section name header

List of Diseases and Injuries

Symptoms and signs involving the digestive system and abdomen (R10-R19)

Excludes 2: congenital or infantile pylorospasm (Q40.0)
gastrointestinal hemorrhage (K92.0-K92.2)
intestinal obstruction (K56.-)
newborn gastrointestinal hemorrhage (P54.0-P54.3)
newborn intestinal obstruction (P76.-)
pylorospasm (K31.3)
signs and symptoms involving the urinary system (R30-R39)
symptoms referable to female genital organs (N94.-)
symptoms referable to male genital organs (N48-N50)

R10Abdominal and pelvic pain
Excludes 1: renal colic (N23)

Excludes 2: dorsalgia (M54.-)
flatulence and related conditions (R14.-)

R10.0Acute abdomen
Severe abdominal pain (generalized) (with abdominal rigidity)

Excludes 1: abdominal rigidity NOS (R19.3)
generalized abdominal pain NOS (R10.84)
localized abdominal pain (R10.1-R10.3-)

R10.1Pain localized to upper abdomen

R10.10Upper abdominal pain, unspecified

R10.11Right upper quadrant pain

R10.12Left upper quadrant pain

R10.13Epigastric pain

Excludes 1: functional dyspepsia (K30)

R10.2Pelvic and perineal pain
Excludes 1: vulvodynia (N94.81)

R10.3Pain localized to other parts of lower abdomen

R10.30Lower abdominal pain, unspecified

R10.31Right lower quadrant pain

R10.32Left lower quadrant pain

R10.33Periumbilical pain

R10.8Other abdominal pain

R10.81Abdominal tenderness
Abdominal tenderness NOS

R10.811Right upper quadrant abdominal tenderness

R10.812Left upper quadrant abdominal tenderness

R10.813Right lower quadrant abdominal tenderness

R10.814Left lower quadrant abdominal tenderness

R10.815Periumbilic abdominal tenderness

R10.816Epigastric abdominal tenderness

R10.817Generalized abdominal tenderness

R10.819Abdominal tenderness, unspecified site

R10.82Rebound abdominal tenderness

R10.821Right upper quadrant rebound abdominal tenderness

R10.822Left upper quadrant rebound abdominal tenderness

R10.823Right lower quadrant rebound abdominal tenderness

R10.824Left lower quadrant rebound abdominal tenderness

R10.825Periumbilic rebound abdominal tenderness

R10.826Epigastric rebound abdominal tenderness

R10.827Generalized rebound abdominal tenderness

R10.829Rebound abdominal tenderness, unspecified site

Colic NOS
Infantile colic

Excludes 1: colic in adult and child over 12 months old (R10.84)

R10.84Generalized abdominal pain
Excludes 1: generalized abdominal pain associated with acute abdomen (R10.0)

R10.9Unspecified abdominal pain

R11Nausea and vomiting
Excludes 1: cyclical vomiting associated with migraine (G43.A-)
excessive vomiting in pregnancy (O21.-)
hematemesis (K92.0)
neonatal hematemesis (P54.0)
newborn vomiting (P92.0-)
psychogenic vomiting (F50.89)
vomiting associated with bulimia nervosa (F50.2)
vomiting following gastrointestinal surgery (K91.0)

Nausea NOS
Nausea without vomiting


R11.10Vomiting, unspecified
Vomiting NOS

R11.11Vomiting without nausea

R11.12Projectile vomiting

R11.13Vomiting of fecal matter

R11.14Bilious vomiting
Bilious emesis

R11.15Cyclical vomiting syndrome unrelated to migraine
Cyclic vomiting syndrome NOS
Persistent vomiting

Excludes 1: cyclical vomiting in migraine (G43.A-)

Excludes 2: bulimia nervosa (F50.2)
diabetes mellitus due to underlying condition (E08.-)

R11.2Nausea with vomiting, unspecified
Persistent nausea with vomiting NOS

Excludes 1: dyspepsia NOS (R10.13)
functional dyspepsia (K30)

R13Aphagia and dysphagia

Inability to swallow

Excludes 1: psychogenic aphagia (F50.9)

Code First: , if applicable, dysphagia following cerebrovascular disease (I69. with final characters -91)

Excludes 1: psychogenic dysphagia (F45.8)

R13.10Dysphagia, unspecified
Difficulty in swallowing NOS

R13.11Dysphagia, oral phase

R13.12Dysphagia, oropharyngeal phase

R13.13Dysphagia, pharyngeal phase

R13.14Dysphagia, pharyngoesophageal phase

R13.19Other dysphagia
Cervical dysphagia
Neurogenic dysphagia

R14Flatulence and related conditions
Excludes 1: psychogenic aerophagy (F45.8)

R14.0Abdominal distension (gaseous)
Tympanites (abdominal) (intestinal)

R14.1Gas pain



R15Fecal incontinence
Includes: encopresis NOS

Excludes 1: fecal incontinence of nonorganic origin (F98.1)

R15.0Incomplete defecation
Excludes 1: constipation (K59.0-)
fecal impaction (K56.41)

R15.1Fecal smearing
Fecal soiling

R15.2Fecal urgency

R15.9Full incontinence of feces
Fecal incontinence NOS

R16Hepatomegaly and splenomegaly, not elsewhere classified

R16.0Hepatomegaly, not elsewhere classified
Hepatomegaly NOS

R16.1Splenomegaly, not elsewhere classified
Splenomegaly NOS

R16.2Hepatomegaly with splenomegaly, not elsewhere classified
Hepatosplenomegaly NOS

R17Unspecified jaundice
Excludes 1: neonatal jaundice (P55, P57-P59)

Includes: fluid in peritoneal cavity

Excludes 1: ascites in alcoholic cirrhosis (K70.31)
ascites in alcoholic hepatitis (K70.11)
ascites in toxic liver disease with chronic active hepatitis (K71.51)

R18.0Malignant ascites
Code First: malignancy, such as:
malignant neoplasm of ovary (C56.-)
secondary malignant neoplasm of retroperitoneum and peritoneum (C78.6)

R18.8Other ascites
Ascites NOS
Peritoneal effusion (chronic)

R19Other symptoms and signs involving the digestive system and abdomen
Excludes 1: acute abdomen (R10.0)

R19.0Intra-abdominal and pelvic swelling, mass and lump
Excludes 1: abdominal distension (gaseous) (R14.-)
ascites (R18.-)

R19.00Intra-abdominal and pelvic swelling, mass and lump, unspecified site

R19.01Right upper quadrant abdominal swelling, mass and lump

R19.02Left upper quadrant abdominal swelling, mass and lump

R19.03Right lower quadrant abdominal swelling, mass and lump

R19.04Left lower quadrant abdominal swelling, mass and lump

R19.05Periumbilic swelling, mass or lump
Diffuse or generalized umbilical swelling or mass

R19.06Epigastric swelling, mass or lump

R19.07Generalized intra-abdominal and pelvic swelling, mass and lump
Diffuse or generalized intra-abdominal swelling or mass NOS
Diffuse or generalized pelvic swelling or mass NOS

R19.09Other intra-abdominal and pelvic swelling, mass and lump

R19.1Abnormal bowel sounds

R19.11Absent bowel sounds

R19.12Hyperactive bowel sounds

R19.15Other abnormal bowel sounds
Abnormal bowel sounds NOS

R19.2Visible peristalsis

R19.3Abdominal rigidity
Excludes 1: abdominal rigidity with severe abdominal pain (R10.0)

R19.30Abdominal rigidity, unspecified site

R19.31Right upper quadrant abdominal rigidity

R19.32Left upper quadrant abdominal rigidity

R19.33Right lower quadrant abdominal rigidity

R19.34Left lower quadrant abdominal rigidity

R19.35Periumbilic abdominal rigidity

R19.36Epigastric abdominal rigidity

R19.37Generalized abdominal rigidity

R19.4Change in bowel habit
Excludes 1: constipation (K59.0-)
functional diarrhea (K59.1)

R19.5Other fecal abnormalities
Abnormal stool color
Bulky stools
Mucus in stools
Occult blood in feces
Occult blood in stools

Excludes 1: melena (K92.1)
neonatal melena (P54.1)


R19.7Diarrhea, unspecified
Diarrhea NOS

Excludes 1: functional diarrhea (K59.1)
neonatal diarrhea (P78.3)
psychogenic diarrhea (F45.8)

R19.8Other specified symptoms and signs involving the digestive system and abdomen