Therapeutic Classification: antineoplastics
Pharmacologic Classification: kinase inhibitors
Absorption: Well absorbed (95%) following oral administration.
Distribution: Unknown.
Protein Binding: 97%.
Metabolism/Excretion: Primarily metabolized by the liver via the CYP3A4 isoenzyme. Some metabolites have pharmacologic activity and account for 18% of action. Metabolites are excreted in urine (74%) and feces (22%).
Half-Life: Ruxolitinib: 3 hr; Ruxolitinib plus metabolites: 5.8 hr.
- PO (Adults ): Platelet count >200 × 109/L: 20 mg twice daily initially; ↑ dose based on response to a maximum of 25 mg twice daily; Platelet count 100200 × 109/L: 15 mg twice daily initially; ↑ dose based on response to a maximum of 25 mg twice daily; Platelet count 50<100 × 109/L: 5 mg twice daily initially; ↑ dose based on response to a maximum of 25 mg twice daily; Concurrent use of strong CYP3A4 inhibitors or fluconazole (≤200 mg/day) and platelet count ≥ 100 × 109/L: 10 mg twice daily initially; ↑ dose based on safety and efficacy; Concurrent use of strong CYP3A4 inhibitors or fluconazole (≤200 mg/day) and platelet count 50<100 × 109/L: 5 mg once daily initially; ↑ dose based on safety and efficacy; Concurrent use of strong CYP3A4 inhibitors or fluconazole (≤200 mg/day) and already on stable dose of ≥10 mg twice daily: ↓dose by 50%; ↑ dose based on safety and efficacy; Concurrent use of strong CYP3A4 inhibitors or fluconazole (≤200 mg/day) and already on stable dose of 5 mg twice daily: ↓dose to 5 mg once daily; ↑ dose based on safety and efficacy; Concurrent use of strong CYP3A4 inhibitors or fluconazole (≤200 mg/day) and already on stable dose of 5 mg once daily: Avoid concurrent use.
Hepatic Impairment
- PO (Adults ): Mild, moderate, or severe hepatic impairment with platelet count 100150 × 109/L: 10 mg twice daily initially; Mild, moderate, or severe hepatic impairment with platelet count 50<100 × 109/L: 5 mg once daily initially; Mild, moderate, or severe hepatic impairment with platelet count <50 × 109/L: Avoid use.
Renal Impairment
- PO (Adults ): CCr 1559 mL/min and platelet count 100150 × 109/L: 10 mg twice daily initially; CCr 1559 mL/min and platelet count 50<100 × 109/L: 5 mg once daily; CCr 1559 mL/min and platelet count <50 × 109/L: Avoid use; CCr <15 mL/min (not on dialysis): Avoid use; CCr <15 mL/min (on dialysis) and platelet count >200 × 109/L : 20 mg once after dialysis session; CCr <15 mL/min (on dialysis) and platelet count 100200 × 109/L: 15 mg once after dialysis session.
Polycythemia Vera
- PO (Adults ): 10 mg twice daily; ↑ dose based on response to a maximum of 25 mg twice daily; Concurrent use of strong CYP3A4 inhibitors or fluconazole (≤200 mg/day): 5 mg twice daily initially; ↑ dose based on safety and efficacy; Concurrent use of strong CYP3A4 inhibitors or fluconazole (≤200 mg/day) and already on stable dose of ≥10 mg twice daily: ↓dose by 50%; ↑ dose based on safety and efficacy; Concurrent use of strong CYP3A4 inhibitors or fluconazole (≤200 mg/day) and already on stable dose of 5 mg twice daily: ↓to 5 mg once daily; ↑ dose based on safety and efficacy; Concurrent use of strong CYP3A4 inhibitors or fluconazole (≤200 mg/day) and already on stable dose of 5 mg once daily: Avoid concurrent use.
Hepatic Impairment
- PO (Adults ): Mild, moderate, or severe hepatic impairment: 5 mg twice daily initially.
Renal Impairment
- PO (Adults ): CCr 1559 mL/min: 5 mg twice daily initially; CCr <15 mL/min (not on dialysis): Avoid use; CCr <15 mL/min (on dialysis): 10 mg once after dialysis session.
Acute Graft-Versus-Host Disease
- PO (Adults and Children ≥12 yr): 5 mg twice daily initially; ↑ dose to 10 mg twice daily after ≥3 days of treatment if ANC and platelet counts are not ↓ by ≥50% (compared to baseline). Consider tapering therapy after 6 mo of treatment in patients who have experienced a response and have discontinued therapeutic doses of corticosteroids. When tapering, ↓ to 5 mg twice daily; then after 8 wk, ↓ to 5 mg once daily; then after 8 wk, discontinue therapy.Concurrent use of fluconazole (≤200 mg/day): 5 mg once daily initially; ↑ dose based on safety and efficacy.
Hepatic Impairment
- PO (Adults and Children ≥12 yr): Stage 4 liver acute GVHD: 5 mg once daily initially.
Renal Impairment
- PO (Adults and Children ≥12 yr): CCr 1559 mL/min: 5 mg once daily initially; CCr <15 mL/min (not on dialysis): Avoid use; CCr <15 mL/min (on dialysis): 5 mg once after dialysis session.
Chronic Graft-Versus-Host Disease
- PO (Adults and Children ≥12 yr): 10 mg twice daily initially. Consider tapering therapy after 6 mo of treatment in patients who have experienced a response and have discontinued therapeutic doses of corticosteroids. When tapering, ↓ to 5 mg twice daily; then after 8 wk, ↓ to 5 mg once daily; then after 8 wk, discontinue therapy. Concurrent use of fluconazole (≤200 mg/day): 5 mg twice daily initially; ↑ dose based on safety and efficacy.
Hepatic Impairment
- PO (Adults and Children ≥12 yr): Stage 3 liver chronic GVHD: Monitor blood counts more frequently for toxicity; consider adjustment to 5 mg twice daily.
Renal Impairment
- PO (Adults and Children ≥12 yr): CCr 1559 mL/min: 5 mg twice daily initially; CCr <15 mL/min (not on dialysis): Avoid use; CCr <15 mL/min (on dialysis): 10 mg once after dialysis session.