section name header

List of Diseases and Injuries

Retained foreign body fragments (Z18)

Z18Retained foreign body fragments
Includes: embedded fragment (status)
embedded splinter (status)
retained foreign body status

Excludes 1: artificial joint prosthesis status (Z96.6-)
foreign body accidentally left during a procedure (T81.5-)
foreign body entering through orifice (T15-T19)
in situ cardiac device (Z95.-)
organ or tissue replaced by means other than transplant (Z96.-, Z97.-)
organ or tissue replaced by transplant (Z94.-)
personal history of retained foreign body fully removed Z87.821
superficial foreign body (non-embedded splinter) - code to superficial foreign body, by site

Z18.0Retained radioactive fragments

Z18.01Retained depleted uranium fragments

Z18.09Other retained radioactive fragments
Other retained depleted isotope fragments
Retained nontherapeutic radioactive fragments

Z18.1Retained metal fragments
Excludes 1: retained radioactive metal fragments (Z18.01-Z18.09)

Z18.10Retained metal fragments, unspecified
Retained metal fragment NOS

Z18.11Retained magnetic metal fragments

Z18.12Retained nonmagnetic metal fragments

Z18.2Retained plastic fragments
Acrylics fragments
Diethylhexyl phthalates fragments
Isocyanate fragments

Z18.3Retained organic fragments

Z18.31Retained animal quills or spines

Z18.32Retained tooth

Z18.33Retained wood fragments

Z18.39Other retained organic fragments

Z18.8Other specified retained foreign body

Z18.81Retained glass fragments

Z18.83Retained stone or crystalline fragments
Retained concrete or cement fragments

Z18.89Other specified retained foreign body fragments

Z18.9Retained foreign body fragments, unspecified material