reflex.
  • Lozenge: Instruct patient to suck on lozenge and allow it to slowly dissolve. Consult health care professional if throat pain persists more than 2 days. Avoid use in young children because of danger of choking.

Evaluation/Desired Outcomes

  • Temporary relief of discomfort associated with minor irritations of skin or mucous membranes.
  • Temporary local anesthesia of mucosal surfaces.

US Brand Names

benzocaine: Americaine Hemorrhoidal, Anbesol, Anbesol Baby, Anbesol Cold Sore Therapy, Anbesol Jr., Anbesol Maximum Strength, Benzodent, Cepacol Sore Throat Pain Relief, Dentapaine, Dermoplast Pain Relieving, Hurricaine, Lanacane, Orajel Mouth Sore, Orabase, Medicone Hemorrhoidal, Mycinettes, Zilactin-B

dibucaine: Nupercainal

dyclonine: Sucrets Children's, Sucrets Maximum Strength, Sucrets Regular Strength

pramoxine: Caladryl Clear, ProctoFoam NS, Sarna Ultra, Tronolane, Tucks Hemorrhoidal

Canadian Brand Names

benzocaine: Baby Orajel, Dentocaine, Orajel Liquid

Pot. Nursing Diagnoses