Variant: incompetency
(in‵kom'pĕt-ĕns , in‵kom'pĕt-ĕn-sē )
[L. incompetens insufficient]
Inadequate ability to perform the function or action normal to an organ or part.
aortic i.Aortic insufficiency.
cervical i.Structural inability of the cervical os to remain closed and support a growing fetus. This is commonly associated with recurrent spontaneous second-trimester abortions. A higher incidence of this incompetence is seen after cervical trauma, e.g., previous vaginal or cesarean births, cervical laceration, conization of the cervix. It also has been reported among daughters whose mothers were treated with diethylstilbestrol (DES) during their pregnancies. Traditionally, cerclage has been used for treatment even though controlled trials of its effectiveness have not been uniformly successful. SYN: cervical insufficiency.
SEE: cerclage; Shirodkar operation.
chronotropic i.An inappropriate response of the heart rate to stimulation, e.g., a slow heart rate during an exercise stress test. SYN: chronotropic insufficiency.
mental i.Legal disqualification to execute a contract or perform normal activities and tasks.
muscular incompetence 1Weakness of any muscle group, as of the muscles of mastication.2Imperfect closure of one of the atrioventricular valves caused by weakness of the papillary muscles.
primary valvular i.Venous insufficiency.
pyloric i.A weakness of the pyloric sphincter, which permits undigested food to leave the stomach and enter the duodenum.
relative i.Excessive dilatation of a cardiac cavity, rendering it impossible for the cardiac valves leading in and out of the chamber to close perfectly.
valvular i.Venous insufficiency.
velopharyngeal i.Velopharygeal insufficiency.
venous i.Inability of a vein to prevent the backward flow of blood because of valve diseases or complications of deep venous thrombosis.