section name header

List of Diseases and Injuries

Exposure to forces of nature (X30-X39)

X30Exposure to excessive natural heat
Exposure to excessive heat as the cause of sunstroke
Exposure to heat NOS

Excludes 1: excessive heat of man-made origin (W92)
exposure to man-made radiation (W89)
exposure to sunlight (X32)
exposure to tanning bed (W89)

The appropriate 7th character is to be added to code X30

7th Character: A :: initial encounter
D :: subsequent encounter
S :: sequela

X31Exposure to excessive natural cold
Excessive cold as the cause of chilblains NOS
Excessive cold as the cause of immersion foot or hand
Exposure to cold NOS
Exposure to weather conditions

Excludes 1: cold of man-made origin (W93.-)
contact with or inhalation of dry ice (W93.-)
contact with or inhalation of liquefied gas (W93.-)

The appropriate 7th character is to be added to code X31

7th Character: A :: initial encounter
D :: subsequent encounter
S :: sequela

X32Exposure to sunlight
Excludes 1: man-made radiation (tanning bed) (W89)

Excludes 2: radiation-related disorders of the skin and subcutaneous tissue (L55-L59)

The appropriate 7th character is to be added to code X32

7th Character: A :: initial encounter
D :: subsequent encounter
S :: sequela

Excludes 2: tidal wave (tsunami) due to earthquake (X37.41)

The appropriate 7th character is to be added to code X34

7th Character: A :: initial encounter
D :: subsequent encounter
S :: sequela

X35Volcanic eruption
Excludes 2: tidal wave (tsunami) due to volcanic eruption (X37.41)

The appropriate 7th character is to be added to code X35

7th Character: A :: initial encounter
D :: subsequent encounter
S :: sequela

X36Avalanche, landslide and other earth movements
Includes: victim of mudslide of cataclysmic nature

Excludes 1: earthquake (X34)

Excludes 2: transport accident involving collision with avalanche or landslide not in motion (V01-V99)

The appropriate 7th character is to be added to each code from category X36

7th Character: A :: initial encounter
D :: subsequent encounter
S :: sequela

X36.0Collapse of dam or man-made structure causing earth movement

X36.1Avalanche, landslide, or mudslide

X37Cataclysmic storm
The appropriate 7th character is to be added to each code from category X37

7th Character: A :: initial encounter
D :: subsequent encounter
S :: sequela

Storm surge


X37.2Blizzard (snow)(ice)

X37.3Dust storm


X37.41Tidal wave due to earthquake or volcanic eruption
Tidal wave NOS

X37.42Tidal wave due to storm

X37.43Tidal wave due to landslide

X37.8Other cataclysmic storms
Torrential rain

Excludes 2: flood (X38)

X37.9Unspecified cataclysmic storm
Storm NOS

Excludes 1: collapse of dam or man-made structure causing earth movement (X36.0)

Flood arising from remote storm
Flood of cataclysmic nature arising from melting snow
Flood resulting directly from storm

Excludes 1: collapse of dam or man-made structure causing earth movement (X36.0)
tidal wave NOS (X37.41)
tidal wave caused by storm (X37.42)

The appropriate 7th character is to be added to code X38

7th Character: A :: initial encounter
D :: subsequent encounter
S :: sequela

X39Exposure to other forces of nature
The appropriate 7th character is to be added to each code from category X39

7th Character: A :: initial encounter
D :: subsequent encounter
S :: sequela

X39.0Exposure to natural radiation
Excludes 1: contact with and (suspected) exposure to radon and other naturally occurring radiation (Z77.123)
exposure to man-made radiation (W88-W90)
exposure to sunlight (X32)

X39.01Exposure to radon

X39.08Exposure to other natural radiation

X39.8Other exposure to forces of nature