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List of Diseases and Injuries

Behavioral and emotional disorders with onset usually occurring in childhood and adolescence (F90-F98)

Codes within categories F90-F98 may be used regardless of the age of a patient. These disorders generally have onset within the childhood or adolescent years, but may continue throughout life or not be diagnosed until adulthood

F90Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorders
Includes: attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity
attention deficit syndrome with hyperactivity

Excludes 2: anxiety disorders (F40.-, F41.-)
mood [affective] disorders (F30-F39)
pervasive developmental disorders (F84.-)
schizophrenia (F20.-)

F90.0Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, predominantly inattentive type
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, predominantly inattentive presentation

F90.1Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, predominantly hyperactive type
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, predominantly hyperactive impulsive presentation

F90.2Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, combined type
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, combined presentation

F90.8Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, other type

F90.9Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, unspecified type
Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder of childhood or adolescence NOS
Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder NOS

F91Conduct disorders
Excludes 1: antisocial behavior (Z72.81-)
antisocial personality disorder (F60.2)

Excludes 2: conduct problems associated with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (F90.-)
mood [affective] disorders (F30-F39)
pervasive developmental disorders (F84.-)
schizophrenia (F20.-)

F91.0Conduct disorder confined to family context

F91.1Conduct disorder, childhood-onset type
Unsocialized conduct disorder
Conduct disorder, solitary aggressive type
Unsocialized aggressive disorder

F91.2Conduct disorder, adolescent-onset type
Socialized conduct disorder
Conduct disorder, group type

F91.3Oppositional defiant disorder

F91.8Other conduct disorders
Other specified conduct disorder
Other specified disruptive disorder

F91.9Conduct disorder, unspecified
Behavioral disorder NOS
Conduct disorder NOS
Disruptive behavior disorder NOS
Disruptive disorder NOS

F93Emotional disorders with onset specific to childhood

F93.0Separation anxiety disorder of childhood
Excludes 2: mood [affective] disorders (F30-F39)
nonpsychotic mental disorders (F40-F48)
phobic anxiety disorder of childhood (F40.8)
social phobia (F40.1)

F93.8Other childhood emotional disorders
Identity disorder

Excludes 2: gender identity disorder of childhood (F64.2)

F93.9Childhood emotional disorder, unspecified

F94Disorders of social functioning with onset specific to childhood and adolescence

F94.0Selective mutism
Elective mutism

Excludes 2: pervasive developmental disorders (F84.-)
schizophrenia (F20.-)
specific developmental disorders of speech and language (F80.-)
transient mutism as part of separation anxiety in young children (F93.0)

F94.1Reactive attachment disorder of childhood
Use Additional Code: code to identify any associated failure to thrive or growth retardation

Excludes 1: disinhibited attachment disorder of childhood (F94.2)
normal variation in pattern of selective attachment

Excludes 2: Asperger's syndrome (F84.5)
maltreatment syndromes (T74.-)
sexual or physical abuse in childhood, resulting in psychosocial problems (Z62.81-)

F94.2Disinhibited attachment disorder of childhood
Affectionless psychopathy
Institutional syndrome

Excludes 1: reactive attachment disorder of childhood (F94.1)

Excludes 2: Asperger's syndrome (F84.5)
attention-deficit hyperactivity disorders (F90.-)
hospitalism in children (F43.2-)

F94.8Other childhood disorders of social functioning

F94.9Childhood disorder of social functioning, unspecified

F95Tic disorder

F95.0Transient tic disorder
Provisional tic disorder

F95.1Chronic motor or vocal tic disorder

F95.2Tourette's disorder
Combined vocal and multiple motor tic disorder [de la Tourette]
Tourette's syndrome

F95.8Other tic disorders

F95.9Tic disorder, unspecified

F98Other behavioral and emotional disorders with onset usually occurring in childhood and adolescence
Excludes 2: breath-holding spells (R06.89)
gender identity disorder of childhood (F64.2)
Kleine-Levin syndrome (G47.13)
obsessive-compulsive disorder (F42.-)
sleep disorders not due to a substance or known physiological condition (F51.-)

F98.0Enuresis not due to a substance or known physiological condition
Enuresis (primary) (secondary) of nonorganic origin
Functional enuresis
Psychogenic enuresis
Urinary incontinence of nonorganic origin

Excludes 1: enuresis NOS (R32)

F98.1Encopresis not due to a substance or known physiological condition
Functional encopresis
Incontinence of feces of nonorganic origin
Psychogenic encopresis

Use Additional Code: code to identify the cause of any coexisting constipation.

Excludes 1: encopresis NOS (R15.-)

F98.2Other feeding disorders of infancy and childhood
Excludes 2: anorexia nervosa and other eating disorders (F50.-)
feeding difficulties (R63.3-)
feeding problems of newborn (P92.-)
pica of infancy or childhood (F98.3)

F98.21Rumination disorder of infancy

F98.29Other feeding disorders of infancy and early childhood

F98.3Pica of infancy and childhood

F98.4Stereotyped movement disorders
Stereotype/habit disorder

Excludes 1: abnormal involuntary movements (R25.-)

Excludes 2: compulsions in obsessive-compulsive disorder (F42.-)
hair plucking (F63.3)
movement disorders of organic origin (G20-G25)
nail-biting (F98.8)
nose-picking (F98.8)
stereotypies that are part of a broader psychiatric condition (F01-F95)
thumb-sucking (F98.8)
tic disorders (F95.-)
trichotillomania (F63.3)

F98.5Adult onset fluency disorder
Excludes 1: childhood onset fluency disorder (F80.81)
dysphasia (R47.02)
fluency disorder in conditions classified elsewhere (R47.82)
fluency disorder (stuttering) following cerebrovascular disease (I69. with final characters -23)
tic disorders (F95.-)

F98.8Other specified behavioral and emotional disorders with onset usually occurring in childhood and adolescence
Excessive masturbation

F98.9Unspecified behavioral and emotional disorders with onset usually occurring in childhood and adolescence