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Arterial blood gas (ABG) determinations are made not only to determine levels of actual blood gases (i.e., oxygen and carbon dioxide) but also to assess the client's overall acid-base balance. Thus, ABG levels may indicate hypoxia, hypercapnia or hypocapnia, acidosis, alkalosis, and physiological compensation for acid-base imbalance. The components of an ABG determination are as follows:

  1. pH reflects the number of hydrogen ions in the body and is influenced primarily by the ratio of bicarbonate ions (HCO3-) to carbonic acid (H2CO3), which is essentially carbon dioxide (CO2), in the blood. The normal HCO3--to-CO2 ratio is 20:1. When the hydrogen ion concentration increases (acidosis), the pH falls; when the hydrogen ion concentration decreases (alkalosis), the pH rises. Bicarbonate levels are regulated by the kidneys, whereas carbon dioxide levels are controlled by the lungs. Both the lungs and the kidneys respond to alterations in pH levels by either retaining or excreting carbon dioxide and bicarbonate, respectively.
  2. pO2 indicates the partial pressure of oxygen in the blood. When oxygen levels are lower than normal, the client is hypoxic. Hypoxemia may be caused by either low cardiac output or impaired lung function.
  3. pCO2 indicates the partial pressure of carbon dioxide in the blood, which is regulated by the lungs. Except in cases of compensation for metabolic acid-base imbalances, elevated levels (hypercapnia, hypercarbia) indicate impaired gas exchange in the lungs so that excess CO2 is not eliminated. Decreased levels (hypocapnia, hypocarbia) indicate increased loss of CO2 through the lungs (hyperventilation).
  4. HCO3- indicates the bicarbonate ion concentration in the blood, which is regulated by the kidneys. Altered levels are associated with metabolic acid-base imbalances or reflect response to respiratory alterations in CO2 levels.
  5. O2 saturation (O2 Sat, SaO2) indicates the oxygen content of the blood expressed as percent of oxygen capacity (the amount of oxygen the blood could carry if all of the hemoglobin were fully saturated with oxygen). If the blood is 50 percent saturated, for example, the oxygen content is one-half of the oxygen capacity.
  6. Base excess (BE) usually indicates the difference between the normal serum bicarbonate (HCO3-) level and the client's bicarbonate level. Positive values indicate excess bicarbonate relative to normal values, whereas negative values indicate decreased HCO3- levels.

Reference Values

Conventional UnitsSI Units
pH Newborns7.32-7.49
pH Adults7.35-7.45
pO2 Newborns60-70 mm Hg
pO2 Adults75-100 mm Hg
pCO235-45 mm Hg
HCO3- Newborns20-26 mEq/L20-26 mmol/L
HCO3- Adults22-26 mEq/L22-26 mmol/L
O2 saturation96-100%
Base excess+1 to -2
Critical values 
pH<7.2 or >7.6
pO2 Infants<37 mm Hg or >92 mm Hg
pO2 Adults<40 mm Hg
pCO2<20 mm Hg or >70 mm Hg
HCO3-<10 mEq/L or >40 mEq/L<10 mmol or >40 mmol/L
O2 saturation<60%


Interfering Factors


Care Before Procedure

Nursing Care Before the Procedure

Explain to the client:

Prepare the client for the procedure:


The procedure varies slightly with the method for obtaining the sample.

Arterial Puncture. A blood gas collection kit is obtained. If prepackaged kits are not available, obtain a 3-mL syringe, heparin (usually in the concentration of 100 U/mL), 20-gauge or 21-gauge needles, povidone-iodine or alcohol swabs or sponges, gauze pads, and tape. Fill a plastic or paper cup or a small plastic bag about halfway with ice.

If the syringe is not preheparinized, draw approximately 1 mL of heparin into the syringe, pull the plunger back to about the 3-mL line, and rotate the barrel. Then expel all except approximately 0.1 mL of heparin and change the needle. Excess heparin in the syringe will lower the pH and pCO2 of the sample.

Palpate the artery to be used. The radial artery is usually the most accessible, but the brachial or the femoral artery also may be used. If the radial artery is to be used, extend the client's wrist over a rolled towel or similar support.

Cleanse the site with povidone-iodine and allow to dry. It is recommended by some that the iodine solution be removed with an alcohol swab before arterial puncture. If the client is allergic to iodine, use only alcohol to prepare the site. Some authorities also advocate anesthetizing the puncture site with a small amount of 1 percent lidocaine (Xylo-caine).

Using the heparinized syringe with needle attached, puncture the artery. A 45-degree angle is used for radial artery punctures; a 60- to 90-degree angle is used for brachial arteries. A 90-degree angle is generally used for femoral artery punctures. Advance the needle until blood begins to enter the syringe; it should not be necessary to pull back on the plunger. After 2 to 3 mL of blood have been obtained, withdraw the needle and immediately apply firm pressure to the puncture site with a sterile gauze pad. Inform the client that the discomfort felt after the puncture will disappear in a few minutes.

Meanwhile, expel any air or air bubbles from the syringe, because mixing with atmospheric air may alter test results. The needle may be plugged by inserting it into a rubber cap, or it may be removed and the rubber cap supplied in the blood gas collection kit placed on the hub of the syringe. The sample is then placed in ice to inhibit metabolic blood activity; failure to do this within 2 minutes of collecting the sample will alter test results.

The sample is sent immediately for analysis. On the ABG request form or sample label, note the time the sample was collected, the client's temperature, and whether the client was breathing room air, receiving oxygen, or using mechanical ventilation.

Arterial Line Sample. See Appendix I, the section titled "Indwelling Devices and Atrial Venous Catheters."

Care After Procedure

Nursing Care After the Procedure