Foreign Body Airway Obstruction - Flowchart
Foreign Body Airway Obstruction - Flowchart Foreign Body Airway Obstruction Foreign Body Airway Obstruction

Foreign body airway obstruction in an adult

Foreign body airway obstruction in an adult

Foreign body airway obstruction in an adult

Encourage to contiue coughing

Encourage to contiue coughing

Encourage to contiue coughing

Assess severity

Assess severity

Assess severity

Severe airway obstruction (coughing ineffective or impossible)

Severe airway obstruction (coughing ineffective or impossible)

Severe airway obstruction

Mild airway obstruction (effective coughing)

Mild airway obstruction (effective coughing)

Mild airway obstruction




Unconscious victim

Check/clear mouth and pharynx
Begin CPR (30:2)

Unconscious victim

Check/clear mouth and pharynx
Begin CPR (30:2)

Check/clear mouth and pharynx
Begin CPR (30:2) Unconscious victim

Conscious victim

Lean the victim forwards
Give up to five sharp blows between the shoulder blades with the heel of your hand
If the five back blows do not help, give up to five abdominal thrusts (Heimlich manoeuvre)

Conscious victim

Lean the victim forwards
Give up to five sharp blows between the shoulder blades with the heel of your hand
If the five back blows do not help, give up to five abdominal thrusts (Heimlich manoeuvre)

Lean the victim forwards
Give up to five sharp blows between the shoulder blades with the heel of your hand
If the five back blows do not help, give up to five abdominal thrusts (Heimlich manoeuvre) Conscious victim