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Physiology Principles

The cricothyroid membrane lies between the thyroid cartilage superiorly the cricoid cartilage inferiorly. Identify the thyroid cartilage with the thumb index finger then move the fingers caudally until a space is felt between the thyroid cricoid cartilages.

FIGURE 1. Anatomy of the cricothyroid membrane.
Perioperative Relevance


  1. Combes X , Jabre P , Amathieu R , et al. Cricothyrotomy in emergency context: Assessment of a cannot intubate cannot ventilate scenario. Ann Fr Anesth Reanim. 2011;30(2):113116. [Epub 2011 Feb 1.]
  2. Latif R , Chhabra N , Ziegler C , et al. Teaching the surgical airway using fresh cadavers confirming placement nonsurgically. J Clin Anesth. 2010;22(8):598602.
  3. Wong DT , Prabhu AJ , Coloma M , et al. What is the minimum training required for successful cricothyroidotomy? A study in mannequins. Anesthesiology. 2003;98(2):349353.
  4. Schaumann N. Evaluation of Seldinger technique emergency criocothyroidomy versus stard surgical cricothyroidomy in 200 cadavers. Anesthesiology. 2005;102(1):711.

Additional Reading

See Also (Topic, Algorithm, Electronic Media Element)

Clinical Pearls


Jennifer Wu , MD, MBA