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If the PT or PTT/aPTT is abnormal, but the nature of the factor deficiency is unknown, specific coagulation factors may be measured. Factor assays require specialized techniques not available in many laboratories. Factor assays are used to discriminate among mild, moderate, and severe deficiencies and to follow the course of acquired factor inhibitors. States associated with particular factor deficiencies are presented in Table 2-7.

Factors of the extrinsic (II, V, VII, X) and intrinsic (VIII, IX, XI, XII) coagulation pathways are usually measured separately. The factor XIII assay is a separate test in which a blood clot is observed for 24 hours. Clot dissolution within this time indicates severe factor XIII deficiency. The test for fibrinogen (factor I) is discussed later.

Reference Values

Conventional UnitsSI Units
Extrinsic Pathway Factor II70-130 mg/100 mL0.7-1.3 U
Extrinsic Pathway Factor V70-130 mg/100 mL0.7-1.3 U
Extrinsic Pathway Factor VII70-150 mg/100 mL0.7-1.5 U
Extrinsic Pathway Factor X70-130 mg/100 mL0.7-1.3 U
Intrinsic Pathway Factor VIII50-200 mg/100 mL0.5-2.0 U
Intrinsic Pathway Factor IX70-130 mg/100 mL0.7-1.3 U
Intrinsic Pathway Factor XI70-130 mg/100 mL0.7-1.3 U
Intrinsic Pathway Factor XII30-225 mg/100 mL0.3-2.2 U
Common Pathway
Factor XIII
Dissolution of a formed clot within 24 hr

Note: Normal values vary among laboratories.

Interfering Factors


Care Before Procedure

Nursing Care Before the Procedure

Client preparation is the same as that for any study involving the collection of a peripheral blood sample (see Appendix I).


For assays of the factors involved in the intrinsic and extrinsic coagulation pathways, a venipuncture is performed and the sample collected in a light-blue-topped tube. For factor XIII assays, the sample is collected in a red-topped tube. As with other coagulation studies, traumatic venipunctures and excessive agitation of the sample should be avoided. The samples should be sent to the laboratory immediately.

Care After Procedure

Nursing Care After the Procedure

Care and assessment after the procedure are essentially the same as for any study involving the collection of a peripheral blood sample.