A limited volume of extra tissue, blood, CSF, or edema can be added to the intracranial contents without raising the intracranial pressure (ICP). Clinical deterioration or death may follow increases in ICP that shift intracranial contents, distort vital brainstem centers, or compromise cerebral perfusion. Cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP), defined as the mean arterial pressure (MAP) minus the ICP, is the driving force for circulation across capillary beds of the brain; decreased CPP is a fundamental mechanism of secondary ischemic brain injury and constitutes an emergency that requires immediate attention. In general, ICP should be maintained at <20 mmHg and CPP should be maintained at ≥60 mmHg.
Clinical Features
Elevated ICP may occur in a wide range of disorders including head trauma, intracerebral hemorrhage, subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) with hydrocephalus, and fulminant hepatic failure.
Symptoms of high ICP include drowsiness, headache (especially a constant ache that is worse upon awakening), nausea, emesis, diplopia, and blurred vision. Papilledema and sixth nerve palsies are common. If not controlled, cerebral hypoperfusion, pupillary dilation, coma, focal neurologic deficits, posturing, abnormal respirations, systemic hypertension, and bradycardia may result.
Masses that cause raised ICP also distort midbrain and diencephalic anatomy, leading to stupor and coma. Brain tissue is pushed away from the mass against fixed intracranial structures and into spaces not normally occupied. Posterior fossa masses, which may initially cause ataxia, stiff neck, and nausea, are especially dangerous because they can both compress vital brainstem structures and cause obstructive hydrocephalus.
Herniation syndromes (Fig. 21-1. Types of Cerebral Herniation) include:
Increased Intracranial Pressure
After stabilization and initiation of the above therapies, a CT scan (or MRI, if feasible) is performed to delineate the cause of the elevated ICP. Emergency surgery is sometimes necessary to decompress the intracranial contents in cerebellar stroke with edema, surgically accessible tumor, and subdural or epidural hemorrhage. |
Section 2. Medical Emergencies