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(ves'tĭ-būl )

[L. vestibulum, forecourt, entrance]

A space, chamber, or cavity forming the entryway to another cavity.


(ves-tib'yŭ-lăr )


aortic v.The part of the left ventricle of the heart just below the aortic valve.

buccal v.The part of the oral vestibule bounded by the teeth, gingiva, and alveolar processes and laterally by the cheek.

v. of ear The middle part of the inner ear, behind the cochlea, in front of the semicircular canals, and containing the utricle and saccule.

laryngeal v.The portion of the larynx superior to the vestibular folds (false vocal cords).

oral v.The thin space between the teeth and gums and between the lips and cheeks.

nasal v.The anterior part of the nostrils, containing the vibrissae.

v. of pharynx The space surrounded by the soft palate, the base of the tongue, and the palatoglossal and palatopharyngeal arches.

vaginal v.An almond-shaped space between the lines of attachment of the labia minora. The clitoris is situated at the superior angle; the inferior boundary is the fourchette. The vestibule is approx. 4 to 5 cm long and 2 cm in greatest width when the labia minora are separated. Four major structures open into the vestibule: the urethra anteriorly, the vagina into the midportion, and the two secretory ducts of the gland s of Bartholin laterally. The mucous membrane is stratified squamous epithelium. SYN: vestibule of vagina.

SEE: Bartholin's gland ; vagina; vestibular bulb.

v. of vagina Vaginal vestibule