section name header

List of Diseases and Injuries

Symptoms and signs involving the nervous and musculoskeletal systems (R25-R29)

R25Abnormal involuntary movements
Excludes 1: specific movement disorders (G20-G26)
stereotyped movement disorders (F98.4)
tic disorders (F95.-)

R25.0Abnormal head movements

R25.1Tremor, unspecified
Excludes 1: chorea NOS (G25.5)
essential tremor (G25.0)
hysterical tremor (F44.4)
intention tremor (G25.2)

R25.2Cramp and spasm
Excludes 2: carpopedal spasm (R29.0)
charley-horse (M62.831)
infantile spasms (G40.4-)
muscle spasm of back (M62.830)
muscle spasm of calf (M62.831)

Twitching NOS

R25.8Other abnormal involuntary movements

R25.9Unspecified abnormal involuntary movements

R26Abnormalities of gait and mobility
Excludes 1: ataxia NOS (R27.0)
hereditary ataxia (G11.-)
locomotor (syphilitic) ataxia (A52.11)
immobility syndrome (paraplegic) (M62.3)

R26.0Ataxic gait
Staggering gait

R26.1Paralytic gait
Spastic gait

R26.2Difficulty in walking, not elsewhere classified
Excludes 1: falling (R29.6)
unsteadiness on feet (R26.81)

R26.8Other abnormalities of gait and mobility

R26.81Unsteadiness on feet

R26.89Other abnormalities of gait and mobility

R26.9Unspecified abnormalities of gait and mobility

R27Other lack of coordination
Excludes 1: ataxic gait (R26.0)
hereditary ataxia (G11.-)
vertigo NOS (R42)

R27.0Ataxia, unspecified
Excludes 1: ataxia following cerebrovascular disease (I69. with final characters -93)

R27.8Other lack of coordination

R27.9Unspecified lack of coordination

R29Other symptoms and signs involving the nervous and musculoskeletal systems

Carpopedal spasm

Excludes 1: hysterical tetany (F44.5)
neonatal tetany (P71.3)
parathyroid tetany (E20.9)
post-thyroidectomy tetany (E89.2)


R29.2Abnormal reflex
Excludes 2: abnormal pupillary reflex (H57.0)
hyperactive gag reflex (J39.2)
vasovagal reaction or syncope (R55)

R29.3Abnormal posture

R29.4Clicking hip
Excludes 1: congenital deformities of hip (Q65.-)

R29.5Transient paralysis
Code First: any associated spinal cord injury (S14.0, S14.1-, S24.0, S24.1-, S34.0-, S34.1-)

Excludes 1: transient ischemic attack (G45.9)

R29.6Repeated falls
Tendency to fall

Excludes 2: at risk for falling (Z91.81)
history of falling (Z91.81)

R29.7National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) score
Code First: the type of cerebral infarction (I63.-)

R29.70NIHSS score 0-9

R29.700NIHSS score 0

R29.701NIHSS score 1

R29.702NIHSS score 2

R29.703NIHSS score 3

R29.704NIHSS score 4

R29.705NIHSS score 5

R29.706NIHSS score 6

R29.707NIHSS score 7

R29.708NIHSS score 8

R29.709NIHSS score 9

R29.71NIHSS score 10-19

R29.710NIHSS score 10

R29.711NIHSS score 11

R29.712NIHSS score 12

R29.713NIHSS score 13

R29.714NIHSS score 14

R29.715NIHSS score 15

R29.716NIHSS score 16

R29.717NIHSS score 17

R29.718NIHSS score 18

R29.719NIHSS score 19

R29.72NIHSS score 20-29

R29.720NIHSS score 20

R29.721NIHSS score 21

R29.722NIHSS score 22

R29.723NIHSS score 23

R29.724NIHSS score 24

R29.725NIHSS score 25

R29.726NIHSS score 26

R29.727NIHSS score 27

R29.728NIHSS score 28

R29.729NIHSS score 29

R29.73NIHSS score 30-39

R29.730NIHSS score 30

R29.731NIHSS score 31

R29.732NIHSS score 32

R29.733NIHSS score 33

R29.734NIHSS score 34

R29.735NIHSS score 35

R29.736NIHSS score 36

R29.737NIHSS score 37

R29.738NIHSS score 38

R29.739NIHSS score 39

R29.74NIHSS score 40-42

R29.740NIHSS score 40

R29.741NIHSS score 41

R29.742NIHSS score 42

R29.8Other symptoms and signs involving the nervous and musculoskeletal systems

R29.81Other symptoms and signs involving the nervous system

R29.810Facial weakness
Facial droop

Excludes 1: Bell's palsy (G51.0)
facial weakness following cerebrovascular disease (I69. with final characters -92)

R29.818Other symptoms and signs involving the nervous system

R29.89Other symptoms and signs involving the musculoskeletal system
Excludes 2: pain in limb (M79.6-)

R29.890Loss of height
Excludes 1: osteoporosis (M80-M81)

R29.891Ocular torticollis
Excludes 1: congenital (sternomastoid) torticollis Q68.0
psychogenic torticollis (F45.8)
spasmodic torticollis (G24.3)
torticollis due to birth injury (P15.8)
torticollis NOS M43.6

R29.898Other symptoms and signs involving the musculoskeletal system

R29.9Unspecified symptoms and signs involving the nervous and musculoskeletal systems

R29.90Unspecified symptoms and signs involving the nervous system

R29.91Unspecified symptoms and signs involving the musculoskeletal system