Disorders of ConsciousnessDisorders of consciousness are common; these always signify a disorder of the nervous system. Assessment should determine the level of consciousness (drowsy, stuporous, comatose) and/or content of consciousness (confusion, perseveration, hallucinations). Confusion is a lack of clarity in thinking with inattentiveness; delirium is used to describe an acute confusional state; stupor, a state in which vigorous stimuli are needed to elicit a response; coma, a condition of unresponsiveness. Pts in such states are usually seriously ill, and etiologic factors must be assessed (Tables 18-1 Common Etiologies of Delirium and 18-2 Stepwise Evaluation of a Pt with Delirium). |
Delirium is a clinical diagnosis made at the bedside; a careful history and physical examination are necessary, focusing on common etiologies of delirium, especially toxins and metabolic conditions. Observation will usually reveal an altered level of consciousness or a deficit of attention. Attention can be assessed through a simple bedside test of digits forward-pts are asked to repeat successively longer random strings of digits beginning with two digits in a row; a digit span of four digits or less usually indicates an attentional deficit unless hearing or language barriers are present. Delirium is vastly underrecognized, especially in pts presenting with a quiet, hypoactive state and those in the ICU.
A cost-effective approach to the evaluation of delirium allows the history and physical examination to guide tests. No single algorithm will fit all pts due to the large number of potential etiologies, but one step-wise approach is shown in Table 18-2 Stepwise Evaluation of a Pt with Delirium.
Management begins with treatment of the underlying inciting factor (e.g., pts with systemic infections should be given appropriate antibiotics, and electrolyte disturbances judiciously corrected). Relatively simple methods of supportive care can be quite effective, such as frequent reorientation by staff, preservation of sleep-wake cycles, and attempting to mimic the home environment as much as possible. Chemical restraints exacerbate delirium and should be used as a last resort and only when necessary to protect pt or staff from possible injury; antipsychotics at very low dose are usually the treatment of choice, although evidence associates them with increased mortality in the elderly and limited efficacy in delirium.
Because coma demands immediate attention, the physician must employ an organized approach (Table 18-3 Differential Diagnosis of Coma). Almost all instances of coma can be traced to either widespread abnormalities of the bilateral cerebral hemispheres or to reduced activity of the reticular activating system in the brainstem.
History should be obtained from witnesses or family members regarding use of insulin, narcotics, anticoagulants, other prescription drugs, suicidal intent, recent trauma, headache, epilepsy, significant medical problems, and antecedent symptoms. History of sudden headache followed by loss of consciousness suggests intracranial hemorrhage; preceding vertigo, nausea, diplopia, ataxia, hemisensory disorder suggest basilar artery involvement; chest pain, palpitations, and faintness suggest a cardiovascular cause.
Immediate Assessment
Acute respiratory and cardiovascular problems should be attended to prior to the neurologic assessment. Vital signs should be evaluated, and appropriate support initiated. Thiamine, glucose, and naloxone should be administered if the etiology of coma is not immediately apparent. Blood should be drawn for glucose, electrolytes, calcium, as well as renal (BUN, creatinine) and hepatic (ammonia, transaminases) function; also screen for presence of alcohol and other toxins, and obtain blood cultures if infection is suspected. Arterial blood-gas analysis is helpful in pts with lung disease and acid-base disorders. Fever, especially with petechial rash, suggests meningitis. Examination of CSF is essential in diagnosis of meningitis and encephalitis; lumbar puncture should not be deferred if meningitis is a possibility, but CT scan should be obtained first if a mass lesion is suspected. Empirical antibiotic and glucocorticoid coverage for meningitis should be instituted until CSF results are available. Fever with dry skin suggests heat shock or intoxication with anticholinergics. Hypothermia suggests myxedema, intoxication, sepsis, exposure, or hypoglycemia. Marked hypertension occurs with increased intracranial pressure (ICP) and hypertensive encephalopathy.
Neurologic Examination
Focus on establishing pt's best level of function and uncovering signs that enable a specific diagnosis. Comatose pt's best motor and sensory function should be assessed by testing responses to noxious stimuli; carefully note any asymmetric responses, which suggest a focal lesion. Multifocal myoclonus indicates that a metabolic disorder is likely; intermittent twitching or subtle eye movements may be the only sign of a seizure.
Stimuli of increasing intensity are applied to gauge the degree of unresponsiveness and any asymmetry in sensory or motor function. Motor responses may be purposeful or reflexive. Spontaneous flexion of elbows with leg extension, termed decorticate posturing, accompanies severe damage to contralateral hemisphere above midbrain. Internal rotation of the arms with extension of elbows, wrists, and legs, termed decerebrate posturing, suggests damage to midbrain or caudal diencephalon. These postural reflexes occur in profound encephalopathic states.
Pupillary Signs
In comatose pts, equal, round, reactive pupils exclude midbrain damage as cause and suggest a metabolic abnormality. Pinpoint pupils occur in narcotic overdose, pontine damage, hydrocephalus, or thalamic hemorrhage; the response to naloxone and presence of reflex eye movements (usually intact with drug overdose) can distinguish these. A unilateral, enlarged, often oval, poorly reactive pupil is caused by midbrain lesions or compression of third cranial nerve, as occurs in transtentorial herniation. Bilaterally dilated, unreactive pupils indicate severe bilateral midbrain damage, anticholinergic overdose, or ocular trauma.
Ocular Movements
Examine spontaneous and reflex eye movements. Intermittent horizontal divergence is common in drowsiness. Slow, to-and-fro horizontal movements suggest bihemispheric dysfunction. Conjugate eye deviation to one side indicates damage to the pons on the opposite side or a destructive lesion in the frontal lobe on the same side (The eyes look toward a hemispheral lesion and away from a brainstem lesion). An adducted eye at rest with impaired ability to turn eye laterally indicates an abducens (VI) nerve palsy, common in raised ICP or pontine damage. The eye with a dilated, unreactive pupil is often abducted at rest and cannot adduct fully due to third nerve dysfunction, as occurs with transtentorial herniation. Vertical separation of ocular axes (skew deviation) occurs in pontine or cerebellar lesions. Doll's head maneuver (oculocephalic reflex) and cold caloric-induced eye movements allow diagnosis of gaze or cranial nerve palsies in pts who do not move their eyes purposefully. Doll's head maneuver is tested by observing eye movements in response to lateral rotation of head (this should not be performed in pts with possible neck injury); full conjugate movement of eyes occurs in bihemispheric dysfunction. In comatose pts with intact brainstem function, raising head to 60° above the horizontal and irrigating external auditory canal with cool water causes tonic deviation of gaze to side of irrigated ear (cold calorics). In conscious pts, it causes nystagmus, vertigo, and emesis.
Respiratory Patterns
Cheyne-Stokes (periodic) breathing occurs in bihemispheric dysfunction and is common in metabolic encephalopathies. Respiratory patterns composed of gasps or other irregular breathing patterns are indicative of lower brainstem damage; such pts usually require intubation and ventilatory assistance.
Radiologic Examination
Lesions causing raised ICP commonly cause impaired consciousness. CT or MRI scan of the brain is often abnormal in coma but may not be diagnostic; appropriate therapy should not be postponed while awaiting a CT or MRI scan. Pts with disordered consciousness due to high ICP can deteriorate rapidly; emergent CT study is necessary to confirm the presence of mass effect and guide surgical intervention. CT scan is normal in some pts with subarachnoid hemorrhage; the diagnosis then rests on clinical history combined with RBCs (in the first few hours) or xanthochromia (from 6-12 h up to 1-4 weeks) in spinal fluid. CT, MR, or conventional angiography may be necessary to establish basilar artery thrombosis as cause of coma in pts with brainstem signs. The electroencephalogram (EEG) is useful in metabolic or drug-induced states but is rarely diagnostic except in coma due to seizures or herpes simplex encephalitis.
Brain Death
This results from total cessation of cerebral function while somatic function is maintained by artificial means and the heart continues to pump. It is legally and ethically equivalent to cardiorespiratory death. The pt is unresponsive to all forms of stimulation (widespread cortical destruction), brainstem reflexes are absent (global brainstem damage), and there is complete apnea (destruction of the medulla). Demonstration of apnea requires that the PCO2 be high enough to stimulate respiration, while PO2 and blood pressure are maintained. EEG is isoelectric at high gain. The absence of deep tendon reflexes is not required because the spinal cord may remain functional. Special care must be taken to exclude drug toxicity and hypothermia prior to making a diagnosis of brain death. Diagnosis should be made only if the state persists for some agreed-upon period, usually 6-24 h; the diagnosis should be delayed for at least 24 h if the cause is unknown or due to cardiac arrest.
Section 2. Medical Emergencies