Diseases and Injuries Index Term
Burn T30.0abdomen, abdominal T21.02first degreeT21.12
second degreeT21.22
third degreeT21.32
above elbowT22.039first degreeT22.139
leftT22.032first degreeT22.132
second degreeT22.232
third degreeT22.332
rightT22.031first degreeT22.131
second degreeT22.231
third degreeT22.331
second degreeT22.239
third degreeT22.339
acid , see [Corrosion, by site]
alimentary tract NECT28.2esophagusT28.1
alkaline , see [Corrosion, by site]
ankleT25.019first degreeT25.119
leftT25.012first degreeT25.112
second degreeT25.212
third degreeT25.312
multiple with foot, see [Burn, lower, limb, multiple, ankle and foot]
rightT25.011first degreeT25.111
second degreeT25.211
third degreeT25.311
second degreeT25.219
third degreeT25.319
anus, see [Burn, buttock]
arm , see [Burn, upper, limb]
axillaT22.049first degreeT22.149
leftT22.042first degreeT22.142
second degreeT22.242
third degreeT22.342
rightT22.041first degreeT22.141
second degreeT22.241
third degreeT22.341
second degreeT22.249
third degreeT22.349
back T21.04first degreeT21.14
second degreeT21.24
third degreeT21.34
upperT21.03first degreeT21.13
second degreeT21.23
third degreeT21.33
blisters - code as Burn, second degree, by site
breast , see [Burn, chest wall]
buttock T21.05first degreeT21.15
second degreeT21.25
third degreeT21.35
calfT24.039first degreeT24.139
leftT24.032first degreeT24.132
second degreeT24.232
third degreeT24.332
rightT24.031first degreeT24.131
second degreeT24.231
third degreeT24.331
second degreeT24.239
third degreeT24.339
canthus , see [Burn, eyelid]
caustic acid or alkaline, see [Corrosion, by site]
cheekT20.06first degreeT20.16
second degreeT20.26
third degreeT20.36
chemical , see [Corrosion, by site]
chest wallT21.01first degreeT21.11
second degreeT21.21
third degreeT21.31
chinT20.03first degreeT20.13
second degreeT20.23
third degreeT20.33
conjunctiva , see [Burn, cornea]
cornea T26.1-chemical, see [Corrosion, cornea]
corrosion , see [Corrosion, by site]
deep necrosis of underlying tissue - code as Burn, third degree, by site
dorsum of handT23.069first degreeT23.169
leftT23.062first degreeT23.162
second degreeT23.262
third degreeT23.362
rightT23.061first degreeT23.161
second degreeT23.261
third degreeT23.361
second degreeT23.269
third degreeT23.369
due to ingested chemical agent, see [Corrosion, by site]
ear T20.01first degreeT20.11
second degreeT20.21
third degreeT20.31
elbowT22.029first degreeT22.129
leftT22.022first degreeT22.122
second degreeT22.222
third degreeT22.322
rightT22.021first degreeT22.121
second degreeT22.221
third degreeT22.321
second degreeT22.229
third degreeT22.329
epidermal loss - code as Burn, second degree, by site
erythema, erythematous - code as Burn, first degree, by site
extent less than 10 percentT31.0
10-19 percentT31.10with 0-9 percent third degree burnsT31.10
with 10-19 percent third degree burnsT31.11
20-29 percentT31.20with 0-9 percent third degree burnsT31.20
with 10-19 percent third degree burnsT31.21
with 20-29 percent third degree burnsT31.22
30-39 percentT31.30with 0-9 percent third degree burnsT31.30
with 10-19 percent third degree burnsT31.31
with 20-29 percent third degree burnsT31.32
with 30-39 percent third degree burnsT31.33
40-49 percentT31.40with 0-9 percent third degree burnsT31.40
with 10-19 percent third degree burnsT31.41
with 20-29 percent third degree burnsT31.42
with 30-39 percent third degree burnsT31.43
with 40-49 percent third degree burnsT31.44
50-59 percentT31.50with 0-9 percent third degree burnsT31.50
with 10-19 percent third degree burnsT31.51
with 20-29 percent third degree burnsT31.52
with 30-39 percent third degree burnsT31.53
with 40-49 percent third degree burnsT31.54
with 50-59 percent third degree burnsT31.55
60-69 percentT31.60with 0-9 percent third degree burnsT31.60
with 10-19 percent third degree burnsT31.61
with 20-29 percent third degree burnsT31.62
with 30-39 percent third degree burnsT31.63
with 40-49 percent third degree burnsT31.64
with 50-59 percent third degree burnsT31.65
with 60-69 percent third degree burnsT31.66
70-79 percentT31.70with 0-9 percent third degree burnsT31.70
with 10-19 percent third degree burnsT31.71
with 20-29 percent third degree burnsT31.72
with 30-39 percent third degree burnsT31.73
with 40-49 percent third degree burnsT31.74
with 50-59 percent third degree burnsT31.75
with 60-69 percent third degree burnsT31.76
with 70-79 percent third degree burnsT31.77
80-89 percentT31.80with 0-9 percent third degree burnsT31.80
with 10-19 percent third degree burnsT31.81
with 20-29 percent third degree burnsT31.82
with 30-39 percent third degree burnsT31.83
with 40-49 percent third degree burnsT31.84
with 50-59 percent third degree burnsT31.85
with 60-69 percent third degree burnsT31.86
with 70-79 percent third degree burnsT31.87
with 80-89 percent third degree burnsT31.88
90 percent or moreT31.90with 0-9 percent third degree burnsT31.90
with 10-19 percent third degree burnsT31.91
with 20-29 percent third degree burnsT31.92
with 30-39 percent third degree burnsT31.93
with 40-49 percent third degree burnsT31.94
with 50-59 percent third degree burnsT31.95
with 60-69 percent third degree burnsT31.96
with 70-79 percent third degree burnsT31.97
with 80-89 percent third degree burnsT31.98
with 90 percent or more third degree burnsT31.99
extremity, see [Burn, limb]
eye and adnexaT26.4-with resulting rupture and destruction of eyeballT26.2-
conjunctival sac, see [Burn, cornea]
cornea, see [Burn, cornea]
lid, see [Burn, eyelid]
periocular area, see [Burn, eyelid]
specified site NECT26.3-
eyeball, see [Burn, eye]
eyelid T26.0-chemical, see [Corrosion, eyelid]
face, see [Burn, head]
fingerT23.029first degreeT23.129
leftT23.022first degreeT23.122
second degreeT23.222
third degreeT23.322
multiple sites T23.039with thumbT23.049first degreeT23.149
leftT23.042first degreeT23.142
second degreeT23.242
third degreeT23.342
rightT23.041first degreeT23.141
second degreeT23.241
third degreeT23.341
second degreeT23.249
third degreeT23.349
first degreeT23.139
leftT23.032first degreeT23.132
second degreeT23.232
third degreeT23.332
rightT23.031first degreeT23.131
second degreeT23.231
third degreeT23.331
second degreeT23.239
third degreeT23.339
rightT23.021first degreeT23.121
second degreeT23.221
third degreeT23.321
second degreeT23.229
third degreeT23.329
flank, see [Burn, abdominal wall]
footT25.029first degreeT25.129
leftT25.022first degreeT25.122
second degreeT25.222
third degreeT25.322
multiple with ankle, see [Burn, lower, limb, multiple, ankle and foot]
rightT25.021first degreeT25.121
second degreeT25.221
third degreeT25.321
second degreeT25.229
third degreeT25.329
forearmT22.019first degreeT22.119
leftT22.012first degreeT22.112
second degreeT22.212
third degreeT22.312
rightT22.011first degreeT22.111
second degreeT22.211
third degreeT22.311
second degreeT22.219
third degreeT22.319
foreheadT20.06first degreeT20.16
second degreeT20.26
third degreeT20.36
fourth degree - code as Burn, third degree, by site
friction, see [Burn, by site]
from swallowing caustic or corrosive substance NEC, see [Corrosion, by site]
full thickness skin loss - code as Burn, third degree, by site
gastrointestinal tract NECT28.2from swallowing caustic or corrosive substanceT28.7
genital organsexternalfemaleT21.07first degreeT21.17
second degreeT21.27
third degreeT21.37
maleT21.06first degreeT21.16
second degreeT21.26
third degreeT21.36
internalT28.3from caustic or corrosive substanceT28.8
groin, see [Burn, abdominal wall]
hand T23.009back, see [Burn, dorsum of hand]
finger, see [Burn, finger]
first degreeT23.109
leftT23.002first degreeT23.102
second degreeT23.202
third degreeT23.302
multiple sites with wristT23.099first degreeT23.199
leftT23.092first degreeT23.192
second degreeT23.292
third degreeT23.392
rightT23.091first degreeT23.191
second degreeT23.291
third degreeT23.391
second degreeT23.299
third degreeT23.399
palm, see [Burn, palm]
rightT23.001first degreeT23.101
second degreeT23.201
third degreeT23.301
second degreeT23.209
third degreeT23.309
thumb, see [Burn, thumb]
head T20.00cheek, see [Burn, cheek]
chin, see [Burn, chin]
ear, see [Burn, ear]
eye only, see [Burn, eye]
first degreeT20.10
forehead, see [Burn, forehead]
lip, see [Burn, lip]
multiple sitesT20.09first degreeT20.19
second degreeT20.29
third degreeT20.39
neck, see [Burn, neck]
nose, see [Burn, nose]
scalp, see [Burn, scalp]
second degreeT20.20
third degreeT20.30
hip , see [Burn, thigh]
inhalation, see [Burn, respiratory tract]caustic or corrosive substance , see [Corrosion, respiratory tract]
internal organ T28.40alimentary tractT28.2esophagusT28.1
from caustic or corrosive substance NEC, see [Corrosion, by site]
respiratory tract, see [Burn, respiratory tract]
specified organ NECT28.49
interscapular region, see [Burn, back, upper]
intestine T28.2
kneeT24.029first degreeT24.129
leftT24.022first degreeT24.122
second degreeT24.222
third degreeT24.322
rightT24.021first degreeT24.121
second degreeT24.221
third degreeT24.321
second degreeT24.229
third degreeT24.329
labium , see [Burn, genital organs, external, female]
lacrimal apparatus, duct, gland or sac, see [Burn, eye, specified site NEC]
larynxT27.0with lungT27.1
leg , see [Burn, lower, limb]
lightning, see [Burn, by site]
limb lower , see [Burn, lower, limb]
upper, see [Burn, upper limb]
lip T20.02first degreeT20.12
second degreeT20.22
third degreeT20.32
lowerback, see [Burn, back]
limbT24.009ankle, see [Burn, ankle]
calf, see [Burn, calf]
first degreeT24.109
foot, see [Burn, foot]
hip, see [Burn, thigh]
knee, see [Burn, knee]
leftT24.002first degreeT24.102
second degreeT24.202
third degreeT24.302
multiple sites, except ankle and footT24.099ankle and footT25.099first degreeT25.199
leftT25.092first degreeT25.192
second degreeT25.292
third degreeT25.392
rightT25.091first degreeT25.191
second degreeT25.291
third degreeT25.391
second degreeT25.299
third degreeT25.399
first degreeT24.199
leftT24.092first degreeT24.192
second degreeT24.292
third degreeT24.392
rightT24.091first degreeT24.191
second degreeT24.291
third degreeT24.391
second degreeT24.299
third degreeT24.399
rightT24.001first degreeT24.101
second degreeT24.201
third degreeT24.301
second degreeT24.209
thigh, see [Burn, thigh]
third degreeT24.309
toe, see [Burn, toe]
lung T27.1
neckT20.07first degreeT20.17
second degreeT20.27
third degreeT20.37
nose T20.04first degreeT20.14
second degreeT20.24
third degreeT20.34
ocular adnexa, see [Burn, eye]
orbit region, see [Burn, eyelid]
palmT23.059first degreeT23.159
leftT23.052first degreeT23.152
second degreeT23.252
third degreeT23.352
rightT23.051first degreeT23.151
second degreeT23.251
third degreeT23.351
second degreeT23.259
third degreeT23.359
partial thickness - code as Burn, by site, second degree
pelvis, see [Burn, trunk]
penis, see [Burn, genital organs, external, male]
perineumfemale, see [Burn, genital organs, external, female]
male, see [Burn, genital organs, external, male]
periocular area, see [Burn, eyelid]
respiratory tractT27.3larynx, see [Burn, larynx]
specified part NECT27.2
trachea, see [Burn, trachea]
sac, lacrimal, see [Burn, eye, specified site NEC]
scalpT20.05first degreeT20.15
second degreeT20.25
third degreeT20.35
scapular regionT22.069first degreeT22.169
leftT22.062first degreeT22.162
second degreeT22.262
third degreeT22.362
rightT22.061first degreeT22.161
second degreeT22.261
third degreeT22.361
second degreeT22.269
third degreeT22.369
sclera, see [Burn, eye, specified site NEC]
scrotum, see [Burn, genital organs, external, male]
shoulderT22.059first degreeT22.159
leftT22.052first degreeT22.152
second degreeT22.252
third degreeT22.352
rightT22.051first degreeT22.151
second degreeT22.251
third degreeT22.351
second degreeT22.259
third degreeT22.359
temple, see [Burn, head]
testis, see [Burn, genital organs, external, male]
thighT24.019first degreeT24.119
leftT24.012first degreeT24.112
second degreeT24.212
third degreeT24.312
rightT24.011first degreeT24.111
second degreeT24.211
third degreeT24.311
second degreeT24.219
third degreeT24.319
thorax , see [Burn, trunk]
throat T28.0
thumb T23.019first degreeT23.119
leftT23.012first degreeT23.112
second degreeT23.212
third degreeT23.312
multiple sites with fingersT23.049first degreeT23.149
leftT23.042first degreeT23.142
second degreeT23.242
third degreeT23.342
rightT23.041first degreeT23.141
second degreeT23.241
third degreeT23.341
second degreeT23.249
third degreeT23.349
rightT23.011first degreeT23.111
second degreeT23.211
third degreeT23.311
second degreeT23.219
third degreeT23.319
toeT25.039first degreeT25.139
leftT25.032first degreeT25.132
second degreeT25.232
third degreeT25.332
rightT25.031first degreeT25.131
second degreeT25.231
third degreeT25.331
second degreeT25.239
third degreeT25.339
tonsil T28.0
tracheaT27.0with lungT27.1
trunkT21.00abdominal wall, see [Burn, abdominal wall]
anus, see [Burn, buttock]
axilla, see [Burn, upper limb]
back, see [Burn, back]
breast, see [Burn, chest wall]
buttock, see [Burn, buttock]
chest wall, see [Burn, chest wall]
first degreeT21.10
flank, see [Burn, abdominal wall]
genitalfemale, see [Burn, genital organs, external, female]
male, see [Burn, genital organs, external, male]
groin, see [Burn, abdominal wall]
interscapular region, see [Burn, back, upper]
labia, see [Burn, genital organs, external, female]
lower back, see [Burn, back]
penis, see [Burn, genital organs, external, male]
perineumfemale, see [Burn, genital organs, external, female]
male, see [Burn, genital organs, external, male]
scapula region, see [Burn, scapular region]
scrotum, see [Burn, genital organs, external, male]
second degreeT21.20
specified site NECT21.09first degreeT21.19
second degreeT21.29
third degreeT21.39
testes, see [Burn, genital organs, external, male]
third degreeT21.30
upper back, see [Burn, back, upper]
vulva, see [Burn, genital organs, external, female]
unspecified site with extent of body surface involved specifiedless than 10 percentT31.0
10-19 percent T31.10with 10-19 percent third degreeT31.11
20-29 percent T31.20with10-19 percent third degreeT31.21
20-29 percent third degreeT31.22
30-39 percent T31.30with10-19 percent third degreeT31.31
20-29 percent third degreeT31.32
30-39 percent third degreeT31.33
40-49 percent T31.40with10-19 percent third degreeT31.41
20-29 percent third degreeT31.42
30-39 percent third degreeT31.43
40-49 percent third degreeT31.44
50-59 percent T31.50with10-19 percent third degreeT31.51
20-29 percent third degreeT31.52
30-39 percent third degreeT31.53
40-49 percent third degreeT31.54
50-59 percent third degreeT31.55
60-69 percent T31.60with10-19 percent third degreeT31.61
20-29 percent third degreeT31.62
30-39 percent third degreeT31.63
40-49 percent third degreeT31.64
50-59 percent third degreeT31.65
60-69 percent third degreeT31.66
70-79 percent T31.70with10-19 percent third degreeT31.71
20-29 percent third degreeT31.72
30-39 percent third degreeT31.73
40-49 percent third degreeT31.74
50-59 percent third degreeT31.75
60-69 percent third degreeT31.76
70-79 percent third degreeT31.77
80-89 percent T31.80with10-19 percent third degreeT31.81
20-29 percent third degreeT31.82
30-39 percent third degreeT31.83
40-49 percent third degreeT31.84
50-59 percent third degreeT31.85
60-69 percent third degreeT31.86
70-79 percent third degreeT31.87
80-89 percent third degreeT31.88
90 percent or more T31.90with10-19 percent third degreeT31.91
20-29 percent third degreeT31.92
30-39 percent third degreeT31.93
40-49 percent third degreeT31.94
50-59 percent third degreeT31.95
60-69 percent third degreeT31.96
70-79 percent third degreeT31.97
80-89 percent third degreeT31.98
90-99 percent third degreeT31.99
upper limbT22.00above elbow, see [Burn, above elbow]
axilla, see [Burn, axilla]
elbow, see [Burn, elbow]
first degreeT22.10
forearm, see [Burn, forearm]
hand, see [Burn, hand]
interscapular region, see [Burn, back, upper]
multiple sitesT22.099first degreeT22.199
leftT22.092first degreeT22.192
second degreeT22.292
third degreeT22.392
rightT22.091first degreeT22.191
second degreeT22.291
third degreeT22.391
second degreeT22.299
third degreeT22.399
scapular region, see [Burn, scapular region]
second degreeT22.20
shoulder, see [Burn, shoulder]
third degreeT22.30
wrist, see [Burn, wrist]
vulva, see [Burn, genital organs, external, female]
wristT23.079first degreeT23.179
leftT23.072first degreeT23.172
second degreeT23.272
third degreeT23.372
multiple sites with handT23.099first degreeT23.199
leftT23.092first degreeT23.192
second degreeT23.292
third degreeT23.392
rightT23.091first degreeT23.191
second degreeT23.291
third degreeT23.391
second degreeT23.299
third degreeT23.399
rightT23.071first degreeT23.171
second degreeT23.271
third degreeT23.371
second degreeT23.279
third degreeT23.379