Complementary/Alternative Medicine: This monograph describes a natural or herbal product that is not subject to FDA guidelines for medicines. Patients and clinicians are advised to read package labels carefully to ensure safe and efficacious use.
Contraindicated in:
Use Cautiously in:
Endo: hypoglycemia
GI: diarrhea, epigastric pain, nausea, vomiting
Neuro: cyanosis, delirium, drowsiness, SEIZURES (OVERDOSE)
Natural-Drug Products:
Natural-Natural Products:
Crotolaria spp
, gravel root,Heliotropium spp
, hemp agrimony,Henecio spp
, hounds tongue, petasites, colts foot, andSenecio
species plants: dusty miller, alpine ragwort, groundsel, golden ragwort, and tansy ragwort.NDC Code