Latex allergy screening
To determine if your patient has a latex sensitivity or allergy, ask the following screening questions:
Do you have a history of allergies, dermatitis, or asthma? If so, what type of reaction do you have?
Do you have any congenital abnormalities? If yes, explain.
Do you have any food allergies? If so, what specific allergies do you have? Ask specifically about the high to moderate cross-sensitivity foods. Describe your reaction.
Do you experience shortness of breath or wheezing when blowing up latex balloons? If so, describe your reaction.
Have you had previous surgical procedures? How about as a child? Did you experience associated complications? If so, describe them.
Have you had previous dental procedures? Did complications result? If so, describe them.
Are you exposed to latex in your work? Have you experienced a reaction to latex products at work? If so, describe your reaction.