with ectopic or molar pregnancyO08.3
adrenal E27.2
adverse food reaction , see [Shock, anaphylactic, due to food]
allergic, see [Shock, anaphylactic]
anaphylacticT78.2chemical, see [Table of Drugs and Chemicals]due to drug or medicinal substancecorrect substance properly administeredT88.6overdose or wrong substance given or taken , see [Table of Drugs and Chemicals, by drug, poisoning]due to food T78.00additivesT78.06dairy productsT78.07eggsT78.08fishT78.03shellfishT78.02fruitT78.04milkT78.07nutsT78.05multiple typesT78.05peanutsT78.01peanutsT78.01seedsT78.05specified type NECT78.09vegetableT78.04following sting , see [Venom]immunizationT80.52serumT80.59blood and blood productsT80.51immunizationT80.52specified NECT80.59vaccinationT80.52
anaphylactoid, see [Shock, anaphylactic]
anestheticcorrect substance properly administeredT88.2overdose or wrong substance given or taken, see [Table of Drugs and Chemicals, by drug, poisoning]specified anesthetic, see [Table of Drugs and Chemicals, by drug, poisoning]
chemical substance, see [Table of Drugs and Chemicals]
complicating ectopic or molar pregnancyO08.3
culture, see [Disorder, adjustment]
drugdue to correct substance properly administeredT88.6overdose or wrong substance given or taken , see [Table of Drugs and Chemicals, by drug, poisoning]
during or after labor and deliveryO75.1
endotoxicR65.21postprocedural T81.12
followingectopic or molar pregnancyO08.3injury T79.4labor and deliveryO75.1
food , see [Shock, anaphylactic, due to food]
from electroshock gun T75.4
gram-negativeR65.21postprocedural T81.12
hemorrhagicR57.8surgery T81.19traumaT79.4
insulinE15therapeutic misadventureT38.3
kidneyN17.0traumatic T79.5
obstetricO75.1with ectopic or molar pregnancyO08.3following ectopic or molar pregnancyO08.3
pleural T81.19due to traumaT79.4
postprocedural T81.10with ectopic or molar pregnancyO08.3cardiogenicT81.11endotoxicT81.12following ectopic or molar pregnancyO08.3gram-negativeT81.12hypovolemicT81.19septicT81.12specified type NECT81.19
septic R65.21
specified NECR57.8
taser gun T75.4
therapeutic misadventure NECT81.10
thyroxinoverdose or wrong substance given or taken, see [Table of Drugs and Chemicals, by drug, poisoning]
toxic, syndromeA48.3
transfusion, see [Complications, transfusion]
traumatic T79.4