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Basic Information

AUTHOR: Fred F. Ferri, MD


Hyperthyroidism is a hypermetabolic state resulting from excess thyroid hormone. Thyrotoxicosis is a general term for excess circulating and tissue hormone levels.



E05.00Thyrotoxicosis with diffuse goiter without thyrotoxic crisis or storm
E05.01Thyrotoxicosis with diffuse goiter with thyrotoxic crisis or storm
E05.10Thyrotoxicosis with toxic single thyroid nodule without thyrotoxic crisis or storm
E05.11Thyrotoxicosis with toxic single thyroid nodule with thyrotoxic crisis or storm
E05.20Thyrotoxicosis with toxic multinodular goiter without thyrotoxic crisis or storm
E05.21Thyrotoxicosis with toxic multinodular goiter with thyrotoxic crisis or storm
E05.30Thyrotoxicosis from ectopic thyroid tissue without thyrotoxic crisis or storm
E05.31Thyrotoxicosis from ectopic thyroid tissue with thyrotoxic crisis or storm
E05.40Thyrotoxicosis factitia without thyrotoxic crisis or storm
E05.41Thyrotoxicosis factitia with thyrotoxic crisis or storm
E05.80Other thyrotoxicosis without thyrotoxic crisis or storm
E05.81Other thyrotoxicosis with thyrotoxic crisis or storm
E05.90Thyrotoxicosis, unspecified without thyrotoxic crisis or storm
E05.91Thyrotoxicosis, unspecified with thyrotoxic crisis or storm
E06.2Chronic thyroiditis with transient thyrotoxicosis
Epidemiology & Demographics
Incidence & Prevalence

  • Hyperthyroidism affects 2% of women and 0.2% of men in their lifetimes.
  • Toxic multinodular goiter usually occurs in women >55 yr and is more common than Graves disease in the elderly.
Physical Findings & Clinical Presentation

  • Patients with hyperthyroidism generally present with tachycardia, tremor, hyperreflexia, anxiety, irritability, emotional lability, panic attacks, heat intolerance, sweating, increased appetite, diarrhea, weight loss, menstrual dysfunction (oligomenorrhea, amenorrhea). Presentation may be different in elderly patients (see the following).
  • Patients with Graves disease may present with exophthalmos, lid retraction, and lid lag (Graves ophthalmopathy). The following signs and symptoms of ophthalmopathy may be present: Blurring of vision, photophobia, increased lacrimation, double vision, and deep orbital pressure. Clubbing of fingers associated with periosteal new bone formation in other skeletal areas (Graves acropachy) and pretibial myxedema may also be noted.
  • Clinical signs of hyperthyroidism in the elderly may be masked by manifestations of coexisting disease (e.g., new-onset atrial fibrillation, exacerbation of congestive heart failure).

TABLE 1 Causes of Hyperthyroidism

I. Excessive TSH-Receptor Stimulation
Graves disease (TRAb)
Pregnancy-associated transient hyperthyroidism (hCG)
Trophoblastic disease (hCG)
Familial gestational hyperthyroidism (mutant TSH receptor)
TSH-producing pituitary adenoma
II. Autonomous Thyroid Hormone Secretion
Multinodular toxic goiter (somatic mutations)
Solitary toxic thyroid adenoma (somatic mutation)
Congenital activating TSH-receptor mutation (genomic mutation)
III. Destruction of Follicles With Release of Hormone
Subacute de Quervain thyroiditis (virus infection)
Painless thyroiditis/postpartum thyroiditis (hashitoxicosis-autoimmune)
Acute thyroiditis (bacterial infection)
Drug-induced thyroiditis (amiodarone, interferon-γ)
IV. Extrathyroidal Sources of Thyroid Hormone
Iatrogenic overreplacement with thyroid hormone
Excessive self-administered thyroid medication
Food and supplements containing excessive thyroid hormone
Functional thyroid cancer metastases
Struma ovarii

hCG, Human chorionic gonadotropin; TRAb, thyrotropin-receptor antibodies; TSH, thyroid-stimulating hormone (thyrotropin).

From Melmed S et al: Williams textbook of endocrinology, ed 14, St Louis, 2019, Elsevier.

Etiology (Table 1

  • Graves disease (diffuse toxic goiter): 80% to 90% of all cases of hyperthyroidism
  • Toxic multinodular goiter (Plummer disease)
  • Toxic adenoma
  • Iatrogenic and factitious
  • Transient hyperthyroidism (subacute thyroiditis, Hashimoto thyroiditis)
  • Rare causes: Hypersecretion of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) (e.g., pituitary neoplasms), struma ovarii, ingestion of large amount of iodine in a patient with preexisting thyroid hyperplasia or adenoma (Jod-Basedow phenomenon), hydatidiform mole, carcinoma of thyroid, amiodarone therapy


Differential Diagnosis

  • Anxiety disorder
  • Pheochromocytoma
  • Metastatic neoplasm
  • Diabetes mellitus
  • Premenopausal state

Suspected hyperthyroidism requires laboratory confirmation and identification of its etiology because treatment varies with cause. A detailed medical history will often provide clues to the diagnosis and etiology of the hyperthyroidism. Fig. 1 describes a diagnostic approach to suspected hyperthyroidism.

Figure 1 Hyperthyroidism.


RAIU, Radioactive iodine uptake; TSH, thyroid-stimulating hormone.

Laboratory Tests

  • Elevated free thyroxine (T4)
  • Elevated free triiodothyronine (T3): Generally not necessary for diagnosis
  • Low TSH (unless hyperthyroidism is a result of the rare hypersecretion of TSH from a pituitary adenoma). Serum TSH is the best test for diagnosis of thyrotoxicosis
  • Thyroid autoantibodies useful in selected cases to differentiate Graves disease from toxic multinodular goiter (absent thyroid antibodies)
Imaging Studies

  • 24-h radioactive iodine uptake (RAIU) is useful to distinguish hyperthyroidism from iatrogenic thyroid hormone synthesis (thyrotoxicosis factitia) and from thyroiditis (Box 1).
  • An overactive thyroid shows increased uptake, whereas a normal underactive thyroid (iatrogenic thyroid ingestion, painless or subacute thyroiditis) shows normal or decreased uptake.
  • The RAIU results also vary with the etiology of the hyperthyroidism:
    1. Graves disease: Increased homogeneous uptake
    2. Multinodular goiter: Increased heterogeneous uptake
    3. Hot nodule: Single focus of increased uptake
  • RAIU is also generally performed before the therapeutic administration of radioactive iodine to determine the appropriate dose.

BOX 1 Differentiation of Causes of Hyperthyroidism According to Pattern of Radionucleotide Uptake

Reduced Uptake
  • Thyroiditis
  • Exogenous thyroxine
  • Iodine loading
  • Ectopic thyroid hormone secretion (struma ovarii)
Generalized Increased Uptake
  • Graves’ disease
  • Excess thyroid-stimulating hormone stimulation
Focal Increased Uptake
  • Toxic multinodular goiter
  • Hyperfunctioning adenoma

From Talley NJ et al: Essentials of internal medicine, ed 4, Chatswood, NSW, 2021, Elsevier Australia.


Nonpharmacologic Therapy

Patient education regarding thyroid disease and discussion of the therapeutic options. Avoidance of strenuous physical exercise, caffeine, and tobacco in patients with uncontrolled thyrotoxicosis. Patients should be informed that radioiodine, antithyroid drugs, and surgery are all reasonable treatment options for hyperthyroidism. It is crucial for the physician to have a detailed discussion with the patient about the benefits and risks relative to lifestyle, patients’ values, and coexisting conditions.

Acute General Rx
Antithyroid Drugs (Thionamides)

Propylthiouracil (PTU) and methimazole inhibit thyroid hormone synthesis by blocking production of thyroid peroxidase (PTU and methimazole) or inhibit peripheral conversion of T4 to T3 (PTU). Methimazole is favored by most endocrinologists because of the potential for hepatic failure with PTU. PTU is preferred in pregnant women during the first trimester because methimazole has been associated with aplasia cutis and with choanal and esophageal atresia. CBC and differential should be obtained before their use.

  • Dosage: Methimazole 15 to 30 mg/day given as a single dose; PTU 50 to 100 mg PO q8h.
  • Antithyroid drugs can be used as the primary form of treatment or as adjunctive therapy before radioactive therapy or surgery or afterward if the hyperthyroidism recurs.
  • Side effects: Skin rash (3% to 5% of patients), arthralgias, myalgias, granulocytopenia (0.5%). Rare side effects are aplastic anemia, hepatic necrosis from PTU, cholestatic jaundice from methimazole.
  • When antithyroid drugs are used as primary therapy, they are usually given for 6 to 18 mo; prolonged therapy may cause hypothyroidism. Monitor thyroid function every 2 mo for 6 mo, then less frequently.
  • The use of antithyroid drugs before radioiodine therapy is best reserved for patients in whom exacerbation of hyperthyroidism after radioactive iodine therapy is hazardous (e.g., elderly patients with coronary artery disease or significant coexisting morbidity). In these patients the antithyroid drug can be stopped 2 days before radioactive iodine therapy, resumed 2 days later, and continued for 4 to 6 wk.
Radioiodine Therapy (Radioactive Iodine [RAI; 131I])

  • RAI is the treatment of choice for patients age >21 yr and younger patients who have not achieved remission after 1 yr of antithyroid drug therapy. RAI is also used in hyperthyroidism caused by toxic adenoma or toxic multinodular goiter.
  • Contraindicated during pregnancy (can cause fetal hypothyroidism) and lactation. Pregnancy should be excluded in women of childbearing age before RAI is administered.
  • A single dose of RAI is effective in inducing a euthyroid state in nearly 80% of patients.
  • There is a high incidence of post-RAI hypothyroidism (>50% within first yr and 2%/yr thereafter); these patients should be frequently evaluated for the onset of hypothyroidism. There is a modest but significant excess risk for thyroid cancer and excess mortality risk for breast cancer and other solid cancer with RAI treatment.1
Surgical Therapy (Subtotal Thyroidectomy)

  • Indicated in obstructing goiters, in any patient who refuses RAI and cannot be adequately managed with antithyroid medications (e.g., patients with toxic adenoma or toxic multinodular goiter), and in pregnant patients who cannot be adequately managed with antithyroid medication or develop side effects to them. Thyroidectomy can also be considered as primary therapy in refractory cases of amiodarone-induced hyperthyroidism. Thyroidectomy is not indicated for low RAIU hyperthyroidism.
  • Patients should be rendered euthyroid with antithyroid drugs before surgery.
  • Complications of surgery include hypothyroidism (28% to 43% after 10 yr), hypoparathyroidism, and vocal cord paralysis (1%).
  • Most patients should be started on replacement doses of levothyroxine (1.7 mcg/kg/day) before discharge from hospital.
  • Hyperthyroidism recurs after surgery in 10% to 15% of patients.
Adjunctive Therapy

Propranolol alleviates the beta-adrenergic symptoms of hyperthyroidism; initial dose is 20 to 40 mg PO q6h; dosage is gradually increased until symptoms are controlled. Major contraindications to propranolol are congestive heart failure and bronchospasm. Diagnosis and treatment of thyrotoxic storm are also discussed in Section I.

Chronic Rx

  • Patients undergoing treatment with antithyroid drugs should be seen every 1 to 3 mo until euthyroidism is achieved and every 3 to 4 mo while they remain on antithyroid therapy. After treatment is stopped, periodic monitoring of thyroid function tests with TSH is recommended every 3 mo for 1 yr, then every 6 mo for 1 yr, then annually.
  • Orbital decompression surgery can be used to correct Graves orbitopathy. The administration of the antioxidant selenium (100 mcg PO bid) has been recently reported as effective in improving quality of life, reducing ocular involvement, and slowing progression of the disease in patients with mild Graves orbitopathy. Its mechanism of action is believed to be an effect on the oxygen free radicals and cytokines that play a pathogenic role in Graves orbitopathy.

Successful treatment of hyperthyroidism requires lifelong monitoring for the onset of hypothyroidism or the recurrence of thyrotoxicosis.


  • Endocrinology referral is recommended at the time of initial diagnosis and during treatment.
  • Surgical referral in selected patients (see “Surgical Therapy”).
  • Hospitalization of all patients with thyrotoxic storm.

Pearls & Considerations


  • Elderly hyperthyroid patients may have only subtle signs (weight loss, tachycardia, fine skin, brittle nails). This form is known as apathetic hyperthyroidism and manifests with lethargy rather than hyperkinetic activity. An enlarged thyroid gland may be absent. Coexisting medical disorders (most commonly cardiac disease) may also mask the symptoms. These patients often have unexplained congestive heart failure, worsening of angina, or new-onset atrial fibrillation resistant to treatment. See the topic “Graves Disease” for additional information on diagnosis and treatment.
  • Subclinical hyperthyroidism is defined as a normal serum-free thyroxine and free triiodothyronine levels with a TSH level suppressed below the normal range and usually undetectable. Prevalence in the general population is 1% to 2%. These patients usually do not present with signs or symptoms of overt hyperthyroidism. Subclinical hyperthyroidism is associated with an increased risk of atrial fibrillation and heart failure in older adults. Treatment options include observation or a therapeutic trial of low-dose antithyroid agents for 6 mo to attempt to induce remission. The American Thyroid Association and the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists recommend treatment of patients with TSH levels <0.1 mIU if they are older than 65 or have associated comorbidities (osteoporosis, heart failure).
  • Thyrotoxic periodic paralysis (TPP) is a hyperthyroidism-related hypokalemia and muscle-weakening condition resulting from a sudden shift of potassium into cells. Many patients do not have other symptoms of hyperthyroidism. Typical presentation involves an Asian adult male with acute fatigue and muscle weakness initially presenting in the lower extremities. Physical examination reveals decreased deep tendon reflexes, hypertension, and tachycardia. ECG often reveals U waves, high QRS voltage, and first-degree atrioventricular block. Additional laboratory testing reveals normal acid-base state, hypokalemia with low urinary potassium excretion (spot urinary potassium concentration <20 mEq/L from potassium shift into cells), hypophosphatemia, hypophosphaturia, and hypercalciuria. Electromyography during attacks shows low-amplitude compound muscle action potential of the tested muscle. Therapy consists of cautious potassium supplementation (increased risk of rebound hyperkalemia). Use of nonselective β-blockers (e.g., propranolol) to counteract hyperadrenergic activity, which may be causing TPP, may also be useful.
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    1. Shim S.R. : Cancer risk after radioactive iodine treatment for hyperthyroidism: a systematic review and meta-analysis e2125072 JAMA Netw Open. ;4(9), 2021.
    2. Donangelo I., Suh S.Y. : Subclinical hyperthyroidism: when to consider treatmentAm Fam Physician. ;95(11):710-716, 2017.
    3. Kravets I. : Hyperthyroidism: diagnosis and treatmentAm Fam Physician. ;93(5):363-370, 2016.