Diseases and Injuries Index Term
Absorptioncarbohydrate, disturbanceK90.49
chemical, see [Table of Drugs and Chemicals]through placenta P04.9environmental substanceP04.6
nutritional substanceP04.5
obstetric anesthetic or analgesic drugP04.0
drug NEC, see [Table of Drugs and Chemicals]addictivethrough placenta , see also [Newborn, affected by, maternal, use of]P04.40cocaineP04.41
specified drug NECP04.49
medicinalthrough placenta P04.19
through placenta P04.19obstetric anesthetic or analgesic drugP04.0
fat, disturbanceK90.49pancreaticK90.3
noxious substance, see [Table of Drugs and Chemicals]
protein, disturbanceK90.49
starch, disturbanceK90.49
toxic substance, see [Table of Drugs and Chemicals]
uremic, see [Uremia]