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Surgical procedures in neonates are functionally divided into those performed in the first week and those performed in the first month of life. Emphasis of presurgical stabilization before taking the newborn to the operating room has reduced the emergent nature of newborn surgeries (congenital diaphragmatic hernia, omphalocele). Exceptions include gastroschisis, which is usually attended to within 12 to 24 hours, airway lesions such webs that are causing significant airway obstruction, and acute subdural or epidural hematomas from traumatic delivery.

  1. Surgical Procedures in the First Week of Life (Table 41-8: Surgical Procedures Performed in the First Week of Life). Two confounding factors in neonatal surgery are prematurity and associated congenital anomalies. The presence of one congenital anomaly increases the likelihood of other congenital anomalies.
  2. Surgical Procedures in the First Month of Life (Table 41-9: Surgical Procedures Performed in the First Month of Life)


Neonatal Anesthesia

  1. Physiology of the Infant and the Transition Period
  2. Anatomy of the Neonatal Airway
  3. Anesthetic Drugs in Neonates
  4. Anesthetic Management of the Neonate
  5. Special Considerations
  6. Surgical Procedures in Neonates