section name header

List of Diseases and Injuries

Tuberculosis (A15-A19)

Includes: infections due to Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Mycobacterium bovis

Excludes 1: congenital tuberculosis (P37.0)
nonspecific reaction to test for tuberculosis without active tuberculosis (R76.1-)
pneumoconiosis associated with tuberculosis, any type in A15 (J65)
positive PPD (R76.11)
positive tuberculin skin test without active tuberculosis (R76.11)
sequelae of tuberculosis (B90.-)
silicotuberculosis (J65)

A15Respiratory tuberculosis

A15.0Tuberculosis of lung
Tuberculous bronchiectasis
Tuberculous fibrosis of lung
Tuberculous pneumonia
Tuberculous pneumothorax

A15.4Tuberculosis of intrathoracic lymph nodes
Tuberculosis of hilar lymph nodes
Tuberculosis of mediastinal lymph nodes
Tuberculosis of tracheobronchial lymph nodes

Excludes 1: tuberculosis specified as primary (A15.7)

A15.5Tuberculosis of larynx, trachea and bronchus
Tuberculosis of bronchus
Tuberculosis of glottis
Tuberculosis of larynx
Tuberculosis of trachea

A15.6Tuberculous pleurisy
Tuberculosis of pleura Tuberculous empyema

Excludes 1: primary respiratory tuberculosis (A15.7)

A15.7Primary respiratory tuberculosis

A15.8Other respiratory tuberculosis
Mediastinal tuberculosis
Nasopharyngeal tuberculosis
Tuberculosis of nose
Tuberculosis of sinus [any nasal]

A15.9Respiratory tuberculosis unspecified

A17Tuberculosis of nervous system

A17.0Tuberculous meningitis
Tuberculosis of meninges (cerebral)(spinal)
Tuberculous leptomeningitis

Excludes 1: tuberculous meningoencephalitis (A17.82)

A17.1Meningeal tuberculoma
Tuberculoma of meninges (cerebral) (spinal)

Excludes 2: tuberculoma of brain and spinal cord (A17.81)

A17.8Other tuberculosis of nervous system

A17.81Tuberculoma of brain and spinal cord
Tuberculous abscess of brain and spinal cord

A17.82Tuberculous meningoencephalitis
Tuberculous myelitis

A17.83Tuberculous neuritis
Tuberculous mononeuropathy

A17.89Other tuberculosis of nervous system
Tuberculous polyneuropathy

A17.9Tuberculosis of nervous system, unspecified

A18Tuberculosis of other organs

A18.0Tuberculosis of bones and joints

A18.01Tuberculosis of spine
Pott's disease or curvature of spine
Tuberculous arthritis
Tuberculous osteomyelitis of spine
Tuberculous spondylitis

A18.02Tuberculous arthritis of other joints
Tuberculosis of hip (joint)
Tuberculosis of knee (joint)

A18.03Tuberculosis of other bones
Tuberculous mastoiditis
Tuberculous osteomyelitis

A18.09Other musculoskeletal tuberculosis
Tuberculous myositis
Tuberculous synovitis
Tuberculous tenosynovitis

A18.1Tuberculosis of genitourinary system

A18.10Tuberculosis of genitourinary system, unspecified

A18.11Tuberculosis of kidney and ureter

A18.12Tuberculosis of bladder

A18.13Tuberculosis of other urinary organs
Tuberculous urethritis

A18.14Tuberculosis of prostate

A18.15Tuberculosis of other male genital organs

A18.16Tuberculosis of cervix

A18.17Tuberculous female pelvic inflammatory disease
Tuberculous endometritis
Tuberculous oophoritis and salpingitis

A18.18Tuberculosis of other female genital organs
Tuberculous ulceration of vulva

A18.2Tuberculous peripheral lymphadenopathy
Tuberculous adenitis

Excludes 2: tuberculosis of bronchial and mediastinal lymph nodes (A15.4)
tuberculosis of mesenteric and retroperitoneal lymph nodes (A18.39)
tuberculous tracheobronchial adenopathy (A15.4)

A18.3Tuberculosis of intestines, peritoneum and mesenteric glands

A18.31Tuberculous peritonitis
Tuberculous ascites

A18.32Tuberculous enteritis
Tuberculosis of anus and rectum
Tuberculosis of intestine (large) (small)

A18.39Retroperitoneal tuberculosis
Tuberculosis of mesenteric glands
Tuberculosis of retroperitoneal (lymph glands)

A18.4Tuberculosis of skin and subcutaneous tissue
Erythema induratum, tuberculous
Lupus excedens
Lupus vulgaris NOS
Lupus vulgaris of eyelid
Tuberculosis of external ear

Excludes 2: lupus erythematosus (L93.-)
systemic lupus erythematosus (M32.-)

A18.5Tuberculosis of eye
Excludes 2: lupus vulgaris of eyelid (A18.4)

A18.50Tuberculosis of eye, unspecified

A18.51Tuberculous episcleritis

A18.52Tuberculous keratitis
Tuberculous interstitial keratitis
Tuberculous keratoconjunctivitis (interstitial) (phlyctenular)

A18.53Tuberculous chorioretinitis

A18.54Tuberculous iridocyclitis

A18.59Other tuberculosis of eye
Tuberculous conjunctivitis

A18.6Tuberculosis of (inner) (middle) ear
Tuberculous otitis media

Excludes 2: tuberculosis of external ear (A18.4)
tuberculous mastoiditis (A18.03)

A18.7Tuberculosis of adrenal glands
Tuberculous Addison's disease

A18.8Tuberculosis of other specified organs

A18.81Tuberculosis of thyroid gland

A18.82Tuberculosis of other endocrine glands
Tuberculosis of pituitary gland
Tuberculosis of thymus gland

A18.83Tuberculosis of digestive tract organs, not elsewhere classified
Excludes 1: tuberculosis of intestine (A18.32)

A18.84Tuberculosis of heart
Tuberculous cardiomyopathy
Tuberculous endocarditis
Tuberculous myocarditis
Tuberculous pericarditis

A18.85Tuberculosis of spleen

A18.89Tuberculosis of other sites
Tuberculosis of muscle
Tuberculous cerebral arteritis

A19Miliary tuberculosis
Includes: disseminated tuberculosis
generalized tuberculosis
tuberculous polyserositis

A19.0Acute miliary tuberculosis of a single specified site

A19.1Acute miliary tuberculosis of multiple sites

A19.2Acute miliary tuberculosis, unspecified

A19.8Other miliary tuberculosis

A19.9Miliary tuberculosis, unspecified