section name header

List of Diseases and Injuries

Disorders of breast (N60-N65)

Excludes 1: disorders of breast associated with childbirth (O91-O92)

N60Benign mammary dysplasia
Includes: fibrocystic mastopathy

N60.0Solitary cyst of breast
Cyst of breast

N60.01Solitary cyst of right breast

N60.02Solitary cyst of left breast

N60.09Solitary cyst of unspecified breast

N60.1Diffuse cystic mastopathy
Cystic breast
Fibrocystic disease of breast

Excludes 1: diffuse cystic mastopathy with epithelial proliferation (N60.3-)

N60.11Diffuse cystic mastopathy of right breast

N60.12Diffuse cystic mastopathy of left breast

N60.19Diffuse cystic mastopathy of unspecified breast

N60.2Fibroadenosis of breast
Adenofibrosis of breast

Excludes 2: fibroadenoma of breast (D24.-)

N60.21Fibroadenosis of right breast

N60.22Fibroadenosis of left breast

N60.29Fibroadenosis of unspecified breast

N60.3Fibrosclerosis of breast
Cystic mastopathy with epithelial proliferation

N60.31Fibrosclerosis of right breast

N60.32Fibrosclerosis of left breast

N60.39Fibrosclerosis of unspecified breast

N60.4Mammary duct ectasia

N60.41Mammary duct ectasia of right breast

N60.42Mammary duct ectasia of left breast

N60.49Mammary duct ectasia of unspecified breast

N60.8Other benign mammary dysplasias

N60.81Other benign mammary dysplasias of right breast

N60.82Other benign mammary dysplasias of left breast

N60.89Other benign mammary dysplasias of unspecified breast

N60.9Unspecified benign mammary dysplasia

N60.91Unspecified benign mammary dysplasia of right breast

N60.92Unspecified benign mammary dysplasia of left breast

N60.99Unspecified benign mammary dysplasia of unspecified breast

N61Inflammatory disorders of breast
Excludes 1: inflammatory carcinoma of breast (C50.9)
inflammatory disorder of breast associated with childbirth (O91.-)
neonatal infective mastitis (P39.0)
thrombophlebitis of breast [Mondor's disease] (I80.8)

N61.0Mastitis without abscess
Infective mastitis (acute) (nonpuerperal) (subacute)
Mastitis (acute) (nonpuerperal) (subacute) NOS
Cellulitis (acute) (nonpuerperal) (subacute) of breast NOS
Cellulitis (acute) (nonpuerperal) (subacute) of nipple NOS

N61.1Abscess of the breast and nipple
Abscess (acute) (chronic) (nonpuerperal) of areola
Abscess (acute) (chronic) (nonpuerperal) of breast
Carbuncle of breast
Mastitis with abscess

N61.2Granulomatous mastitis

N61.20Granulomatous mastitis, unspecified breast

N61.21Granulomatous mastitis, right breast

N61.22Granulomatous mastitis, left breast

N61.23Granulomatous mastitis, bilateral breast

N62Hypertrophy of breast
Hypertrophy of breast NOS
Massive pubertal hypertrophy of breast

Excludes 1: breast engorgement of newborn (P83.4)
disproportion of reconstructed breast (N65.1)

N63Unspecified lump in breast
Nodule(s) NOS in breast

N63.0Unspecified lump in unspecified breast

N63.1Unspecified lump in the right breast

N63.10Unspecified lump in the right breast, unspecified quadrant

N63.11Unspecified lump in the right breast, upper outer quadrant

N63.12Unspecified lump in the right breast, upper inner quadrant

N63.13Unspecified lump in the right breast, lower outer quadrant

N63.14Unspecified lump in the right breast, lower inner quadrant

N63.15Unspecified lump in the right breast, overlapping quadrants

N63.2Unspecified lump in the left breast

N63.20Unspecified lump in the left breast, unspecified quadrant

N63.21Unspecified lump in the left breast, upper outer quadrant

N63.22Unspecified lump in the left breast, upper inner quadrant

N63.23Unspecified lump in the left breast, lower outer quadrant

N63.24Unspecified lump in the left breast, lower inner quadrant

N63.25Unspecified lump in the left breast, overlapping quadrants

N63.3Unspecified lump in axillary tail

N63.31Unspecified lump in axillary tail of the right breast

N63.32Unspecified lump in axillary tail of the left breast

N63.4Unspecified lump in breast, subareolar

N63.41Unspecified lump in right breast, subareolar

N63.42Unspecified lump in left breast, subareolar

N64Other disorders of breast
Excludes 2: mechanical complication of breast prosthesis and implant (T85.4-)

N64.0Fissure and fistula of nipple

N64.1Fat necrosis of breast
Fat necrosis (segmental) of breast

Code First: breast necrosis due to breast graft (T85.898)

N64.2Atrophy of breast

N64.3Galactorrhea not associated with childbirth


N64.5Other signs and symptoms in breast
Excludes 2: abnormal findings on diagnostic imaging of breast (R92.-)

N64.51Induration of breast

N64.52Nipple discharge
Excludes 1: abnormal findings in nipple discharge (R89.-)

N64.53Retraction of nipple

N64.59Other signs and symptoms in breast

N64.8Other specified disorders of breast

N64.81Ptosis of breast
Excludes 1: ptosis of native breast in relation to reconstructed breast (N65.1)

N64.82Hypoplasia of breast

Excludes 1: congenital absence of breast (Q83.0)
hypoplasia of native breast in relation to reconstructed breast (N65.1)

N64.89Other specified disorders of breast
Subinvolution of breast (postlactational)

N64.9Disorder of breast, unspecified

N65Deformity and disproportion of reconstructed breast

N65.0Deformity of reconstructed breast
Contour irregularity in reconstructed breast
Excess tissue in reconstructed breast
Misshapen reconstructed breast

N65.1Disproportion of reconstructed breast
Breast asymmetry between native breast and reconstructed breast
Disproportion between native breast and reconstructed breast