Congenital malformations of the respiratory system (Q30-Q34)
Q30Congenital malformations of nose
Excludes 1: congenital deviation of nasal septum (Q67.4)
Q30.0Choanal atresia
Atresia of nares (anterior) (posterior)
Congenital stenosis of nares (anterior) (posterior)
Q30.1Agenesis and underdevelopment of nose
Congenital absent of nose
Q30.2Fissured, notched and cleft nose
Q30.3Congenital perforated nasal septum
Q30.8Other congenital malformations of nose
Accessory nose
Congenital anomaly of nasal sinus wall
Q30.9Congenital malformation of nose, unspecified
Q31Congenital malformations of larynx
Excludes 1: congenital laryngeal stridor NOS (P28.89)
Q31.0Web of larynx
Glottic web of larynx
Subglottic web of larynx
Web of larynx NOS
Q31.1Congenital subglottic stenosis
Q31.2Laryngeal hypoplasia
Q31.5Congenital laryngomalacia
Q31.8Other congenital malformations of larynx
Absence of larynx
Agenesis of larynx
Atresia of larynx
Congenital cleft thyroid cartilage
Congenital fissure of epiglottis
Congenital stenosis of larynx NEC
Posterior cleft of cricoid cartilage
Q31.9Congenital malformation of larynx, unspecified
Q32Congenital malformations of trachea and bronchus
Excludes 1: congenital bronchiectasis (Q33.4)
Q32.0Congenital tracheomalacia
Q32.1Other congenital malformations of trachea
Atresia of trachea
Congenital anomaly of tracheal cartilage
Congenital dilatation of trachea
Congenital malformation of trachea
Congenital stenosis of trachea
Congenital tracheocele
Q32.2Congenital bronchomalacia
Q32.3Congenital stenosis of bronchus
Q32.4Other congenital malformations of bronchus
Absence of bronchus
Agenesis of bronchus
Atresia of bronchus
Congenital diverticulum of bronchus
Congenital malformation of bronchus NOS
Q33Congenital malformations of lung
Q33.0Congenital cystic lung
Congenital cystic lung disease
Congenital honeycomb lung
Congenital polycystic lung disease
Excludes 1: cystic fibrosis (E84.0)
cystic lung disease, acquired or unspecified (J98.4)
Q33.1Accessory lobe of lung
Azygos lobe (fissured), lung
Q33.2Sequestration of lung
Q33.3Agenesis of lung
Congenital absence of lung (lobe)
Q33.4Congenital bronchiectasis
Q33.5Ectopic tissue in lung
Q33.6Congenital hypoplasia and dysplasia of lung
Excludes 1: pulmonary hypoplasia associated with short gestation (P28.0)
Q33.8Other congenital malformations of lung
Q33.9Congenital malformation of lung, unspecified
Q34Other congenital malformations of respiratory system
Excludes 2: congenital central alveolar hypoventilation syndrome (G47.35)
Q34.0Anomaly of pleura
Q34.1Congenital cyst of mediastinum
Q34.8Other specified congenital malformations of respiratory system
Atresia of nasopharynx
Q34.9Congenital malformation of respiratory system, unspecified
Congenital absence of respiratory system
Congenital anomaly of respiratory system NOS