Persons with potential health hazards related to socioeconomic and psychosocial circumstances (Z55-Z65)
Z55Problems related to education and literacy
Excludes 1: disorders of psychological development (F80-F89)
Z55.0Illiteracy and low-level literacy
Z55.1Schooling unavailable and unattainable
Z55.2Failed school examinations
Z55.3Underachievement in school
Z55.4Educational maladjustment and discord with teachers and classmates
Z55.5Less than a high school diploma
No general equivalence degree (GED)
Z55.6Problems related to health literacy
Difficulty understanding health related information
Difficulty understanding medication instructions
Problem completing medical forms
Z55.8Other problems related to education and literacy
Problems related to inadequate teaching
Z55.9Problems related to education and literacy, unspecified
Academic problems NOS
Z56Problems related to employment and unemployment
Excludes 2: occupational exposure to risk factors (Z57.-)
problems related to housing and economic circumstances (Z59.-)
Z56.0Unemployment, unspecified
Z56.1Change of job
Z56.2Threat of job loss
Z56.3Stressful work schedule
Z56.4Discord with boss and workmates
Z56.5Uncongenial work environment
Difficult conditions at work
Z56.6Other physical and mental strain related to work
Z56.8Other problems related to employment
Z56.81Sexual harassment on the job
Z56.82Military deployment status
Individual (civilian or military) currently deployed in theater or in support of military war, peacekeeping and humanitarian operations
Z56.89Other problems related to employment
Z56.9Unspecified problems related to employment
Occupational problems NOS
Z57Occupational exposure to risk factors
Z57.0Occupational exposure to noise
Z57.1Occupational exposure to radiation
Z57.2Occupational exposure to dust
Z57.3Occupational exposure to other air contaminants
Z57.31Occupational exposure to environmental tobacco smoke
Excludes 2: exposure to environmental tobacco smoke (Z77.22)
Z57.39Occupational exposure to other air contaminants
Z57.4Occupational exposure to toxic agents in agriculture
Occupational exposure to solids, liquids, gases or vapors in agriculture
Z57.5Occupational exposure to toxic agents in other industries
Occupational exposure to solids, liquids, gases or vapors in other industries
Z57.6Occupational exposure to extreme temperature
Z57.7Occupational exposure to vibration
Z57.8Occupational exposure to other risk factors
Z57.9Occupational exposure to unspecified risk factor
Z58Problems related to physical environment
Excludes 2: occupational exposure (Z57.-)
Z58.6Inadequate drinking-water supply
Lack of safe drinking water
Excludes 2: deprivation of water (T73.1)
Z58.8Other problems related to physical environment
Z58.81Basic services unavailable in physical environment
Unable to obtain internet service, due to unavailability in geographic area
Unable to obtain telephone service, due to unavailability in geographic area
Unable to obtain utilities, due to inadequate physical environment
Z58.89Other problems related to physical environment
Z59Problems related to housing and economic circumstances
Excludes 2: problems related to upbringing (Z62.-)
Z59.00Homelessness unspecified
Z59.01Sheltered homelessness
Doubled up
Living in a shelter such as: motel, scattered site housing, temporary or transitional living situation
Z59.02Unsheltered homelessness
Residing in place not meant for human habitation such as: abandoned buildings, cars, parks, sidewalk
Residing on the street
Z59.1Inadequate housing
Excludes 2: problems related to the natural and physical environment (Z77.1-)
Z59.10Inadequate housing, unspecified
Inadequate housing NOS
Z59.11Inadequate housing environmental temperature
Lack of air conditioning
Lack of heating
Z59.12Inadequate housing utilities
Lack of electricity services
Lack of gas services
Lack of oil services
Lack of water services
Excludes 2: basic services unavailable in physical environment (Z58.81)
lack of adequate food (Z59.4-)
other problems related to housing and economic circumstances (Z59.8-)
Z59.19Other inadequate housing
Pest infestation
Restriction of space
Technical defects in home preventing adequate care
Unsatisfactory surroundings
Z59.2Discord with neighbors, lodgers and landlord
Z59.3Problems related to living in residential institution
Boarding-school resident
Excludes 1: institutional upbringing (Z62.22)
Z59.4Lack of adequate food
Excludes 2: deprivation of food (T73.0)
effects of hunger (T73.0)
inappropriate diet or eating habits (Z72.4)
malnutrition (E40-E46)
Z59.41Food insecurity
Z59.48Other specified lack of adequate food
Inadequate food
Lack of food
Z59.5Extreme poverty
Z59.6Low income
Z59.7Insufficient social insurance and welfare support
Z59.8Other problems related to housing and economic circumstances
Z59.81Housing instability, housed
Foreclosure on home loan
Past due on rent or mortgage
Unwanted multiple moves in the last 12 months
Z59.811Housing instability, housed, with risk of homelessness
Imminent risk of homelessness
Z59.812Housing instability, housed, homelessness in past 12 months
Z59.819Housing instability, housed unspecified
Excludes 2: extreme poverty (Z59.5)
financial insecurity (Z59.86)
low income (Z59.6)
material hardship due to limited financial resources, not elsewhere classified (Z59.87)
Z59.82Transportation insecurity
Excessive transportation time
Inaccessible transportation
Inadequate transportation
Lack of transportation
Unaffordable transportation
Unreliable transportation
Unsafe transportation
Excludes 2: unavailability and inaccessibility of healthcare facilities (Z75.3)
Z59.86Financial insecurity
Burdensome debt
Economic strain
Financial strain
Money problems
Running out of money
Unable to make ends meet
Excludes 2: extreme poverty (Z59.5)
low income (Z59.6)
material hardship, not elsewhere classified (Z59.87)
Z59.87Material hardship due to limited financial resources, not elsewhere classified
Material deprivation due to limited financial resources
Unable to obtain adequate childcare due to limited financial resources
Unable to obtain adequate clothing due to limited financial resources
Unable to obtain adequate utilities due to limited financial resources
Unable to obtain basic needs due to limited financial resources
Excludes 2: extreme poverty (Z59.5)
financial insecurity, not elsewhere classified (Z59.86)
low income (Z59.6)
Z59.89Other problems related to housing and economic circumstances
Foreclosure on loan
Isolated dwelling
Problems with creditors
Z59.9Problem related to housing and economic circumstances, unspecified
Z60Problems related to social environment
Z60.0Problems of adjustment to life-cycle transitions
Empty nest syndrome
Phase of life problem
Problem with adjustment to retirement [pension]
Z60.2Problems related to living alone
Z60.3Acculturation difficulty
Problem with migration
Problem with social transplantation
Z60.4Social exclusion and rejection
Exclusion and rejection on the basis of personal characteristics, such as unusual physical appearance, illness or behavior.
Social isolation
Excludes 1: target of adverse discrimination such as for racial or religious reasons (Z60.5)
Z60.5Target of (perceived) adverse discrimination and persecution
Excludes 1: social exclusion and rejection (Z60.4)
Z60.8Other problems related to social environment
Inadequate social support
Lack of emotional support
Z60.9Problem related to social environment, unspecified
Z62Problems related to upbringing
Includes: current and past negative life events in childhood
current and past problems of a child related to upbringing
Excludes 2: maltreatment syndrome (T74.-)
problems related to housing and economic circumstances (Z59.-)
Z62.0Inadequate parental supervision and control
Z62.1Parental overprotection
Z62.2Upbringing away from parents
Excludes 1: problems with boarding school (Z59.3)
Z62.21Child in welfare custody
Child in foster care
Child in welfare guardianship
Z62.22Institutional upbringing
Child living in group home
Child living in orphanage
Code Also: , if applicable, child in welfare custody (Z62.21)
Z62.23Child in custody of non-parental relative
Child in care of non-parental family member
Child in custody of grandparent
Child in kinship care
Guardianship by non-parental relative
Code Also: , if applicable, child in welfare custody (Z62.21)
Z62.24Child in custody of non-relative guardian
Code Also: , if applicable, child in welfare custody (Z62.21)
Z62.29Other upbringing away from parents
Z62.3Hostility towards and scapegoating of child
Z62.6Inappropriate (excessive) parental pressure
Z62.8Other specified problems related to upbringing
Code Also: , if applicable:
absence of family member (Z63.3-)
disappearance and death of family member (Z63.4)
disruption of family by separation and divorce (Z63.5)
other specified problems related to primary support group (Z63.8)
other stressful life events affecting family and household (Z63.7-)
Z62.81Personal history of abuse in childhood
Personal history of abuse in adolescence
Z62.810Personal history of physical and sexual abuse in childhood
Excludes 1: current child physical abuse (T74.12, T76.12)
current child sexual abuse (T74.22, T76.22)
Z62.811Personal history of psychological abuse in childhood
Excludes 1: current child psychological abuse (T74.32, T76.32)
Z62.812Personal history of neglect in childhood
Excludes 1: current child neglect (T74.02, T76.02)
Z62.813Personal history of forced labor or sexual exploitation in childhood
Z62.814Personal history of child financial abuse
Excludes 1: current child financial abuse (T74.A2)
Z62.815Personal history of intimate partner abuse in childhood
Excludes 2: adult and child abuse, neglect and other maltreatment, confirmed (T74.-)
Z62.819Personal history of unspecified abuse in childhood
Excludes 1: current child abuse NOS (T74.92, T76.92)
Z62.82Parent-child conflict
Z62.820Parent-biological child conflict
Parent-child problem NOS
Z62.821Parent-adopted child conflict
Z62.822Parent-foster child conflict
Z62.823Parent-step child conflict
Z62.83Non-parental relative or guardian-child conflict
Z62.831Non-parental relative-child conflict
Grandparent-child conflict
Kinship-care child conflict
Non-parental relative legal guardian-child conflict
Other relative-child conflict
Excludes 1: group home staff-child conflict (Z62.833)
Z62.832Non-relative guardian-child conflict
Excludes 1: group home staff-child conflict (Z62.833)
Z62.833Group home staff-child conflict
Z62.89Other specified problems related to upbringing
Z62.890Parent-child estrangement NEC
Z62.891Sibling rivalry
Z62.892Runaway [from current living environment]
Child leaving living situation without permission
Z62.898Other specified problems related to upbringing
Z62.9Problem related to upbringing, unspecified
Z63Other problems related to primary support group, including family circumstances
Excludes 2: maltreatment syndrome (T74.-, T76)
parent-child problems (Z62.-)
problems related to negative life events in childhood (Z62.-)
problems related to upbringing (Z62.-)
Z63.0Problems in relationship with spouse or partner
Relationship distress with spouse or intimate partner
Excludes 1: counseling for spousal or partner abuse problems (Z69.1)
counseling related to sexual attitude, behavior, and orientation (Z70.-)
Z63.1Problems in relationship with in-laws
Z63.3Absence of family member
Excludes 1: absence of family member due to disappearance and death (Z63.4)
absence of family member due to separation and divorce (Z63.5)
Z63.31Absence of family member due to military deployment
Individual or family affected by other family member being on military deployment
Excludes 1: family disruption due to return of family member from military deployment (Z63.71)
Z63.32Other absence of family member
Z63.4Disappearance and death of family member
Assumed death of family member
Z63.5Disruption of family by separation and divorce
Marital estrangement
Z63.6Dependent relative needing care at home
Z63.7Other stressful life events affecting family and household
Z63.71Stress on family due to return of family member from military deployment
Individual or family affected by family member having returned from military deployment (current or past conflict)
Z63.72Alcoholism and drug addiction in family
Z63.79Other stressful life events affecting family and household
Anxiety (normal) about sick person in family
Health problems within family
Ill or disturbed family member
Isolated family
Z63.8Other specified problems related to primary support group
Family discord NOS
Family estrangement NOS
High expressed emotional level within family
Inadequate family support NOS
Inadequate or distorted communication within family
Z63.9Problem related to primary support group, unspecified
Relationship disorder NOS
Z64Problems related to certain psychosocial circumstances
Z64.0Problems related to unwanted pregnancy
Z64.1Problems related to multiparity
Z64.4Discord with counselors
Discord with probation officer
Discord with social worker
Z65Problems related to other psychosocial circumstances
Z65.0Conviction in civil and criminal proceedings without imprisonment
Z65.1Imprisonment and other incarceration
Z65.2Problems related to release from prison
Z65.3Problems related to other legal circumstances
Child custody or support proceedings
Z65.4Victim of crime and terrorism
Victim of torture
Z65.5Exposure to disaster, war and other hostilities
Excludes 1: target of perceived discrimination or persecution (Z60.5)
Z65.8Other specified problems related to psychosocial circumstances
At risk for feeling loneliness
Religious or spiritual problem
Z65.9Problem related to unspecified psychosocial circumstances