Other maternal disorders predominantly related to pregnancy (O20-O29)
O20Hemorrhage in early pregnancy
Includes: hemorrhage before completion of 20 weeks gestation
Excludes 1: pregnancy with abortive outcome (O00-O08)
O20.0Threatened abortion
Hemorrhage specified as due to threatened abortion
O20.8Other hemorrhage in early pregnancy
O20.9Hemorrhage in early pregnancy, unspecified
O21Excessive vomiting in pregnancy
O21.0Mild hyperemesis gravidarum
Hyperemesis gravidarum, mild or unspecified, starting before the end of the 20th week of gestation
O21.1Hyperemesis gravidarum with metabolic disturbance
Hyperemesis gravidarum, starting before the end of the 20th week of gestation, with metabolic disturbance such as carbohydrate depletion
Hyperemesis gravidarum, starting before the end of the 20th week of gestation, with metabolic disturbance such as dehydration
Hyperemesis gravidarum, starting before the end of the 20th week of gestation, with metabolic disturbance such as electrolyte imbalance
O21.2Late vomiting of pregnancy
Excessive vomiting starting after 20 completed weeks of gestation
O21.8Other vomiting complicating pregnancy
Vomiting due to diseases classified elsewhere, complicating pregnancy
Use Additional Code: code, to identify cause.
O21.9Vomiting of pregnancy, unspecified
O22Venous complications and hemorrhoids in pregnancy
Excludes 1: venous complications of:
abortion NOS (O03.9)
ectopic or molar pregnancy (O08.7)
failed attempted abortion (O07.35)
induced abortion (O04.85)
spontaneous abortion (O03.89)
Excludes 2: obstetric pulmonary embolism (O88.-)
venous complications and hemorrhoids of childbirth and the puerperium (O87.-)
O22.0Varicose veins of lower extremity in pregnancy
Varicose veins NOS in pregnancy
O22.00Varicose veins of lower extremity in pregnancy, unspecified trimester
O22.01Varicose veins of lower extremity in pregnancy, first trimester
O22.02Varicose veins of lower extremity in pregnancy, second trimester
O22.03Varicose veins of lower extremity in pregnancy, third trimester
O22.1Genital varices in pregnancy
Perineal varices in pregnancy
Vaginal varices in pregnancy
Vulval varices in pregnancy
O22.10Genital varices in pregnancy, unspecified trimester
O22.11Genital varices in pregnancy, first trimester
O22.12Genital varices in pregnancy, second trimester
O22.13Genital varices in pregnancy, third trimester
O22.2Superficial thrombophlebitis in pregnancy
Phlebitis in pregnancy NOS
Thrombophlebitis of legs in pregnancy
Thrombosis in pregnancy NOS
Use Additional Code: code to identify the superficial thrombophlebitis (I80.0-)
O22.20Superficial thrombophlebitis in pregnancy, unspecified trimester
O22.21Superficial thrombophlebitis in pregnancy, first trimester
O22.22Superficial thrombophlebitis in pregnancy, second trimester
O22.23Superficial thrombophlebitis in pregnancy, third trimester
O22.3Deep phlebothrombosis in pregnancy
Deep vein thrombosis, antepartum
Use Additional Code: code to identify the deep vein thrombosis (I82.4-, I82.5-, I82.62-, I82.72-)
Use Additional Code: code, if applicable, for associated long-term (current) use of anticoagulants (Z79.01)
O22.30Deep phlebothrombosis in pregnancy, unspecified trimester
O22.31Deep phlebothrombosis in pregnancy, first trimester
O22.32Deep phlebothrombosis in pregnancy, second trimester
O22.33Deep phlebothrombosis in pregnancy, third trimester
O22.4Hemorrhoids in pregnancy
O22.40Hemorrhoids in pregnancy, unspecified trimester
O22.41Hemorrhoids in pregnancy, first trimester
O22.42Hemorrhoids in pregnancy, second trimester
O22.43Hemorrhoids in pregnancy, third trimester
O22.5Cerebral venous thrombosis in pregnancy
Cerebrovenous sinus thrombosis in pregnancy
O22.50Cerebral venous thrombosis in pregnancy, unspecified trimester
O22.51Cerebral venous thrombosis in pregnancy, first trimester
O22.52Cerebral venous thrombosis in pregnancy, second trimester
O22.53Cerebral venous thrombosis in pregnancy, third trimester
O22.8Other venous complications in pregnancy
O22.8XOther venous complications in pregnancy
O22.8X1Other venous complications in pregnancy, first trimester
O22.8X2Other venous complications in pregnancy, second trimester
O22.8X3Other venous complications in pregnancy, third trimester
O22.8X9Other venous complications in pregnancy, unspecified trimester
O22.9Venous complication in pregnancy, unspecified
Gestational phlebitis NOS
Gestational phlebopathy NOS
Gestational thrombosis NOS
O22.90Venous complication in pregnancy, unspecified, unspecified trimester
O22.91Venous complication in pregnancy, unspecified, first trimester
O22.92Venous complication in pregnancy, unspecified, second trimester
O22.93Venous complication in pregnancy, unspecified, third trimester
O23Infections of genitourinary tract in pregnancy
Use Additional Code: code to identify organism (B95.-, B96.-)
Excludes 2: gonococcal infections complicating pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium (O98.2)
infections with a predominantly sexual mode of transmission NOS complicating pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium (O98.3)
syphilis complicating pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium (O98.1)
tuberculosis of genitourinary system complicating pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium (O98.0)
venereal disease NOS complicating pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium (O98.3)
O23.0Infections of kidney in pregnancy
Pyelonephritis in pregnancy
O23.00Infections of kidney in pregnancy, unspecified trimester
O23.01Infections of kidney in pregnancy, first trimester
O23.02Infections of kidney in pregnancy, second trimester
O23.03Infections of kidney in pregnancy, third trimester
O23.1Infections of bladder in pregnancy
O23.10Infections of bladder in pregnancy, unspecified trimester
O23.11Infections of bladder in pregnancy, first trimester
O23.12Infections of bladder in pregnancy, second trimester
O23.13Infections of bladder in pregnancy, third trimester
O23.2Infections of urethra in pregnancy
O23.20Infections of urethra in pregnancy, unspecified trimester
O23.21Infections of urethra in pregnancy, first trimester
O23.22Infections of urethra in pregnancy, second trimester
O23.23Infections of urethra in pregnancy, third trimester
O23.3Infections of other parts of urinary tract in pregnancy
O23.30Infections of other parts of urinary tract in pregnancy, unspecified trimester
O23.31Infections of other parts of urinary tract in pregnancy, first trimester
O23.32Infections of other parts of urinary tract in pregnancy, second trimester
O23.33Infections of other parts of urinary tract in pregnancy, third trimester
O23.4Unspecified infection of urinary tract in pregnancy
O23.40Unspecified infection of urinary tract in pregnancy, unspecified trimester
O23.41Unspecified infection of urinary tract in pregnancy, first trimester
O23.42Unspecified infection of urinary tract in pregnancy, second trimester
O23.43Unspecified infection of urinary tract in pregnancy, third trimester
O23.5Infections of the genital tract in pregnancy
O23.51Infection of cervix in pregnancy
O23.511Infections of cervix in pregnancy, first trimester
O23.512Infections of cervix in pregnancy, second trimester
O23.513Infections of cervix in pregnancy, third trimester
O23.519Infections of cervix in pregnancy, unspecified trimester
O23.52Salpingo-oophoritis in pregnancy
Oophoritis in pregnancy
Salpingitis in pregnancy
O23.521Salpingo-oophoritis in pregnancy, first trimester
O23.522Salpingo-oophoritis in pregnancy, second trimester
O23.523Salpingo-oophoritis in pregnancy, third trimester
O23.529Salpingo-oophoritis in pregnancy, unspecified trimester
O23.59Infection of other part of genital tract in pregnancy
O23.591Infection of other part of genital tract in pregnancy, first trimester
O23.592Infection of other part of genital tract in pregnancy, second trimester
O23.593Infection of other part of genital tract in pregnancy, third trimester
O23.599Infection of other part of genital tract in pregnancy, unspecified trimester
O23.9Unspecified genitourinary tract infection in pregnancy
Genitourinary tract infection in pregnancy NOS
O23.90Unspecified genitourinary tract infection in pregnancy, unspecified trimester
O23.91Unspecified genitourinary tract infection in pregnancy, first trimester
O23.92Unspecified genitourinary tract infection in pregnancy, second trimester
O23.93Unspecified genitourinary tract infection in pregnancy, third trimester
O24Diabetes mellitus in pregnancy, childbirth, and the puerperium
O24.0Pre-existing type 1 diabetes mellitus, in pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium
Juvenile onset diabetes mellitus, in pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium
Ketosis-prone diabetes mellitus in pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium
Use Additional Code: code from category E10 to further identify any manifestations
O24.01Pre-existing type 1 diabetes mellitus, in pregnancy
O24.011Pre-existing type 1 diabetes mellitus, in pregnancy, first trimester
O24.012Pre-existing type 1 diabetes mellitus, in pregnancy, second trimester
O24.013Pre-existing type 1 diabetes mellitus, in pregnancy, third trimester
O24.019Pre-existing type 1 diabetes mellitus, in pregnancy, unspecified trimester
O24.02Pre-existing type 1 diabetes mellitus, in childbirth
O24.03Pre-existing type 1 diabetes mellitus, in the puerperium
O24.1Pre-existing type 2 diabetes mellitus, in pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium
Insulin-resistant diabetes mellitus in pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium
Use Additional Code: code (for):
from category E11 to further identify any manifestations
long-term (current) use of insulin (Z79.4)
O24.11Pre-existing type 2 diabetes mellitus, in pregnancy
O24.111Pre-existing type 2 diabetes mellitus, in pregnancy, first trimester
O24.112Pre-existing type 2 diabetes mellitus, in pregnancy, second trimester
O24.113Pre-existing type 2 diabetes mellitus, in pregnancy, third trimester
O24.119Pre-existing type 2 diabetes mellitus, in pregnancy, unspecified trimester
O24.12Pre-existing type 2 diabetes mellitus, in childbirth
O24.13Pre-existing type 2 diabetes mellitus, in the puerperium
O24.3Unspecified pre-existing diabetes mellitus in pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium
Use Additional Code: code (for):
from category E11 to further identify any manifestation
long-term (current) use of insulin (Z79.4)
O24.31Unspecified pre-existing diabetes mellitus in pregnancy
O24.311Unspecified pre-existing diabetes mellitus in pregnancy, first trimester
O24.312Unspecified pre-existing diabetes mellitus in pregnancy, second trimester
O24.313Unspecified pre-existing diabetes mellitus in pregnancy, third trimester
O24.319Unspecified pre-existing diabetes mellitus in pregnancy, unspecified trimester
O24.32Unspecified pre-existing diabetes mellitus in childbirth
O24.33Unspecified pre-existing diabetes mellitus in the puerperium
O24.4Gestational diabetes mellitus
Diabetes mellitus arising in pregnancy
Gestational diabetes mellitus NOS
O24.41Gestational diabetes mellitus in pregnancy
O24.410Gestational diabetes mellitus in pregnancy, diet controlled
O24.414Gestational diabetes mellitus in pregnancy, insulin controlled
O24.415Gestational diabetes mellitus in pregnancy, controlled by oral hypoglycemic drugs
Gestational diabetes mellitus in pregnancy, controlled by oral antidiabetic drugs
O24.419Gestational diabetes mellitus in pregnancy, unspecified control
O24.42Gestational diabetes mellitus in childbirth
O24.420Gestational diabetes mellitus in childbirth, diet controlled
O24.424Gestational diabetes mellitus in childbirth, insulin controlled
O24.425Gestational diabetes mellitus in childbirth, controlled by oral hypoglycemic drugs
Gestational diabetes mellitus in childbirth, controlled by oral antidiabetic drugs
O24.429Gestational diabetes mellitus in childbirth, unspecified control
O24.43Gestational diabetes mellitus in the puerperium
O24.430Gestational diabetes mellitus in the puerperium, diet controlled
O24.434Gestational diabetes mellitus in the puerperium, insulin controlled
O24.435Gestational diabetes mellitus in puerperium, controlled by oral hypoglycemic drugs
Gestational diabetes mellitus in puerperium, controlled by oral antidiabetic drugs
O24.439Gestational diabetes mellitus in the puerperium, unspecified control
O24.8Other pre-existing diabetes mellitus in pregnancy, childbirth, and the puerperium
Use Additional Code: code (for):
from categories E08, E09 and E13 to further identify any manifestation
long-term (current) use of insulin (Z79.4)
O24.81Other pre-existing diabetes mellitus in pregnancy
O24.811Other pre-existing diabetes mellitus in pregnancy, first trimester
O24.812Other pre-existing diabetes mellitus in pregnancy, second trimester
O24.813Other pre-existing diabetes mellitus in pregnancy, third trimester
O24.819Other pre-existing diabetes mellitus in pregnancy, unspecified trimester
O24.82Other pre-existing diabetes mellitus in childbirth
O24.83Other pre-existing diabetes mellitus in the puerperium
O24.9Unspecified diabetes mellitus in pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium
Use Additional Code: code for long-term (current) use of insulin (Z79.4)
O24.91Unspecified diabetes mellitus in pregnancy
O24.911Unspecified diabetes mellitus in pregnancy, first trimester
O24.912Unspecified diabetes mellitus in pregnancy, second trimester
O24.913Unspecified diabetes mellitus in pregnancy, third trimester
O24.919Unspecified diabetes mellitus in pregnancy, unspecified trimester
O24.92Unspecified diabetes mellitus in childbirth
O24.93Unspecified diabetes mellitus in the puerperium
O25Malnutrition in pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium
O25.1Malnutrition in pregnancy
O25.10Malnutrition in pregnancy, unspecified trimester
O25.11Malnutrition in pregnancy, first trimester
O25.12Malnutrition in pregnancy, second trimester
O25.13Malnutrition in pregnancy, third trimester
O25.2Malnutrition in childbirth
O25.3Malnutrition in the puerperium
O26Maternal care for other conditions predominantly related to pregnancy
O26.0Excessive weight gain in pregnancy
Excludes 2: gestational edema (O12.0, O12.2)
O26.00Excessive weight gain in pregnancy, unspecified trimester
O26.01Excessive weight gain in pregnancy, first trimester
O26.02Excessive weight gain in pregnancy, second trimester
O26.03Excessive weight gain in pregnancy, third trimester
O26.1Low weight gain in pregnancy
O26.10Low weight gain in pregnancy, unspecified trimester
O26.11Low weight gain in pregnancy, first trimester
O26.12Low weight gain in pregnancy, second trimester
O26.13Low weight gain in pregnancy, third trimester
O26.2Pregnancy care for patient with recurrent pregnancy loss
O26.20Pregnancy care for patient with recurrent pregnancy loss, unspecified trimester
O26.21Pregnancy care for patient with recurrent pregnancy loss, first trimester
O26.22Pregnancy care for patient with recurrent pregnancy loss, second trimester
O26.23Pregnancy care for patient with recurrent pregnancy loss, third trimester
O26.3Retained intrauterine contraceptive device in pregnancy
O26.30Retained intrauterine contraceptive device in pregnancy, unspecified trimester
O26.31Retained intrauterine contraceptive device in pregnancy, first trimester
O26.32Retained intrauterine contraceptive device in pregnancy, second trimester
O26.33Retained intrauterine contraceptive device in pregnancy, third trimester
O26.4Herpes gestationis
O26.40Herpes gestationis, unspecified trimester
O26.41Herpes gestationis, first trimester
O26.42Herpes gestationis, second trimester
O26.43Herpes gestationis, third trimester
O26.5Maternal hypotension syndrome
Supine hypotensive syndrome
O26.50Maternal hypotension syndrome, unspecified trimester
O26.51Maternal hypotension syndrome, first trimester
O26.52Maternal hypotension syndrome, second trimester
O26.53Maternal hypotension syndrome, third trimester
O26.6Liver and biliary tract disorders in pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium
Use Additional Code: code to identify the specific disorder
Excludes 2: hepatorenal syndrome following labor and delivery (O90.41)
O26.61Liver and biliary tract disorders in pregnancy
O26.611Liver and biliary tract disorders in pregnancy, first trimester
O26.612Liver and biliary tract disorders in pregnancy, second trimester
O26.613Liver and biliary tract disorders in pregnancy, third trimester
O26.619Liver and biliary tract disorders in pregnancy, unspecified trimester
O26.62Liver and biliary tract disorders in childbirth
O26.63Liver and biliary tract disorders in the puerperium
O26.64Intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy
O26.641Intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy, first trimester
O26.642Intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy, second trimester
O26.643Intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy, third trimester
O26.649Intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy, unspecified trimester
O26.7Subluxation of symphysis (pubis) in pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium
Excludes 1: traumatic separation of symphysis (pubis) during childbirth (O71.6)
O26.71Subluxation of symphysis (pubis) in pregnancy
O26.711Subluxation of symphysis (pubis) in pregnancy, first trimester
O26.712Subluxation of symphysis (pubis) in pregnancy, second trimester
O26.713Subluxation of symphysis (pubis) in pregnancy, third trimester
O26.719Subluxation of symphysis (pubis) in pregnancy, unspecified trimester
O26.72Subluxation of symphysis (pubis) in childbirth
O26.73Subluxation of symphysis (pubis) in the puerperium
O26.8Other specified pregnancy related conditions
O26.81Pregnancy related exhaustion and fatigue
O26.811Pregnancy related exhaustion and fatigue, first trimester
O26.812Pregnancy related exhaustion and fatigue, second trimester
O26.813Pregnancy related exhaustion and fatigue, third trimester
O26.819Pregnancy related exhaustion and fatigue, unspecified trimester
O26.82Pregnancy related peripheral neuritis
O26.821Pregnancy related peripheral neuritis, first trimester
O26.822Pregnancy related peripheral neuritis, second trimester
O26.823Pregnancy related peripheral neuritis, third trimester
O26.829Pregnancy related peripheral neuritis, unspecified trimester
O26.83Pregnancy related renal disease
Use Additional Code: code to identify the specific disorder
O26.831Pregnancy related renal disease, first trimester
O26.832Pregnancy related renal disease, second trimester
O26.833Pregnancy related renal disease, third trimester
O26.839Pregnancy related renal disease, unspecified trimester
O26.84Uterine size-date discrepancy complicating pregnancy
Excludes 1: encounter for suspected problem with fetal growth ruled out (Z03.74)
O26.841Uterine size-date discrepancy, first trimester
O26.842Uterine size-date discrepancy, second trimester
O26.843Uterine size-date discrepancy, third trimester
O26.849Uterine size-date discrepancy, unspecified trimester
O26.85Spotting complicating pregnancy
O26.851Spotting complicating pregnancy, first trimester
O26.852Spotting complicating pregnancy, second trimester
O26.853Spotting complicating pregnancy, third trimester
O26.859Spotting complicating pregnancy, unspecified trimester
O26.86Pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy (PUPPP)
Polymorphic eruption of pregnancy
O26.87Cervical shortening
Excludes 1: encounter for suspected cervical shortening ruled out (Z03.75)
O26.872Cervical shortening, second trimester
O26.873Cervical shortening, third trimester
O26.879Cervical shortening, unspecified trimester
O26.89Other specified pregnancy related conditions
Use Additional Code: code, if applicable, to identify specific condition such as insulin resistance (E88.81-)
O26.891Other specified pregnancy related conditions, first trimester
O26.892Other specified pregnancy related conditions, second trimester
O26.893Other specified pregnancy related conditions, third trimester
O26.899Other specified pregnancy related conditions, unspecified trimester
O26.9Pregnancy related conditions, unspecified
O26.90Pregnancy related conditions, unspecified, unspecified trimester
O26.91Pregnancy related conditions, unspecified, first trimester
O26.92Pregnancy related conditions, unspecified, second trimester
O26.93Pregnancy related conditions, unspecified, third trimester
O28Abnormal findings on antenatal screening of mother
Excludes 1: diagnostic findings classified elsewhere - see Alphabetical Index
O28.0Abnormal hematological finding on antenatal screening of mother
O28.1Abnormal biochemical finding on antenatal screening of mother
O28.2Abnormal cytological finding on antenatal screening of mother
O28.3Abnormal ultrasonic finding on antenatal screening of mother
O28.4Abnormal radiological finding on antenatal screening of mother
O28.5Abnormal chromosomal and genetic finding on antenatal screening of mother
O28.8Other abnormal findings on antenatal screening of mother
O28.9Unspecified abnormal findings on antenatal screening of mother
O29Complications of anesthesia during pregnancy
Includes: maternal complications arising from the administration of a general, regional or local anesthetic, analgesic or other sedation during pregnancy
Use Additional Code: code, if necessary, to identify the complication
Excludes 2: complications of anesthesia during labor and delivery (O74.-)
complications of anesthesia during the puerperium (O89.-)
O29.0Pulmonary complications of anesthesia during pregnancy
O29.01Aspiration pneumonitis due to anesthesia during pregnancy
Inhalation of stomach contents or secretions NOS due to anesthesia during pregnancy
Mendelson's syndrome due to anesthesia during pregnancy
O29.011Aspiration pneumonitis due to anesthesia during pregnancy, first trimester
O29.012Aspiration pneumonitis due to anesthesia during pregnancy, second trimester
O29.013Aspiration pneumonitis due to anesthesia during pregnancy, third trimester
O29.019Aspiration pneumonitis due to anesthesia during pregnancy, unspecified trimester
O29.02Pressure collapse of lung due to anesthesia during pregnancy
O29.021Pressure collapse of lung due to anesthesia during pregnancy, first trimester
O29.022Pressure collapse of lung due to anesthesia during pregnancy, second trimester
O29.023Pressure collapse of lung due to anesthesia during pregnancy, third trimester
O29.029Pressure collapse of lung due to anesthesia during pregnancy, unspecified trimester
O29.09Other pulmonary complications of anesthesia during pregnancy
O29.091Other pulmonary complications of anesthesia during pregnancy, first trimester
O29.092Other pulmonary complications of anesthesia during pregnancy, second trimester
O29.093Other pulmonary complications of anesthesia during pregnancy, third trimester
O29.099Other pulmonary complications of anesthesia during pregnancy, unspecified trimester
O29.1Cardiac complications of anesthesia during pregnancy
O29.11Cardiac arrest due to anesthesia during pregnancy
O29.111Cardiac arrest due to anesthesia during pregnancy, first trimester
O29.112Cardiac arrest due to anesthesia during pregnancy, second trimester
O29.113Cardiac arrest due to anesthesia during pregnancy, third trimester
O29.119Cardiac arrest due to anesthesia during pregnancy, unspecified trimester
O29.12Cardiac failure due to anesthesia during pregnancy
O29.121Cardiac failure due to anesthesia during pregnancy, first trimester
O29.122Cardiac failure due to anesthesia during pregnancy, second trimester
O29.123Cardiac failure due to anesthesia during pregnancy, third trimester
O29.129Cardiac failure due to anesthesia during pregnancy, unspecified trimester
O29.19Other cardiac complications of anesthesia during pregnancy
O29.191Other cardiac complications of anesthesia during pregnancy, first trimester
O29.192Other cardiac complications of anesthesia during pregnancy, second trimester
O29.193Other cardiac complications of anesthesia during pregnancy, third trimester
O29.199Other cardiac complications of anesthesia during pregnancy, unspecified trimester
O29.2Central nervous system complications of anesthesia during pregnancy
O29.21Cerebral anoxia due to anesthesia during pregnancy
O29.211Cerebral anoxia due to anesthesia during pregnancy, first trimester
O29.212Cerebral anoxia due to anesthesia during pregnancy, second trimester
O29.213Cerebral anoxia due to anesthesia during pregnancy, third trimester
O29.219Cerebral anoxia due to anesthesia during pregnancy, unspecified trimester
O29.29Other central nervous system complications of anesthesia during pregnancy
O29.291Other central nervous system complications of anesthesia during pregnancy, first trimester
O29.292Other central nervous system complications of anesthesia during pregnancy, second trimester
O29.293Other central nervous system complications of anesthesia during pregnancy, third trimester
O29.299Other central nervous system complications of anesthesia during pregnancy, unspecified trimester
O29.3Toxic reaction to local anesthesia during pregnancy
O29.3XToxic reaction to local anesthesia during pregnancy
O29.3X1Toxic reaction to local anesthesia during pregnancy, first trimester
O29.3X2Toxic reaction to local anesthesia during pregnancy, second trimester
O29.3X3Toxic reaction to local anesthesia during pregnancy, third trimester
O29.3X9Toxic reaction to local anesthesia during pregnancy, unspecified trimester
O29.4Spinal and epidural anesthesia induced headache during pregnancy
O29.40Spinal and epidural anesthesia induced headache during pregnancy, unspecified trimester
O29.41Spinal and epidural anesthesia induced headache during pregnancy, first trimester
O29.42Spinal and epidural anesthesia induced headache during pregnancy, second trimester
O29.43Spinal and epidural anesthesia induced headache during pregnancy, third trimester
O29.5Other complications of spinal and epidural anesthesia during pregnancy
O29.5XOther complications of spinal and epidural anesthesia during pregnancy
O29.5X1Other complications of spinal and epidural anesthesia during pregnancy, first trimester
O29.5X2Other complications of spinal and epidural anesthesia during pregnancy, second trimester
O29.5X3Other complications of spinal and epidural anesthesia during pregnancy, third trimester
O29.5X9Other complications of spinal and epidural anesthesia during pregnancy, unspecified trimester
O29.6Failed or difficult intubation for anesthesia during pregnancy
O29.60Failed or difficult intubation for anesthesia during pregnancy, unspecified trimester
O29.61Failed or difficult intubation for anesthesia during pregnancy, first trimester
O29.62Failed or difficult intubation for anesthesia during pregnancy, second trimester
O29.63Failed or difficult intubation for anesthesia during pregnancy, third trimester
O29.8Other complications of anesthesia during pregnancy
O29.8XOther complications of anesthesia during pregnancy
O29.8X1Other complications of anesthesia during pregnancy, first trimester
O29.8X2Other complications of anesthesia during pregnancy, second trimester
O29.8X3Other complications of anesthesia during pregnancy, third trimester
O29.8X9Other complications of anesthesia during pregnancy, unspecified trimester
O29.9Unspecified complication of anesthesia during pregnancy
O29.90Unspecified complication of anesthesia during pregnancy, unspecified trimester
O29.91Unspecified complication of anesthesia during pregnancy, first trimester
O29.92Unspecified complication of anesthesia during pregnancy, second trimester
O29.93Unspecified complication of anesthesia during pregnancy, third trimester