Therapeutic Classification: antianxiety agents, antidepressants, sedative/hypnotics
Pharmacologic Classification: tricyclic antidepressants
Absorption: Well absorbed from the GI tract, although much is metabolized on first pass through the liver.
Distribution: Widely distributed to tissues.
Half-Life: 825 hr.
Contraindicated in:
Use Cautiously in:
CV: hypotension, arrhythmias
Derm: photosensitivity, rash
EENT: blurred vision, ↑intraocular pressure
GI: constipation, dry mouth, hepatitis, nausea, paralytic ileus
GU: ↓libido, urinary retention
Hemat: blood dyscrasias
Neuro: fatigue, sedation, agitation, confusion, hallucinations
Misc: hypersensitivity reactions
Drug-Natural Products:
Lab Test Considerations: