section name header


Dicumarol and other natural anticoagulants are found in sweet clover. Coumarin derivatives are used both therapeutically and as rodenticides. Warfarin is used widely as a therapeutic anticoagulant but is no longer popular as a rodenticide because of rodent resistance. The most common anticoagulant rodenticides available today contain long-acting “superwarfarins” such as brodifacoum, diphacinone, bromadiolone, chlorophacinone, difenacoum, pindone, and valone, which have profound and prolonged anticoagulant effects. Other non-anticoagulant rodenticides are described elsewhere (see rodenticides, miscellaneous).

Mechanism of Toxicity

  1. All these compounds inhibit vitamin K 2,3-epoxide reductase and vitamin K quinone reductase, two enzymes responsible for the conversion of vitamin K to its active form, vitamin K quinol, the necessary cofactor in the hepatic synthesis of coagulation factors II, VII, IX, and X (as well as anticoagulant proteins C and S). Only the synthesis of new factors is affected, and the anticoagulant effect is delayed until currently circulating factors have been degraded.
  2. Overdose during pregnancy has caused fetal hemorrhage, spontaneous miscarriage, and still birth. Major congenital malformations, fetal warfarin syndrome, and spontaneous miscarriage may occur with chronic use during pregnancy.
  3. Pharmacokinetics
    1. Warfarin. The mean half-life of oral warfarin is approximately 35 hours. The onset of the anticoagulant effect may be apparent within 15-20 hours. Peak effects usually are not observed for 2-3 days because of the long half-lives of factors IX and X (24-60 hours).The duration of anticoagulant effect after a single dose of warfarin is normally about 5 days.
    2. Superwarfarins. The onset of anticoagulation after a superwarfarin ingestion may not be evident for up to 2 days after ingestion and may continue to produce significant anticoagulation for weeks to months after a single ingestion.

Toxic Dose

The toxic dose is highly variable.

  1. Generally, a single small ingestion of warfarin (eg, 10-20 mg) will not cause serious intoxication (most warfarin-based rodenticides contain 0.05% warfarin). In contrast, chronic or repeated ingestion of even small amounts (eg, 2 mg/d) can produce significant anticoagulation. Patients with hepatic dysfunction, malnutrition, or a bleeding diathesis are at greater risk.
  2. Superwarfarins are more potent and have significantly longer half-lives compared to warfarin. The minimum toxic dose is unclear. Single, intentional adult poisonings have resulted in life-threatening and prolonged anticoagulation. In contrast, single, accidental pediatric ingestions are unlikely to result in clinical anticoagulation, although minor elevation in coagulation studies and rare cases of anticoagulation have been reported. In contrast, repeated small superwarfarin ingestions have resulted in prolonged anticoagulation in both children and adults.
  3. Multiple drug interactions are known to alter the anticoagulant effect of warfarin (see Table II-62 for selected examples of drug-drug interactions with warfarin).
Increased Anticoagulant EffectDecreased Anticoagulant Effect




Anabolic/androgenic steroids

Antifungals (triazoles)

Anticoagulant/antiplatelet drugs


Chloral hydrate




Ginkgo biloba

Macrolide antibiotics



Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents



Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors








Green tea


Oral contraceptives




St. John's wort

Vitamin K-containing foods

Note: This list represents only a small sample of drugs that may interfere with the pharmacokinetics and anticoagulant action of warfarin. For a more complete list, consult a drug information reference.

Clinical Presentation

Excessive anticoagulation may cause ecchymoses, subconjunctival hemorrhage, bleeding gums, or evidence of internal hemorrhage (eg, hematemesis, melena, hematochezia, menorrhagia, or hematuria). The most immediately life-threatening complications are massive GI bleeding and intracranial hemorrhage. With superwarfarin ingestions prolonged INR and risk of bleeding may persist for several weeks to months.


Is based on the history and evidence of anticoagulant effects. It is important to identify the exact product ingested to ascertain whether a superwarfarin is involved.

  1. Specific levels. Brodifacoum levels are available through some commercial laboratories and may be useful in making the diagnosis and determining the end point for vitamin K therapy. Levels of less than 4-10 ng/mL are not expected to interfere with coagulation.
    1. Anticoagulant effect is best quantified by baseline and daily repeated measurement of the prothrombin time (PT/INR), which may not be elevated for 1 day (warfarin) or 2 days (superwarfarins) after ingestion. A normal PT/INR at 24 hours (warfarin) or 48 hours (superwarfarin) rules out significant ingestion.
    2. Blood levels of clotting factors II, VII, IX, and X will be decreased.
  2. Other useful laboratory studies include CBC and blood type and crossmatch. The partial thromboplastin time, thrombin time, fibrinogen, and platelet count may be useful in ruling out other causes of bleeding.


The approach to treatment depends on several variables including the measured PT/INR, presence and severity of bleeding, any underlying medical condition requiring anticoagulation, the type of anticoagulant involved (warfarin or superwarfarin), and fluid status of the patient.

  1. Emergency and supportive measures. If significant bleeding occurs, be prepared to treat shock with blood transfusions, a prothrombin complex concentrate (PCC), and/or fresh-frozen plasma (FFP) and obtain immediate neurosurgical consultation if intracranial bleeding is suspected.
    1. Take care not to precipitate hemorrhage in severely anticoagulated patients; prevent falls and other trauma. If possible, avoid the use of nasogastric or endotracheal tubes or central IV lines.
    2. Hold further anticoagulant doses.
    3. Avoid drugs that may enhance bleeding or decrease metabolism of the anticoagulant (see Table II-62 for selected examples. For a more complete list of drug interactions, consult a drug information reference).
  2. Specific drugs and antidotes.
    1. Prothrombin complex concentrates. Four-factor prothrombin complex concentrate (4F-PCC, containing II, VII, IX, X, see clotting) is the preferred agent in conjunction with Vitamin K1 for cases of life-threatening bleeding). Three-factor prothrombin complex concentrate (3F-PCC, containing II, IX, X) may be used in conjunction with recombinant factor VIIa (rFVIIa) and vitamin K1 if 4F-PCC is not available.
    2. Fresh-frozen plasma (FFP) is preferred over whole blood because it contains higher concentrations of clotting factors. FFP and whole blood should be used cautiously in patients with volume overload.
    3. Vitamin K1 (phytonadione) but not vitamin K3 (menadione) effectively restores the production of clotting factors. It should be given if there is evidence of significant anticoagulation. Note: If vitamin K1 is given prophylactically after an acute ingestion, the 48-hour PT/INR cannot be used to determine the severity of the overdose, and it is suggested that the patient be monitored for a minimum of 5 days after the last vitamin K1 dose. Caution: Vitamin K-mediated reversal of anticoagulation may be dangerous for patients who require constant anticoagulation (eg, those with prosthetic heart valves). However, when vitamin K is indicated in these patients, heparin may be used for maintenance anticoagulation.
      1. Oral vitamin K1. Doses of up to 800 mg daily have been required to maintain a satisfactory INR. Vitamin K can also be administered subcutaneously or IV, but the IV route is not recommended because of the risk for anaphylaxis, and the subcutaneous route is considered only when the oral route is not feasible.
      2. Because vitamin K will not begin to restore clotting factors for 6 or more hours (peak effect, 24 hours), patients with active hemorrhage may require immediate replacement of active clotting factors, such as 4F-PCC, fresh-frozen plasma, or fresh whole blood.
      3. Prolonged dosing of vitamin K may be required for several weeks to months in patients who have ingested a long-acting superwarfarin product. Blood levels of clotting factors (II, VII, IX, and X) may be useful in evaluating when vitamin K may be safely tapered.
  3. Decontamination . Administer activated charcoal orally if conditions are appropriate (see Table I-37,). Gastric lavage is not necessary after small to moderate ingestions if activated charcoal can be given promptly and should be avoided in a person with prior anticoagulation.
  4. Enhanced elimination. There is no role for enhanced elimination procedures.
TABLE II-63. PHARMACOKINETIC DATA (Table compiled by Ilene B. Anderson, PharmD, with the assistance of Gilberto Araya-Rodríguez.)
Data provided are based on therapeutic dosing, not overdose. Variability in pharmacokinetics, even in therapeutic doses, can occur for a variety of reasons including age, phenotype, renal and hepatic function, gastrointestinal absorption, drug-drug interaction, urine pH, etc. In general, after overdose, the peak effect is delayed, the duration of effect is prolonged, and changes may occur in the volume of distribution and the percentage protein bound.
DrugPeak (h)Half-life (h)Active Metabolite? (half-life, h)VdProtein Binding (%)
Abacavir1-1.50.9-2.2 0.7-1 L/kg50
Acarbose 0.32 L/kgNegligible
Acebutolol2-33-6Yes (8-13)3 L/kg10-26
Acetaminophen [ER]0.5-2 [0.5-3]1-3 0.8-1 L/kg10-30
Acetazolamide [ER]1-4 [3-6]4-8 0.2 L/kg70-90
Acetohexamide41.3Yes (5-6) 65-90
Acrivastine1-21.6-5.4Yes (3.4-4.2) 50
Acyclovir1.5-22.5-3.3 0.7-0.8 L/kg9-33
Adefovir1.755.8-9.1 0.3-0.5 L/kg<4
Alatrofloxacin 9.4-12.7Yes1.2-1.4 L/kg76
Albiglutide3-5 d5 d 11 L
Albuterol [ER]1-4 [6]5-7.2 2 L/kg10
Alfuzosin [ER]3-4 [8]3-10 3.2 L/kg82-90
Alogliptin1-321 417 L20
Alprazolam [XR]1-2 [5-11]6.3-26.9 0.9-1.2 L/kg80
Alprenolol2-42-3Yes (1)3-6 L/kg80
Amantadine1-47-37 4-8 L/kg60-70
Amikacin12-3 0.25-0.3 L/kg0-11
Amiloride3-1021-144 5 L/kg23
Amiodarone 50 dYes (61 d)1.3-66 L/kg95
Amitriptyline49-25Yes (18-35)6-10 L/kg95
Amlodipine6-930-50 21 L/kg95
Amobarbital210-40 0.9-1.4 L/kg59
Amoxapine1-28-30Yes (30)0.9-1.2 L/kg90
Amoxicillin [ER]1-2 [3]1.3 0.4 L/kg20
Amphetamine [ER]1-3 [3-8]7-14Yes3.5-6 L/kg20
Ampicillin11.5 0.3 L/kg18
Amprenavir1-27.1-10.6 430 L90
Andexanet alfa0.25-0.55-7 5 L0
Apixaban1-38-15 21 L87
Aprobarbital1214-34 20-55
Aripiprazole3-575-146Yes (94)4.9 L/kg99
Articaine 1-2 70
Asenapine (SL)0.5-1.524 20-25 L/kg95
Aspirin [SR/XR]1-2 [1-12]2-4.5Yes (2-3)0.1-0.3 L/kg50-80
Astemizole1-420-24Yes (10-12 d)250 L/kg97
Atazanavir2.56.5-7.9 88.3 L86
Atenolol2-44-10 50-75 L5
Atomoxetine1-23-4 0.85 L/kg98
AtropineRapid2-4 2 L/kg5-23
Azatidine3-49 0.9 L/kg
Azelastine2-322Yes (54)14.5 L/kg88
Azilsartan1.5-311 16 L99
Azithromycin2.4-468 23-31 L/kg7-51
Baclofen2-32.5-4 1-2.5 L/kg30-36
Baloxavir marboxil450-90Yes1,180 L93-94
Bedaquiline55.5 monthsYes164 L>99.9
Benazepril2-60.6Yes (22)

0.7 L/kg


Bendroflumethiazide43-4 1.5 L/kg94-98
Benzphetamine3-46-12Yes (4-14)5 L/kg75-99
Benzthiazide4-610 10-30
Benztropine4-64-6.5 12-30 L/kg95
Bepridil 24-50 8 L/kg99
Betaxolol2-612-22 5-13 L/kg55
Biperiden1.518-24 24 L/kg60
Bisoprolol38-12 3 L/kg30
Boceprevir23.4 772 L75
Bretylium1-25-14 5.9 L/kg5
Brexpiprazole491 1.1-2 L/kg99
Bromazepam0.5-48-30Yes0.9-1.4 L/kg70
Bromfenac1-31-2 0.15 L/kg99
Bromocriptine1.46-50 1-3 L/kg90-96
Brompheniramine2-525 12 L/kg39-49
Bumetanide1-22 13-25 L/kg95
Bupivacaine0.5-12-5 0.4-1 L/kg82-96
Buprenorphine (SL)1.6-2.531-35Yes (34)97-187 L96
Buprenorphine (TD)60-8022-36Yes (34)430 L96
Bupropion [XL]2 [5]16Yes (20-24)20-47 L/kg84
Buspirone0.7-1.52-4Yes (2)5.3 L/kg95
Butabarbital0.5-1.535-50 26
Butalbital1-235 0.8 L/kg26
Butanediol<1<1Yes (0.6)
Butorphanol0.5-1.05-6 7-8 L/kg83
Cabergoline2-363-109 40
Caffeine0.5-23-10Yes (2-16)0.7-0.8 L/kg36
Canagliflozin1-210.6-13.1 119 L99
Candesartan3-49 0.13 L/kg>99
Captopril0.5-1.51.9 0.7 L/kg25-30
Carbamazepine [ER/XR]6-24 [3-24]5-55Yes (5-10)1.4-3 L/kg75-78
Carbenicillin11.0-1.5 0.18 L/kg50
Carbinoxamine1.5-510-20 0.25 L/kg0
Cariprazine3-648-96Yes (24-500) 91-97
Carisoprodol1-41.5-8Yes (10-11)0.9-1.3 L/kg41-67
Carprofen1-34-10 0.1-0.2 L/kg99
Carteolol3-66Yes (8-12) 25-30
Carvedilol [ER]1-1.5 [5]6-10Yes1.5-2.0 L/kg98-99
Cefaclor0.75-10.6-0.9 0.36 L/kg60-85
Cefamandole (IV) [IM]0.2 [0.5-2]0.5 [1] 0.15 L/kg56-78
Cefazolin 1.5-2 0.14 L/kg60-80
Cefditoren pivoxil1.5-31.2-2 7.7-10.9 L88-90
Cefepime (IV)1.4-1.62 18 L20
Cefiderocol (IV) 2-3 15-21 L58
Cefmetazole 1.2 10.3 L65
Cefoperazone1.51.5-2.5 0.15 L/kg82-93
Cefotetan (IV) [IM]<0.5 [1-3]3-4.6 0.14 L/kg88-90
Ceftriaxone0.54.3-4.6 5.8-13.5 L/kg85-95
Celecoxib2-311 4-8 L/kg97
Cephalothin0.5-10.5-0.9Yes0.24 L/kg65-79
Cetirizine18 0.5 L/kg98
Chloral hydrate0.25-0.50.1Yes (8-11)

0.6 L/kg


Chloramphenicol14 0.6-1 L/kg60
Chlordiazepoxide0.5-45-30Yes (18-96)0.3 L/kg96
Chloroprocaine (IV) 1.5-6 min
Chloroquine260 dYes (35-67 d)150-250 L/kg55
Chlorothiazide41-2 0.2 L/kg70-95
Chlorphenesin23.5 -1.3 L/kg
Chlorpheniramine2-610-43 4-12 L/kg70
Chlorpromazine2-48-30Yes (4-12)12-30 L/kg90-99
Chlorpropamide3-625-48 0.1-0.2 L/kg60-90
Chlorprothixene2.5-38-12Yes (20-40)10-25 L/kg
Chlorthalidone2-640-65 3.9 L/kg75
Chlorzoxazone1-21 23-42 L13-18
Cidofovir 2.5Yes (17)0.4-0.5 L/kg<6
Ciprofloxacin1-24 2-3 L/kg20-40
Citalopram435Yes12 L/kg80
Clarithromycin2-43-4Yes (5-9)2.7-4.4 L/kg42-80
Clemastine3-510-33 13 L/kg
Clenbuterol2-325-39 89-98
Clevidipine (IV) 0.25 0.2 L/kg>99
Clidinium 2-20
Clindamycin0.752.4-3Yes1 L/kg>90
Clobazam0.5-410-50Yes (30-82)1 L/kg80-90
Clomipramine3-420-40Yes (54-77)10-20 L/kg97
Clonazepam1-418-50 3.2 L/kg85
Clonidine2-45-13 3-5.5 L/kg20-40
Clorazepate1-22.3Yes (40-120)0.2-1.3 L/kg97-98
Clozapine28-13 0.5-3 L/kg97
Cocaine0.51-2.5Yes (4-5)2-2.7 L/kg10
Codeine0.5-1.02-4Yes (2-4)3.5 L/kg20
Colchicine0.5-14.4-31 2 L/kg30-50
Cyclizine27-24Yes (20)13-19 L/kg
Cyclobenzaprine [ER]3-4 [6]24-72 146 L93
Cyproheptadine6-916 96-99
Dabigatran etexilate1-312-17 50-70 L35
Dalbavancin (IV) 346 15 L93
Dalteparin (SQ)2-43-5 0.4-0.6 L/kgLow
Dapagliflozin212.9 118 L91
Dapsone4-830 (10-50)Yes1.5 L/kg70-90
Daptomycin 8-9 0.1 L/kg90-95
Dasabuvir4-55.5-6 396 L99.5
Delavirdine12-11 2.7 L/kg98
Darifenacin73-4 163-276 L98
Darunavir2.5-415 131 L95
Demeclocycline410-17 1-2 L/kg40-80
Desipramine3-612-24Yes (22)22-60 L/kg80
Desloratadine327Yes (25-30)10-30 L/kg82
Desvenlafaxine7.510-11 3.4 L/kg30
Dexchlorpheniramine210-24 320 L72
Dexfenfluramine1.5-8.017-20Yes (32)12 L/kg36
Dextroamphetamine [SR]1-3 [3-8]10-12 6 L/kg15-34
Dextromethorphan [CR]2-2.5 [7]3-38Yes (3.4-5.6)5-6 L/kg55
Diazepam0.5-220-80Yes (40-120)1.1 L/kg98
Diazoxide3-524 0.2 L/kg90
Dichlorphenamide2-432-66 88
Diclofenac [SR]1-3 [4]2Yes (1-3)0.1-0.5 L/kg99
Dicyclomine1.52-10 3.7 L/kg
Didanosine0.25-1.51-2 0.9-1.3 L/kg<5
Diethylpropion22.5-6Yes (4-6)
Diflunisal2-38-12 0.1 L/kg99
Digitoxin105-8 dYes (30-50)0.5 L/kg95
Digoxin6-1230-50Yes5-10 L/kg25
Dihydroergotamine0.5-32-4Yes15 L/kg90
Diltiazem [ER]2-4 [10-14]4-6Yes (11)5.3 L/kg77-93
Dimenhydrinate2.7-41-8 3-4 L/kg70-85
Dimethindene25.9-6.3 1.3-4.3 L/kg90
Diphenhydramine2-42.4-9.3 4-6.9 L/kg80-85
Diphenoxylate2-42.5Yes (3-14)3.8 L/kg
Dirithromycin444 (16-55) 504-1,041 L15-30
Disopyramide [ER][5]4-10 [12] 0.6-1.3 L/kg35-95
Disulfiram8-127-8Yes (9-22) 96
Dofetilide2-310 3 L/kg60-70
Dolutegravir2-314 17.4 L/kg98.9
Doripenem11 16.8 L/kg8.1
Doxazosin [PR]2-5 [8-9]8-22 1-3.4 L/kg98-99
Doxepin28-15Yes (28-52)9-33 L/kg80
Doxycycline215-24 0.75 L/kg82-93
Doxylamine2-310 2.7 L/kg
Dronabinol2-420-30Yes (4-36)10 L/kg90-99
Dronedarone3-613-19Yes (20-25)20 L/kg>98
Droperidol (IV) [IM]0.5 [0.5-1]2 0.6-2 L/kg85-90
Dulaglutide (SQ)24-725 d 3-6 L
Duloxetine [DR]4-6 [6]8-17 17-26 L/kg90
Edoxaban1-39-11 87-127 L50
Efavirenz3-540-76 4-8 L/kg99
Elvitegravir413 61 L98-99
Empagliflozin1.512.4 74 L86
Emtricitabine1-210 42-55 L<4
Enalapril11.3Yes (35-38)1-2.4 L/kg50-60
Encainide12-11Yes (11-24)2.7-4.3 L/kg70-85
Enfuvirtide43.2-4.4 4.4-6.6 L/kg92
Enoxaparin (SQ)3-53-6 4.3-6 LLow
Entecavir0.5-1.5128-149 1.0-4.6 L/kg13
Ephedrine2.43-6 2.6-3.1 L/kg5-8
Eprosartan1-25-9 308 L98
Ergotamine1-33-12 1.8 L/kg
Ertapenem (IM)2.32.5-4 0.1-0.2 L/kg85-95
Ertugliflozin116.6 86 L94
Erythromycin11.4 0.6-1.4 L/kg75-90
Escitalopram3-622-32 1,330 L56
Esmolol (IV)5 min9 min 3.4 L/kg55
Estazolam28-28 3.1 L/kg93
Eszopiclone1.66 1.1-1.7 L/kg52-59
Etravirine2.5-420-60 99.9
Ethacrynic acid22-4Yes
Ethambutol2-44 1.6 L/kg20-30
Ethchlorvynol1-210-20 2-4 L/kg35-50
Ethionamide11.7-2.2 74-113 L30
Etidocaine0.25-0.51.5 1.9 L/kg96
Etodolac [ER/PR]1-2 [6-8]7 0.4 L/kg99
Exenatide22.4 28.3 L
Ezogabine0.5-27-11Yes (7-11)2-3 L/kg80
Famciclovir0.5-0.92-2.3Yes (2-2.3)0.9-1.2 L/kg<20
Famotidine1-3.52.6-4 0.8-2 L/kg10-28
Felbamate1-620-23 0.7-0.8 L/kg23
Felodipine [PR]2-4 [3-5]11-16 9.7 L/kg99
Fenfluramine2-510-30Yes12-16 L/kg12-16
Fenoldopam0.5-20.2 0.2-0.6 L/kg
Fenoprofen23 99
Fentanyl<0.51-5 4 L/kg80
Fesoterodine5 Yes (7-8)169 L50
Fexofenadine2-314 12 L/kg60-70
Fidaxomicin1-512Yes (8-14)
Finasteride1-23-13Yes0.6-1.4 L/kg90
Flecainide314-15 9 L/kg40-68
Flunarizine2-418-23 d 43.2 L/kg>90
Flunitrazepam<49-30 3.3-5.5 L/kg78
Fluoride0.5-1.02-9 0.5-0.7 L/kg
Fluoxetine6-81-3 dYes (4-16 d)1,000-7,200 L94.5
Fluphenazine1-312-19Yes1-21 L/kg99
Flurazepam0.5-12-3Yes (47-100)3.4 L/kg97
Fluvoxamine515 25 L/kg77
FosamprenavirRapid Yes (7-10)4.7-8.6 L/kg90
Foscarnet 3.3-4 0.4-0.5 L/kg14-17
Fosfomycin1.5-312 1.5-2.4 L/kg<3
Fosinopril3-4<1Yes (11-12)10 L89-99
Fosphenytoin Yes (7-60)4.3-10.8 L/kg>95
Fostemsavir211Yes29.5 L88.4
Furosemide1-21 0.11 L/kg99
Gabapentin1-35-7 0.8 L/kg<3
Gamma-butyrolactone Yes (<1)
Gamma-hydroxybutyrate<1<1 0.4 L/kg0
Ganciclovir1.8-33.5-4 0.6-0.8 L/kg1-2
Gatifloxacin1-27-14 1.5-2.0 L/kg20
Gemifloxacin0.5-27 1.7-12.1 L/kg60-70
Gentamicin0.52 0.3 L/kg<10
Glimepiride2.95-9Yes (3)0.1 L/kg>99
Glipizide [ER]1-2 [6-12]2-4 0.1-0.2 L/kg98-99
Glutethimide1-610-12 2.7 L/kg35-59
Glyburide [micronized]4 [2-3]5-10Yes0.3 L/kg99
Glycopyrrolate0.5-50.5-3 0.6 L/kg38-41
Grepafloxacin2-511.5-19.9 5-8 L/kg50
Guanabenz2-56-14 7.4-13.4 L/kg90
Guanfacine [ER]1-4 [4-8]12-24 6.3 L/kg72
Haloperidol2-615-37Yes18-30 L/kg88-92
Heparin (IV) [SC]2 min [4]1-2.5 0.6 L/kgHigh
Heroin0.21-2Yes (2-4)25 L/kg40
Hydralazine0.5-13-5Yes (2)1.6 L/kg88-90
Hydrochlorothiazide42.5 0.8 L/kg64
Hydrocodone1-23-4Yes (1.5-4)3-5 L/kg6-8
Hydroflumethiazide42-17 3.49 L/kg
Hydromorphone [ER]1 [12-16]1-4 1.6-4.2 L/kg<30
Hydroxychloroquine1.8-3.722-123 dYes580-815 L/kg45-50
Hydroxyzine2-420-25Yes (8)19 L/kg
Hyoscyamine [SR]0.5-1 [2.5]3-5 50
Ibuprofen1-22-4 0.1-0.2 L/kg90-99
Ibutilide 2-12Yes11 L/kg40
Idarucizumab1 min10.3 8.9 L0
Iloperidone2-410-30Yes (23-26)1,340-2,800 L95
Imipenem/cilastatin0.331/1 20/40
Imipramine1-211-25Yes (12-24)10-20 L/kg70-90
Indapamide2-314-18 0.3-0.4 L/kg75
Indinavir0.81.8 2.5-3.1 L/kg60
Indomethacin [SR]1-2 [6.2]3-11 0.3-0.9 L/kg99
Indoramin1-21-2 7.4 L/kg72-92
Insulins: see diabetic drugs
Irbesartan1.5-211-15 0.6-1.5 L/kg90
Isoniazid1-20.5-4 0.6-0.7 L/kg0-10
Isopropanol<12.5-8Yes (17-27)0.6 L/kg<10
Isosorbide dinitrate [PR]<0.5-1 [5-11]1-4Yes (4-5)6.3-8.9 L/kg28
Isosorbide mononitrate [PR]0.5-2 [3-5]6-7 0.7 L/kg<4
Isradipine [CR/ER]2-3 [7-18]8 3 L/kg95-97
Kanamycin12-3 0.2 L/kg0-3
Ketamine (IV) 2-4Yes2-4 L/kg27
Ketoprofen [ER]1-2 [6-8]2-4 0.1 L/kg99
Ketorolac14-6 0.2-0.3 L/kg99
Labetalol2-46-8 5-9 L/kg50
Lacosamide1-413 0.6 L/kg<15
Lamivudine 5-7 0.9-1.7 L/kg<36
Lamotrigine [ER/XR]1.4-4.8 [4-11]22-36 0.9-1.3 L/kg55
Ledipasvir4-4.547 >99.8
Lefamulin0.8-23-20 86 L95-97
Lemborexant1-517-19 1,970 L94
Levetiracetam16-8 0.7 L/kg<10
Levobunolol35-6Yes (7)5.5 L/kg
Levobupivacaine 1-3
Levocetirizine0.98-9 0.4 L/kg91-92
Levofloxacin1-26-8 74-112 L24-38
Levomilnacipran ER6-812 387-473 L22
Levothyroxine (T4)10-20 d6-7 dYes (2 d)8.7-9.7 L99
L-Hyoscyamine0.5-13-12 50
Lidocaine 1.2 0.8-1.3 L/kg40-80
Linagliptin1.5> 100 1,110 L75-99
Lincomycin2-44.4-6.4 64-105 L28-86
Linezolid1-24.5-5.5 0.44-0.79 L/kg31
Liothyronine (T3)2-3 d16-49 41-45 L
Liraglutide8-1210-14 13 L>98%
Lisinopril6-812 1.6 L/kgMinimal
Lithium carbonate [PR]2-6 [2-12]14-30 0.7-1.4 L/kg0
Lixisenatide (SQ)1-3.53 100 L55
Lomefloxacin0.8-1.48 1.8-2.5 L/kg10-21
Loperamide3-59-14 97
Lopinavir4-65-6 0.9-1.9 L/kg98-99
Loratadine3-512-15Yes (28)40-200 L/kg97
Lorazepam2-410-20 1-1.3 L/kg85
Losartan12Yes (6-9)0.2-0.7 L/kg98
Loxapine1-25-14Yes (8-30)
Lumateperone1-218Yes4.1 L/kg97
Lurasidone1-318Yes (7.5-10)6,173 L99
Lysergic acid (LSD)1-23 0.3 L/kg80
Magnesium1-24-5 0.5 L/kg34
Maprotiline8-1621-50Yes18-22 L/kg90
Maraviroc0.5-414-18 194 L76
Mazindol210Yes (5.2 d)
Meclofenamate0.5-21-3Yes (2.4)0.3 L/kg99
Mefenamic acid2-42 1.1 L/kg99
Mefloquine6-2420 d 13-29 L/kg98
Melatonin0.5-20.5-1 35 L
Meloxicam5-6, 12-1415-20 0.1-0.2 L/kg99.4
Meperidine1-22-5Yes (15-30)3.7-4.2 L/kg55-75
Mephobarbital 10-70Yes (80-120)2.6 L/kg40-60
Meprobamate1-310-11 0.8-1.6 L/kg14-24
Meropenem11 2
Mesoridazine4-65-15Yes3-6 L/kg75-91
Metaldehyde 27
Metaproterenol2-43-7 6 L/kg10
Metaxalone32-3 800 L
Metformin [ER]2 [4-8]2.5-6 80 LNegligible
Methadone2-420-30 3.6 L/kg80
Methamphetamine1-34-15Yes (7-24)3.5-5 L/kg10-20
Methaqualone1-220-60 2.4-6.4 L/kg80
Methazolamide6-814 55
Methicillin10.5 0.4 L/kg28-49
Methocarbamol1-21-2 0.4-0.6 L/kg
Methohexital (IV)<1 min3-5 1-2.6 L/kg83
Methotrexate1-23-15 0.5-1 L/kg50
Methyldopa2-61.6-2.0Yes0.24 L/kg10
Methylenedioxy-methamphetamine 5-9Yes5-8 L/kg65
Methylergonovine1-32-5 0.2-0.3 L/kg
Methylphenidate [SR]1-3 [1.3-8.6]2-7Yes (4)12-33 L/kg15
Methyprylon1-27-11Yes0.6-1.5 L/kg60
Methysergide1-31Yes (3-4)0.8-1.0 L/kg84
Metolazone26-20 1.6 L/kg95
Metoprolol [CR/SR]1.5-2 [4-5]3-7 5.6 L/kg12
Metronidazole [ER]1-2 [5-7]6-14Yes (10)0.2-0.9 L/kg<20
Mexiletine2-310-12 5-7 L/kg50-70
Mezlocillin0.50.8-1.1 0.1-0.3 L/kg16-42
Mibefradil2-617-25 130-190 L99
Midazolam (IV) [IM]<5 min [0.5-1]1-6Yes (2-7)1-3 L/kg97
Miglitol2-32 0.2 L/kg<4
Milnacipram2-46-8 400 L13
Minocycline [ER]2-3 [3.5-4]11-26 1-2 L/kg55-75
Minoxidil2-83-4Yes2.8-3.3 L/kgMinimal
Mirtazapine1.5-220-40Yes (25)107 L85
Moclobemide1-22-4.6Yes1.2 L/kg50
Modafinil2-47.5-15 0.9 L/kg60
Moexipril1.5-61Yes (2-10)183 L50-70
Montelukast2-43-6 0.1-0.2 L/kg99
Moricizine0.5-21.5-3.5Yes (3)8-11 L/kg95
Morphine [CR/ER/SR]1 [3-12]2-4Yes1-6 L/kg20-36
Moxalactam (IV)<0.252-2.5 0.2-0.4 L/kg36-52
Moxifloxacin1.5-312 1.7-2.7 L/kg30-50
Nabumetone4-1224Yes (24-39)5.3-7.5 L/kg99
Nadolol410-24 2 L/kg30
Nafcillin11 1.1 L/kg84-90
Nalbuphine (IV)0.5-1.05 3.8-8.1 L/kg
Nalidixic acid2-41.1-2.5 93
Naloxone (IV)0.25-0.50.5-1.5 3.6 L/kg54
Naltrexone14-10Yes (4-13)3 L/kg20
Naproxen [DR]2-4 [4]12-17 0.16 L/kg99
Nateglinide1-21.5-3Yes 97-99
Nebivolol0.5-612-19Yes (12-19)695-2,755 L98
Nefazodone0.5-23Yes (2-33)0.2-0.9 L/kg99
Nelfinavir2-43-5 2-7 L/kg
Nevirapine [ER]4 [24]25-45 1.2 L/kg60
Niacin [ER]3-4 [4-5]0.3-0.75Yes
Nicardipine [SR]0.5-2 [1-4]8 8.3 L/kg>95
Nicotine 2 3 L/kg5-20
Nifedipine [ER]1 [1.5-6]2-5 0.8-2.2 L/kg95
Nisoldipine [ER]1-3 [4-14]4Yes4-5 L/kg99
Nitrendipine22-20 6 L/kg98
Nitrofurantoin [ER/PR][1-2]0.3 0.8 L/kg25-60
Nitroprusside (IV)1 min3-11 min
Norfloxacin13-4 10-15
Nortriptyline718-35Yes15-27 L/kg93
Ofloxacin1-26.1-9.7 1.8-3.3 L/kg32
Olanzapine620-54Yes (59)1,000 L93
Olmesartan1-310-15 17 L99
Oritavancin 245 87.6 L85
Orphenadrine2-414-16 20
Oseltamir phosphate 1-3Yes (6-10)23-26 L3
Oxaprozin2-442-50 0.2 L/kg99
Oxazepam2-45-20 0.4-0.8 L/kg87
Oxcarbazepine1-31-5Yes (7-20)0.8 L/kg
Oxybutynin [ER]1-3 [13]1-12Yes (4-10)2.7 L/kg
Oxycodone [CR]1 [3]2-5Yes (7.3-9.4)1.8-3.7 L/kg45
Oxymetazoline 5-8
Oxymorphone [ER][1-2]7-11Yes (7.3-18)2-4 L/kg10-12
Oxyphenbutazone 27-64 90
Oxprenolol [SR]3 [4-12]1-3 1.2 L/kg70-80
Paliperidone2423 487 L74
Paraldehyde0.5-16-7 0.9-1.7 L/kg
Paroxetine [ER]3-8 [6-10]21 8.7 L/kg95
Pemoline2-49-14 0.2-0.6 L/kg40-50
Penbutolol1.5-317-26Yes (9-54)32-42 L80-98
Penciclovir 2-2.3 1.5 L/kg<20
Penicillin10.5 0.5-0.7 L/kg60-80
Pentazocine1-22-3 4.4-8.0 L/kg65
Pentobarbital0.5-215-50 0.65-1 L/kg45-70
Peramivir0.25-0.520 12.5 L<30%
Perampanel0.5-270-105 1.1 L/kg95-96
Pergolide1-227Yes 90
Perindopril10.8-1Yes (3-120)0.22 L/kg60
Perphenazine1-38-12Yes (10-19)10-35 L/kg
Phenazepam415-60Yes4.7-6 L
Phencyclidine0.57-46Yes6 L/kg65
Phendimetrazine [SR]1-3 [1-2]3.7-12.5Yes (8) 15
Pheniramine1-2.516-19 2 L/kg
Phenobarbital0.5-280-120 0.5-1 L/kg20-50
Phenoxybenzamine (IV) 24
Phentermine3-4.47-24 3-4 L/kg
Phentolamine (IV) 0.3 <72
Phenylbutazone2-350-100Yes (27-64)0.1 L/kg98
Phenylephrine (IV) 2-3 5 L/kg
Phenylpropanolamine5.53-7 2.5-4.4 L/kg
Phenytoin [ER]1.5-3 [4-12]7-60 0.5-0.8 L/kg>90
Pimavanserin657Yes (200)31 L/kg95
Pindolol23-4 1.2-2 L/kg40-60
Pioglitazone2-43-7Yes (16-24)0.6 L/kg>99
Piperacillin0.50.6-1.2 0.3 L/kg22
Piroxicam0.545-50 0.13 L/kg99
Polymyxin B 4.3-6
Polymixin E (colistin) 2-3
Pramlintide0.3-0.50.5-0.8 56 L60
Prazosin2-42-4Yes0.6-1.7 L/kg95
Pregabalin1.56-9 0.5 L/kg0
Pretomanid4-516-17Yes97-180 L86
Primaquine1-23-8Yes (22-30)148-380 L
Primidone 3.3-12Yes (29-120)0.4-1.0 L/kg20-30
Procaine 7-8 min
Procainamide1-24Yes (5-7)1.5-2.5 L/kg15
Prochlorperazine2-47-23Yes12-18 L/kg
Procyclidine1-27-16 1.1 L/kg
Promethazine2-37-16 171 L/kg93
Propafenone [ER/SR]2-3 [3-8]2-10Yes1.9-3 L/kg77-97
Propoxyphene2-36-12Yes (30-36)12-26 L/kg
Propranolol [ER]2-4 [6]2-6Yes (5-7.5)6 L/kg93
Protriptyline2554-92 22 L/kg92
Pseudoephedrine [ER]3 [8]5-8 2.5-3 L/kg20
Pyrazinamide29-10 10
Pyridoxine [DR]1-2 [3-5]15-20 dYes
Pyrilamine 1.5-2.3
Pyrimethamine0.52-6 96 L/kg87
Quazepam239Yes (70-75)5-8.6 L/kg>95
Quetiapine [ER]1.5 [6]6-7Yes (12)6-14 L/kg83
Quinacrine1-35 d 620 L/kg
Quinapril0.5-20.8Yes (2) 97
Quinidine [ER]1-3 [3-5]6-8Yes2-3 L/kg70-90
Quinine1-38-14 1.2-1.7 L/kg80
Raltegravir39 83
Ramelteon0.5-1.51-2.6Yes (2-5)73.6 L82
Ramipril0.7-21-5Yes (13-17) 73
Repaglinide1-1.51-1.5 0.44 L/kg98
Ribavirin1-1.7298 2,825 L
Rifabutin2-416-69Yes7.8-10.8 L/kg
Rifampin2-41.5-5Yes1.6 L/kg89
Rifapentine3-1013Yes (10-16)61-79 L97.7
Rilpivirine4-550 99.7
Risperidone1-220-30Yes (21-30)1-2 L/kg90
Ritodrine11-2Yes (15)0.7 L/kg32
Rivaroxaban2-45-9 50 L92-95%
Rofecoxib2-317 86-91 L87
Rosiglitazone1-3.53-4 0.25 L/kg99.8
Rufinamide4-66-10 50-80 L34
Safinamide2-320-26 165 L11-12
Saquinavir 700 L98
Salicylate1-22-4.5Yes (2-3)0.1-0.3 L/kg50-80
Saxagliptin22.5Yes (3.1) Negligible
Scopolamine13 1.5 L/kg
Secobarbital1-615-40 1.5-1.9 L/kg45-70
Selegiline0.5-20.3-1.2Yes (7-20) 94
Semaglutide (oral) [SQ]1 [24-72]168 8-9 L [12.5]99
Sertraline4-828Yes (60-100)20 L/kg99
Simeprevir4-610-13 >99.9
Sitagliptin1-412.4 198 L38
Sofosbuvir1.8-10.4Yes (27) 61-65
Solifenacin succinate3-845-68Yes600 L98
Sotalol2-37-18 1.6-2.4 L/kg<5
Sparfloxacin0.4-616-30 3.1-4.7 L/kg45
Spironolactone2.61.4Yes (14-17) 95
Stavudine11.15 0.5-0.7 L/kgNegligible
Stiripentol2-34.5-13 1 L/kg99
Strychnine 10-16 13 L/kg
Sulfamethoxazole 9-12 0.2-0.4 L/kg70
Sulindac27-16Yes (16)20-170 L98
Sumatriptan2-2.52-3.1 2.4-2.7 L/kg14-21
Suvorexant212 49 L>99
Tamsulosin [ER/MR]4-8 [6]9-13 0.2 L/kg94-99
Tapentadol [ER]1.25 [3-6]4 442-638 L20
Tasimelteon0.5-31.3 56-126 L90
Tazobactam (IV) 0.6-1.2 18.2 L30
Tedizolid1-812 67-80 L70-90
Telaprevir4-59-11 252 L69-76
Telavancin 6.5-9.5 122-168 L90
Telmisartan0.5-124 500 L99.5
Temazepam1.2-1.63.5-18.4 0.6-1.3 L/kg96
Tenofovir117 1.2-1.3 L/kg7.2
Terazosin1-29-12 25-30 L90-94
Terbutaline34-16 1.5 L/kg15
Terfenadine2-46-8.5Yes (8.5) 97
Tetracaine 5-10 min
Tetracycline2-46-12 1-2 L/kg65
Tetrahydrozoline 1.2-4
Theophylline [ER]1-2 [6-9]4-6 0.5 L/kg40
Thiopental<0.18-10 1.4-6.7 L/kg72-86
Thioridazine1-210-36Yes (1-2)18 L/kg96
Thyroid, desiccated8-10 d2-7 dYes (48) 99
Tiagabine17-9 96
Ticarcillin0.51-1.2 0.2 L/kg45
Tigecycline 37-67 7-9 L/kg
Timolol0.5-32-4 1.5 L/kg<10
Tinidazole0.9-2.312-14 50 L12
Tinzaparin (SQ)4-53-4 3.1-5 LLow
Tipranavir25.5 7.7-10.2 L/kg>99.9
Tizanidine1.52.5 2.4 L/kg30
Tobramycin0.5-1.52-2.5 0.3 L/kg0-3
Tocainide1-211-15 2-4 L/kg10-22
Tolazoline 3-10 1.6 L/kg
Tolbutamide3-44.5-6.5 80-99
Tolmetin11 0.13 L/kg99
Tolterodine [ER/XR]1 [2-6]2-3Yes (3)0.9-1.6 L/kg96
Topiramate1.8-4.321 0.6-0.8 L/kg13-17
Torsemide1-42-4 0.14 L/kg97
Tramadol [ER]2-3 [12]6-7.5Yes (7.5)2.6-2.9 L/kg20
Trandolapril0.5-20.6-1.6Yes (16-24)18 L80
Tranylcypromine0.7-3.51.5-3.5Yes3 L/kg
Trazodone0.5-23-9Yes1.3 L/kg90-95
Triamterene2-81.5-2Yes (3)2.5 L/kg65
Triazolam1-21.5-5.5 0.7-1.5 L/kg78-89
Trifluoperazine2-55-18Yes 90-99
Trimazosin12.7Yes 99
Trimethobenzamide11 0.5 L/kg
Trimethoprim1-48-11 1.4-1.8 L/kg44
Trimipramine215-30Yes31 L/kg95
Tripelennamine2-33-5 9-12 L/kg
Trospium chloride [ER]5-6 [3-7.5]15-21 395 L50-85
Trovafloxacin1-29.1-12.7Yes1.2-1.4 L/kg76
Urapidil 5Yes (12.5)0.4-0.8 L/kg75-80
Valacyclovir0.5 Yes (2.5-3.3)
Valdecoxib38-11Yes86 L98
Valganciclovir2 Yes (4)0.6-0.8 L/kg1-2
Valproic acid [Divalproex]1-4 [4-8]9-16Yes0.1-0.5 L/kg80-95
Valsartan2-46 17 L95
Vancomycin14-6 0.3-0.7 L/kg55
Venlafaxine [ER]1-2 [5.5]5Yes (11)6-7 L/kg30
Verapamil [ER]6-8 [4-11]2-8Yes (10-19)4.7 L/kg83-92
Vidarabine 1.3-4.7Yes (2.4-3.3) 20-30
Vigabatrin24-8 0.8 L/kgNegligible
Warfarin3-7 d36-72Yes (20-90)0.15 L/kg99
Zalcitabine1-21-3 0.53 L/kg<4
Zaleplon11 1.4 L/kg45-75
Zanamivir1-22.5-5.1 16 L<10
Zidovudine0.5-1.50.5-1.5 1.6 L/kg34-38
Ziprasidone4.54-10 1.5-2.3 L/kg>99
Zolpidem [CR]1.6 [1.5-2]1.4-4.5 0.54 L/kg92.5
Zonisamide2-650-68 1.45 L/kg40

d, days; h, hours; min, minutes; CR, controlled-release formulation; DR, delayed-release formulation; EC, enteric-coated formulation; ER, XR, extended-release formulation; IM, intramuscular; IV, intravenous; MR, modified-release formulation; PR, prolonged-release formulation; SR, sustained-release formulation; SL, sublingual; SQ, subcutaneous; TD, transdermal.

d, days; h, hours; min, minutes; CR, controlled-release formulation; DR, delayed-release formulation; EC, enteric-coated formulation; ER, XR, extended-release formulation; IM, intramuscular; IV, intravenous; MR, modified-release formulation; PR, prolonged-release formulation; SR, sustained-release formulation; SL, sublingual; SQ, subcutaneous; TD, transdermal.

Reproduced with permission from Edelman PA. Chemical and electrical burns. In: Achauer BM, ed. Management of the Burned Patient, New York; Appleton & Lange (McGraw Hill); 1987.