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Front Matter

Nurses at all skill levels need clear and concise evidence-based information to assist them in the performance of nursing procedures. Although there are a variety of sources that provide this information at varying levels of complexity, the need remains for a one-stop, “go-to” reference for instruction and assistance.

The implementation and refinement of technology in health care can lead to changes in technical aspects of nursing procedures. The development and revision of guidelines and professional standards can contribute as well. Nursing Procedures Made Incredibly Easy! provides the most up-to-date information about the performance of nursing procedures. You will find this book comprehensive yet concise, enjoyable yet educational. Its light-hearted approach will assist you as you attain procedural perfection.

The book begins with four chapters that encompass broad nursing topics. “Fundamental procedures” covers the entire journey of the patient's hospital stay, from admission to assessment; it includes such essentials as ensuring patient safety and comfort and caring for the surgical patient. “Specimen collection” explains the procedures for collecting blood, urine, stool, and other specimens. “Physical treatments” describes the nursing procedures for such techniques as heat and cold application, baths, support devices, and wound care. “Drug administration and I.V. therapy” covers drug delivery procedures ranging from simple to complex.

The next seven chapters focus on nursing procedures related to the care of specific body systems—cardiovascular, respiratory, neurologic, gastrointestinal, renal and urologic, orthopedic, and integumentary. The last two chapters detail the special needs of maternal, neonatal, and pediatric patients.

To help you use this book, each nursing procedure appears in the same easy-to-follow format, with short paragraphs and bulleted lists that let you quickly skim an entire entry to instantly pinpoint the specific information you need.

Throughout the book, a playful cast of cartoon characters takes the tedium out of learning. Within each chapter, special features enhance your understanding. Each chapter starts with a summary of key topics and ends with a quick quiz (which includes answers and rationales) to reinforce learning. Special logos highlight important points:

Warning alerts you to possible dangers, risks, complications, or contraindications associated with a specific procedure.

Home care connection gives tips for adapting a procedure to the home care setting.

Ages and stages highlights important age-related variations in performing a particular procedure.

Write it down features essential points to document for each procedure.

Listen up provides quick hints for performing skills and procedures.

Please take the time to fully acquaint yourself with Nursing Procedures Made Incredibly Easy. The more you familiarize yourself with the content, the more confident you'll be when performing procedures. Your patients, sensing your confidence and expertise, will feel more confident and comfortable, too.

Adele Webb, PhD, RN, FNAP, FAAN Campus President
Chamberlain College of Nursing
Cleveland, Ohio