- Use Snellens eye chart composed of letters, capital E letters, or pictures.
- Select proper chart based on age and development of patient.
- Explain procedure to patient.
- Give patient eye occluder and tell patient to hold over nontested eye and not to close or squint that eye.
- Have patient stand 20 feet from eye chart.
- If patient wears glasses or contacts, he or she should wear them for the examination.
- Usually test right eye first, then left eye.
- Have patient start with the 20/70 line and continue down each line.
- The number to the side of the smallest line is the patients results for that eye.
- Repeat with left eye.
Rotating E Snellen Chart (From Eagle S, Brassington C, Dailey C, Goretti C. The Professional Medical Assistant. F.A. Davis, Philadelphia, 2009; 764, with permission.)