section name header

List of Diseases and Injuries

Other diseases of the digestive system (K90-K95)

K90Intestinal malabsorption
Excludes 1: intestinal malabsorption following gastrointestinal surgery (K91.2)

K90.0Celiac disease
Celiac disease with steatorrhea
Celiac gluten-sensitive enteropathy
Nontropical sprue

Use Additional Code: code for associated disorders including:
dermatitis herpetiformis (L13.0)
gluten ataxia (G32.81)

Code Also: exocrine pancreatic insufficiency (K86.81)

K90.1Tropical sprue
Sprue NOS
Tropical steatorrhea

K90.2Blind loop syndrome, not elsewhere classified
Blind loop syndrome NOS

Excludes 1: congenital blind loop syndrome (Q43.8)
postsurgical blind loop syndrome (K91.2)

K90.3Pancreatic steatorrhea

K90.4Other malabsorption due to intolerance
Excludes 2: celiac gluten-sensitive enteropathy (K90.0)
lactose intolerance (E73.-)

K90.41Non-celiac gluten sensitivity
Gluten sensitivity NOS
Non-celiac gluten sensitive enteropathy

K90.49Malabsorption due to intolerance, not elsewhere classified
Malabsorption due to intolerance to carbohydrate
Malabsorption due to intolerance to fat
Malabsorption due to intolerance to protein
Malabsorption due to intolerance to starch

K90.8Other intestinal malabsorption

K90.81Whipple's disease

K90.82Short bowel syndrome
Short gut syndrome

K90.821Short bowel syndrome with colon in continuity
Short bowel syndrome with colonic continuity

K90.822Short bowel syndrome without colon in continuity
Short bowel syndrome without colonic continuity

K90.829Short bowel syndrome, unspecified

K90.83Intestinal failure

K90.89Other intestinal malabsorption

K90.9Intestinal malabsorption, unspecified

K91Intraoperative and postprocedural complications and disorders of digestive system, not elsewhere classified
Excludes 2: complications of artificial opening of digestive system (K94.-)
complications of bariatric procedures (K95.-)
gastrojejunal ulcer (K28.-)
postprocedural (radiation) retroperitoneal abscess (K68.11)
radiation colitis (K52.0)
radiation gastroenteritis (K52.0)
radiation proctitis (K62.7)

K91.0Vomiting following gastrointestinal surgery

K91.1Postgastric surgery syndromes
Dumping syndrome
Postgastrectomy syndrome
Postvagotomy syndrome

K91.2Postsurgical malabsorption, not elsewhere classified
Postsurgical blind loop syndrome

Excludes 1: malabsorption osteomalacia in adults (M83.2)
malabsorption osteoporosis, postsurgical (M80.8-, M81.8)

K91.3Postprocedural intestinal obstruction

K91.30Postprocedural intestinal obstruction, unspecified as to partial versus complete
Postprocedural intestinal obstruction NOS

K91.31Postprocedural partial intestinal obstruction
Postprocedural incomplete intestinal obstruction

K91.32Postprocedural complete intestinal obstruction

K91.5Postcholecystectomy syndrome

K91.6Intraoperative hemorrhage and hematoma of a digestive system organ or structure complicating a procedure
Excludes 1: intraoperative hemorrhage and hematoma of a digestive system organ or structure due to accidental puncture and laceration during a procedure (K91.7-)

K91.61Intraoperative hemorrhage and hematoma of a digestive system organ or structure complicating a digestive system procedure

K91.62Intraoperative hemorrhage and hematoma of a digestive system organ or structure complicating other procedure

K91.7Accidental puncture and laceration of a digestive system organ or structure during a procedure

K91.71Accidental puncture and laceration of a digestive system organ or structure during a digestive system procedure

K91.72Accidental puncture and laceration of a digestive system organ or structure during other procedure

K91.8Other intraoperative and postprocedural complications and disorders of digestive system

K91.81Other intraoperative complications of digestive system

K91.82Postprocedural hepatic failure

K91.83Postprocedural hepatorenal syndrome

K91.84Postprocedural hemorrhage of a digestive system organ or structure following a procedure

K91.840Postprocedural hemorrhage of a digestive system organ or structure following a digestive system procedure

K91.841Postprocedural hemorrhage of a digestive system organ or structure following other procedure

K91.85Complications of intestinal pouch

Inflammation of internal ileoanal pouch

K91.858Other complications of intestinal pouch

K91.86Retained cholelithiasis following cholecystectomy

K91.87Postprocedural hematoma and seroma of a digestive system organ or structure following a procedure

K91.870Postprocedural hematoma of a digestive system organ or structure following a digestive system procedure

K91.871Postprocedural hematoma of a digestive system organ or structure following other procedure

K91.872Postprocedural seroma of a digestive system organ or structure following a digestive system procedure

K91.873Postprocedural seroma of a digestive system organ or structure following other procedure

K91.89Other postprocedural complications and disorders of digestive system
Use Additional Code: code, if applicable, to further specify disorder

Excludes 2: postprocedural retroperitoneal abscess (K68.11)

K92Other diseases of digestive system
Excludes 1: neonatal gastrointestinal hemorrhage (P54.0-P54.3)


Excludes 1: occult blood in feces (R19.5)

K92.2Gastrointestinal hemorrhage, unspecified
Gastric hemorrhage NOS
Intestinal hemorrhage NOS

Excludes 1: acute hemorrhagic gastritis (K29.01)
hemorrhage of anus and rectum (K62.5)
angiodysplasia of stomach with hemorrhage (K31.811)
diverticular disease with hemorrhage (K57.-)
gastritis and duodenitis with hemorrhage (K29.-)
peptic ulcer with hemorrhage (K25-K28)

K92.8Other specified diseases of the digestive system

K92.81Gastrointestinal mucositis (ulcerative)
Code Also: type of associated therapy, such as:
antineoplastic and immunosuppressive drugs (T45.1X-)
radiological procedure and radiotherapy (Y84.2)

Excludes 2: mucositis (ulcerative) of vagina and vulva (N76.81)
nasal mucositis (ulcerative) (J34.81)
oral mucositis (ulcerative) (K12.3-)

K92.89Other specified diseases of the digestive system

K92.9Disease of digestive system, unspecified

K94Complications of artificial openings of the digestive system

K94.0Colostomy complications

K94.00Colostomy complication, unspecified

K94.01Colostomy hemorrhage

K94.02Colostomy infection
Use Additional Code: code to specify type of infection, such as:
cellulitis of abdominal wall (L03.311)
sepsis (A40.-, A41.-)

K94.03Colostomy malfunction
Mechanical complication of colostomy

K94.09Other complications of colostomy

K94.1Enterostomy complications

K94.10Enterostomy complication, unspecified

K94.11Enterostomy hemorrhage

K94.12Enterostomy infection
Use Additional Code: code to specify type of infection, such as:
cellulitis of abdominal wall (L03.311)
sepsis (A40.-, A41.-)

K94.13Enterostomy malfunction
Mechanical complication of enterostomy

K94.19Other complications of enterostomy

K94.2Gastrostomy complications

K94.20Gastrostomy complication, unspecified

K94.21Gastrostomy hemorrhage

K94.22Gastrostomy infection
Use Additional Code: code to specify type of infection, such as:
cellulitis of abdominal wall (L03.311)
sepsis (A40.-, A41.-)

K94.23Gastrostomy malfunction
Mechanical complication of gastrostomy

K94.29Other complications of gastrostomy

K94.3Esophagostomy complications

K94.30Esophagostomy complications, unspecified

K94.31Esophagostomy hemorrhage

K94.32Esophagostomy infection
Use Additional Code: code to identify the infection

K94.33Esophagostomy malfunction
Mechanical complication of esophagostomy

K94.39Other complications of esophagostomy

K95Complications of bariatric procedures

K95.0Complications of gastric band procedure

K95.01Infection due to gastric band procedure
Use Additional Code: code to specify type of infection or organism, such as:
bacterial and viral infectious agents (B95.-, B96.-)
cellulitis of abdominal wall (L03.311)
sepsis (A40.-, A41.-)

K95.09Other complications of gastric band procedure
Use Additional Code: code, if applicable, to further specify complication

K95.8Complications of other bariatric procedure
Excludes 1: complications of gastric band surgery (K95.0-)

K95.81Infection due to other bariatric procedure
Use Additional Code: code to specify type of infection or organism, such as:
bacterial and viral infectious agents (B95.-, B96.-)
cellulitis of abdominal wall (L03.311)
sepsis (A40.-, A41.-)

K95.89Other complications of other bariatric procedure
Use Additional Code: code, if applicable, to further specify complication