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Basic Information

AUTHOR: Tania B. Babar, MD


Normal blood pressure (BP) in adults can be defined as systolic BP <120 mm Hg and diastolic BP <80 mm Hg. Elevated BP is defined as systolic BP between 120 and 129 mm Hg or diastolic BP <80 mm Hg. Hypertension (HTN) can be divided into (1) stage 1: Systolic BP from 130 to 139 mm Hg or diastolic BP from 80 to 89 mm Hg and (2) stage 2: Systolic BP 140 mm Hg or diastolic BP 90 mm Hg. This definition is based on accurate measurements and average of 2 readings on 2 occasions.



Essential hypertension

Idiopathic hypertension

High BP

I10Essential (primary) hypertension
I15.0Renovascular hypertension
I15.1Hypertension secondary to other renal disorders
I15.2Hypertension secondary to endocrine disorders
I15.8Other secondary hypertension
I15.9Secondary hypertension, unspecified
O10.919Unspecified pre-existing hypertension complicating pregnancy, unspecified trimester
I67.4Hypertensive encephalopathy
Epidemiology & Demographics

  • In the U.S., 50% of people aged 60 to 69 yr and 75% of people >70 yr of age are affected by HTN. Worldwide, it is estimated that 41% of people ages 35 to 70 yr have HTN, and only 46.5% of them are aware of it.
  • Peak prevalence increases with age and is highest among non-Hispanic Black adults in the U.S.
  • HTN is linked with a higher risk of heart attack, stroke, heart failure, and kidney disease.
Physical Findings & Clinical Presentation

Physical examination may be entirely within normal limits, except for the presence of elevated BP. A proper initial physical examination on a hypertensive patient should include the following:

  • The BP should be measured with an appropriately sized cuff (bladder of the cuff should cover at least two thirds of the circumference of the arm) and taken in both arms (the higher of the readings being used). Table 1 describes BP cuff size and error in measurement.
  • The BP should be measured twice on each visit and separated by at least 1 to 2 min to allow the return of trapped blood.
  • The patient should be seated in a calm environment for at least 5 min with the arm in which BP is measured rested on support level with the heart.
  • Postural BP change should always be recorded in the elderly to diagnose postural hypotension. This is assessed by taking BP in supine (after 5-min rest) and standing (after 2 min) positions. A drop of 20 mm Hg in systolic, a drop of 10 mm Hg diastolic BP, or symptoms of cerebral hypoperfusion is suggestive of postural (orthostatic) hypotension.
  • A diagnosis of HTN may be established if the BP is markedly elevated (>180/110 mm Hg) or has evidence of end organ damage; otherwise such a diagnosis should wait until BP is found elevated on >2 readings on >2 different occasions.
  • Nonoffice (home, workplace, 24-h ambulatory) BP determination to establish the pattern of HTN (sustained, “white coat,” or “masked” HTN) in selected patients.
  • Measure heart rate, height, weight, body mass index, and waist circumference.
  • Some general clinical clues for when to screen for secondary HTN include:
    1. Severe or resistant HTN
    2. An acute rise in BP developing in a patient with previous stable BP
    3. Age less than 30 yr, nonobese, non-Black with no family history of HTN
    4. Sudden onset or accelerated HTN
    5. Age of onset before puberty. If above is suspected, additional tests for secondary HTN should be done, including renin, aldosterone, cortisol levels, 24-h urine metanephrines, and serum catecholamines
  • Physical examination should include searching for secondary causes, and sequelae of HTN.
  • Examine skin for the presence of café-au-lait spots (neurofibromatosis), uremic appearance (renal failure), and violaceous striae (Cushing syndrome).
  • Perform careful funduscopic examination; check for papilledema, retinal exudates, hemorrhages, arterial narrowing, arteriovenous compression.
  • Examine neck for carotid bruits, distended neck veins, and enlarged thyroid gland.
  • Perform extensive cardiopulmonary examination: Check for a laterally displaced point of maximal intensity, an S3 or S4, and valvular murmurs.
  • Palpate abdomen for renal masses (pheochromocytoma, polycystic kidneys), and auscultate for bruit over the aorta and renal arteries.
  • Examine arterial pulses (dilated or absent femoral pulses and BP greater in upper extremities than lower extremities suggest aortic coarctation).
  • Look for truncal obesity (Cushing syndrome) and pedal edema (congestive heart failure [CHF]).
  • Table 2 provides a guide to evaluation of identifiable causes of HTN.
  • Table 3 summarizes clinical clues to guide the investigation in young patients with hypertension that has a potentially hereditary cause.

TABLE 3 Clinical Clues to Guide the Investigation in Young Patients With Hypertension That Has a Potentially Hereditary Cause

Specific ConditionsPossible Causes of Familial HypertensionClinical Clues
Catecholamine-Producing Tumors
Pheochromocytoma/paragangliomaFamilial cases are responsible for <30% of cases, including MEN2A and MEN2B, von Hippel-Lindau disease, neurofibromatosis, and familial paraganglioma syndromes (SDH complex mutations)Paroxysmal palpitations, headaches, diaphoresis, pale flushing; syndromic features of any of the associated disorders
Neuroblastomas (adrenal)
Aortic or renovascular lesions
1%-2% of neuroblastomas are familial
Coarctation of the aortaOverrepresented in families but no familial distributionAsymmetry between upper- and lower-extremity BP, radial-formal pulse delay; associated with Turner syndrome, Williams syndrome, and bicuspid aortic valve
Renal artery stenosis caused by fibromuscular dysplasia or inherited arterial wall lesions<10% familial with AD patternAbnormal renal vascular imaging results; vascular disease in the carotid territory at an early age; common in neurofibromatosis and Williams syndrome; also present in tuberous sclerosis, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, and Marfan syndrome
Parenchymal kidney disease GNAlport disease (X-linked, AR, or AD), familial IgA nephropathy (AD with incomplete penetrance)Proteinuria, hematuria, low eGFR
PKDADPKD type 1 or 2, ARPKDMultiple renal cysts (as few as three in patients under 30 yr)
Adrenocortical disease
Glucocorticoid-remediable aldosteronism (familial hyperaldosteronism type I)
AD chimeric fusion of the 11β-hydroxylase and aldosterone synthase genesCerebral hemorrhages at young age, cerebral aneurysms; mild hypokalemia; high plasma aldosterone, low renin
Familial hyperaldosteronismAD; unknown defectSevere type 2 hypertension in early adulthood; high plasma aldosterone, low renin; no response to glucocorticoid treatment
Familial hyperaldosteronism type IIIAD; unknown defectSevere hypertension in childhood with extensive target-organ damage; high plasma aldosterone, low renin; marked bilateral adrenal enlargement
Congenital adrenal hyperplasiaAR mutations in 11β-hydroxylase or 21-hydroxylaseHirsutism, virilization; hypokalemia and metabolic alkalosis; low plasma aldosterone and renin
Monogenic Primary Renal Tubular Defects
Gordon syndromeAD mutations of KLHL3, CUL3, WNK1, and WNK4; AR mutations of KLHL3Hyperkalemia and metabolic acidosis with normal renal function
Liddle syndromeAD mutations of the epithelial sodium channelHypokalemia and metabolic alkalosis; low plasma aldosterone and renin
Apparent mineralocorticoid excessAD mutation in 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 2Hypokalemia and metabolic alkalosis; low plasma aldosterone and renin
Geller syndrome
Hypertension-brachydactyly syndrome
AD mutation in the mineralocorticoid receptor AD mutations in the phosphodiesterase E3A enzymeHypokalemia and metabolic alkalosis; low plasma aldosterone and renin; increased BP during pregnancy or exposure to spironolactone
Unknown mechanisms
Hypertension-brachydactyly syndromeADShort fingers (small phalanges) and short stature; brain stem compression from vascular tortuosity in the posterior fossa
Essential Hypertension
PolygenicWhen obesity or metabolic syndrome is present, the likelihood of essential hypertension is higher

AD, Autosomal dominant; ADPKD, autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease; AR, autosomal recessive; ARPKD, autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease; BP, blood pressure; eGFR, estimated glomerular filtration rate; GN, glomerulonephritis; IgA, immunoglobulin A; MEN, multiple endocrine neoplasia; PKD, polycystic kidney disease; SDH, succinate dehydrogenase.

From Skorecki K et al: Brenner and Rector’s the kidney, ed 10, Philadelphia, 2016, Elsevier.

TABLE 2 Guide to Evaluation of Identifiable Causes of Hypertension

Suspected DiagnosisClinical CluesDiagnostic Testing
Chronic kidney diseaseEstimated GFR <60 ml/min/1.73 m2
Urine albumin-to-creatinine ratio 30 mg/g
Renal sonography
Renovascular diseaseNew elevation in serum creatinine, marked elevation in serum creatinine with ACEI or ARB, drug-resistant hypertension, flash pulmonary edema, abdominal, or flank bruitRenal sonography (atrophic kidney), CT or MR angiography, invasive angiography
Coarctation of the aortaArm pulses >leg pulses, arm BP >leg BP, chest bruits, rib notching on chest radiographyMR angiography, TEE, invasive angiography
Primary aldosteronismHypokalemia, drug-resistant hypertensionPlasma renin and aldosterone, 24-h urine aldosterone and potassium after oral salt loading, adrenal vein sampling
Cushing syndromeTruncal obesity, wide and blanching purple striae, muscle weakness1 mg dexamethasone-suppression test, urinary cortisol after dexamethasone, adrenal CT
PheochromocytomaParoxysms of hypertension, palpitations, perspiration, and pallor; diabetesPlasma metanephrines, 24-h urinary metanephrines and catecholamines, abdominal CT or MR imaging
Obstructive sleep apneaLoud snoring, large neck, obesity, somnolencePolysomnography

ACEI, Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor; ARB, angiotensin receptor blocker; BP, blood pressure; CT, computed tomography; GFR, glomerular filtration rate; MR, magnetic resonance; TEE, transesophageal echocardiography.

From Goldman L, Schafer AI: Goldman’s Cecil medicine, ed 24, Philadelphia, 2012, Saunders.

TABLE 1 Blood Pressure Cuff Size and Error in Measurement

Cuff Bladder SizeArm Circumference
28 cm or less29-42 cm43 cm or more
Regular (12 × 23 cm)AccurateOverestimates
SBP by 4-8 mm Hg
DBP by 3-6 mm Hg
SBP by 16-17 mm Hg
DBP by 10-11 mm Hg
Large (15 × 33 cm)Underestimates
SBP by 2-3 mm Hg
DBP by 1-2 mm Hg
SBP by 5-7 mm Hg
DBP by 2-4 mm Hg
Thigh (18 × 36 cm)Underestimates
SBP by 5-7 mm Hg
DBP by 1-3 mm Hg
SBP by 5-7 mm Hg
DBP by 2-4 mm Hg

DBP, Diastolic blood pressure reading; SBP, systolic blood pressure reading.

Overestimation means that hypertension may be diagnosed in someone with normal blood pressure; underestimation means that the blood pressure reading may be normal in someone who actually has high blood pressure. See text for further discussion.

From McGee S et al: Evidence-based physical diagnosis, ed 4, Philadelphia, 2018, Elsevier.


  • Essential (primary) HTN (85%)
  • Drug induced or drug related (5%)
    1. NSAIDs
    2. Oral contraceptives
    3. Corticosteroids
  • Renal HTN (5%)
    1. Renal parenchymal disease (3%)
    2. Renovascular HTN (RVH) (<2%)
  • Endocrine (<2%) (Table 4)
    1. Primary aldosteronism (at least 5%)
    2. Pheochromocytoma (0.2%)
    3. Cushing syndrome and long-term steroid therapy (0.2%)
    4. Hyperparathyroidism or thyroid disease (0.2%)
  • Coarctation of the aorta (0.2%)
  • Causes of secondary hypertension are summarized in Box 1

BOX 1 Causes of Secondary Hypertension

NSAIDs, Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs; PTH, parathyroid hormone; PTHRP, parathyroid hormone-related protein; SSRI, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor; VEGF, vascular endothelial growth factor.

Endocrine causes

Epinephrine excess

Aldosterone excess

Thyroid disease


Vascular causes

Coarctation of the aorta

Renal artery stenosis

Atherosclerosis (smokers, diabetes mellitus, advancing age)

Renal disease



Diabetes mellitus

Drug reactions

Renal tumors (renal cell carcinoma, reninoma)






Cyclosporine (ciclosporin)


Oral contraceptives


Skin lesions such as endothelinomas

PTH- and PTHRP-producing cancers

Anti-VEGF-related cancer treatment

Adrenal tumors

Multiple endocrine neoplasia

From Talley NJ et al: Essentials of internal medicine, ed 4, Chatswood, NSW, 2021, Elsevier Australia.

TABLE 4 Adrenocortical Causes of Hypertension

Low Renin and High Aldosterone
Primary Aldosteronism
  1. Aldosterone-producing adenoma (APA)-30% of cases
  2. Bilateral idiopathic hyperplasia (IHA)-60% of cases
  3. Primary (unilateral) adrenal hyperplasia-2% of cases
  4. Aldosterone-producing adrenocortical carcinoma-<1% of cases
  5. Familial hyperaldosteronism (FH)
    1. FH type I (CYP11B1/CYP11B2 germline chimeric gene)-<1% of cases
    2. FH type II (APA or IHA; germline CLCN2mutations-<6% of cases
    3. FH type III (germline KCNJ5mutations)-<1% of cases
    4. FH type IV (germline CACNA1H mutations)-<0.1% of cases
  6. Ectopic aldosterone-producing adenoma or carcinoma-<0.1% of cases
Low Renin and Low Aldosterone
  1. Congenital adrenal hyperplasia
    1. 11β-Hydroxylase deficiency
    2. 17α-Hydroxylase deficiency
  2. Deoxycorticosterone-producing tumor
  3. Primary cortisol resistance
  4. Apparent mineralocorticoid excess (AME)/11β-HSD 2 deficiency
    1. Genetic
    2. Type 1 AME
    3. Type 2 AME
  5. Acquired
    1. Licorice or carbenoxolone ingestion (type 1 AME)
    2. Cushing syndrome (type 2 AME)
Cushing Syndrome
  1. Exogenous glucocorticoid administration-most common cause
  2. Endogenous
    1. ACTH-dependent-85% of cases
      1. Pituitary
      2. Ectopic
    2. ACTH-independent-15% of cases
      1. Unilateral adrenal disease (adenoma or carcinoma)
      2. Bilateral adrenal disease
        1. Bilateral adenoma
        2. Macronodular hyperplasia
        3. Primary pigmented nodular adrenal disease (rare)

ACTH,Corticotropin; HSD, hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase.

From Melmed S et al: Williams textbook of endocrinology, ed 14, 2019, Elsevier.



  • The objective for the initial evaluation of HTN is to establish the diagnosis and stage of HTN. Table 5 summarizes initial laboratory evaluation of the hypertensive patient.
  • Gather office and nonoffice BP readings, assess presence of target organ damage (TOD), assess the level of global cardiovascular disease risk, and produce a plan for individualized monitoring and therapy.
  • Patient counseling and education should be prominent features of the initial evaluation.
  • Pertinent history:
    1. Age of onset of HTN, previous antihypertensive therapy
    2. Family history of HTN, stroke, cardiovascular disease
  • Diet, salt intake, caffeine, alcohol, drugs (e.g., oral contraceptives, NSAIDs, decongestants, steroids).
  • Occupation, lifestyle, pain, socioeconomic status, psychologic factors.
  • Other cardiovascular risk factors: Hyperlipidemia, obesity, diabetes mellitus.
  • Symptoms of secondary HTN:
    1. Headache, palpitations, excessive perspiration (possible pheochromocytoma)
    2. Weakness, polyuria (consider hyperaldosteronism)
    3. Claudication of lower extremities (seen with coarctation of aorta)
    4. Loud snoring, daytime somnolence, morning confusion (may warrant evaluation for sleep apnea)

TABLE 5 Initial Laboratory Evaluation of the Hypertensive Patient to Investigate the Presence of Comorbid Conditions, Secondary Causes, or Established Target-Organ Damage

TestClinical Usefulness
Serum creatinine (and estimated glomerular filtration rate)Assessment of renal function. Identifies parenchymal kidney disease as a possible secondary cause as well as established TOD.
Serum potassiumLow potassium (of renal origin) suggests mineralocorticoid excess (primary or secondary), glucocorticoid excess, Liddle syndrome. High potassium with normal renal function suggests Gordon syndrome. Low levels raise caution about the use of thiazides and loop diuretics. High levels preclude the use of ACEIs, ARBs, renin inhibitors, and potassium-sparing diuretics.
Serum sodiumIf high, suggests primary aldosteronism. If low, alerts to the need to avoid thiazide diuretics.
Serum bicarbonateIf high, suggests aldosterone excess (primary or secondary). If low with normal renal function, suggests Gordon syndrome (with high potassium) or primary hyperparathyroidism (with high calcium).
Serum calciumIf high, suggests primary hyperparathyroidism.
Serum glucoseIdentifies prediabetes or diabetes. In the appropriate setting, suggests glucocorticoid excess, pheochromocytoma, or acromegaly.
Lipid profileIdentifies hyperlipidemia.
Hemoglobin/hematocritIf high, in the absence of other hematologic abnormalities or underlying lung disease, suggests sleep apnea.
UrinalysisProteinuria and hematuria identify a possible secondary cause (glomerulonephritis). Proteinuria can also be a marker of TOD.
ElectrocardiogramIdentifies left ventricular hypertrophy, old myocardial infarction, or other ischemic changes. Identifies conduction abnormalities that may preclude the use of β-blockers or nondihydropyridine CCBs.

The most recent guidelines do not recommend blood urea nitrogen (BUN) measurement alone.ACEI, Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor; ARB, angiotensin receptor blocker; CCB, calcium channel blocker; TOD, target-organ damage.

Some organizations recommend screening microalbuminuria as a more sensitive tool to identify early renal injury.

From Skorecki K et al: Brenner and Rector’s the kidney, ed 10, Philadelphia, 2016, Elsevier.

Laboratory Tests

  • Routine laboratory tests recommended before initiating therapy include:
    1. Urinalysis with microscopic evaluation; for signs of glomerulopathy
    2. Basic metabolic panel and calcium; for signs of kidney damage, hypokalemia (primary aldosteronism and Cushing syndrome), hypercalcemia (hyperparathyroid)
    3. CBC
    4. Screening for coexisting diseases that may adversely affect prognosis; hemoglobin A1c or fasting glucose level, serum lipid panel
    5. Optional tests include measurement of urinary albumin or albumin/creatinine ratio
Imaging Studies

  • ECG: Check for presence of left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) with strain pattern.
  • Renal duplex ultrasonography, CT angiography or magnetic resonance angiography of the renal arteries in suspected renovascular hypertension (renal artery stenosis) may be considered.


Nonpharmacologic Therapy

Lifestyle modifications (the initial treatment of hypertension should focus on lifestyle modifications [Table 6]):

  • Weight loss if overweight (target body mass index [BMI] <25).
  • Limit alcohol intake to 1 oz of ethanol per day (<2 drinks/day) in men or 0.5 oz (<1 drink/day) in women.
  • Regular aerobic exercise (at least 30 min/day on most days).
  • Reduce sodium intake to <100 mmol/day (<1.5 g of sodium/day).
  • Maintain adequate dietary potassium (>3500 mg/day) intake in patients with normal kidney function.
  • Smoking cessation.
  • The BP reduction seen ranges from 2 to 20 mm Hg, most significant with substantial weight loss and the implementation of the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) eating plan, which relies on a diet high in fruits and vegetables, moderate in low-fat dairy products, and low in animal protein but with substantial amount of plant protein from legumes and nuts.

TABLE 6 Effects of Lifestyle Modifications on Blood Pressure

Lifestyle ModificationSpecificsLevel of EvidenceApproximate Reduction in Systolic Blood Pressure
Weight lossMaintain BMI <25 kg/m2A5-20 mm Hg per 10 kg weight loss
Physical activityAt least 30 min per dayA5 mm Hg
Reduce salt intakeLimit sodium to 2.4 g per dayA5 mm Hg
Heart-healthy diet, such as DASHLow-fat diet with fruits and vegetablesA11 mm Hg
Potassium supplementationPreferably as part of dietary modificationA4 mm Hg
Stop smokingA1-6 mm Hg
Moderation of alcohol consumptionLimit alcohol to 2 drinks/day for men and 1 drink/day for womenA4 mm Hg

A, Supported by one or more high quality randomized trials; BMI, body mass index, DASH, Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension.

Modified from Whelton PK, Carey RM, Aronow WS, et al: 2017 ACC/AHA/AAPA/ABC/ACPM/AGS/APhA/ASH/ASPC/NMA/PCNA Guideline for the Prevention, Detection, Evaluation, and Management of High Blood Pressure in Adults: a report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Clinical Practice Guidelines, J Am Coll Cardiol 71:e127-e248, 2018. In Warshaw G et al: Ham’s primary care geriatrics, ed 7, Philadelphia, 2022, Elsevier.

Acute General Rx

  • Multiple recent consensus documents regarding BP goals and when to initiate treatment have been published. Antihypertensive medications are summarized in Table 7. Antihypertensive choices in the setting of cardiovascular comorbidity are described in Table 8.
    1. For low-risk adults (no ASCVD or 10-yr CVD risk <10%) with stage 1 hypertension, management should start with nonpharmacologic therapy. If BP remains uncontrolled after 3 to 6 mo, then consider starting pharmacologic therapy.1
    2. For adults with confirmed hypertension and known cardiovascular disease (CVD) or 10-yr atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) event risk of 10% or higher, a BP target of less than 130/80 mm Hg is recommended.2
    3. For adults with confirmed hypertension without additional markers of increased CVD risk, a BP target of less than 130/80 mm Hg may be reasonable.
  • In addition, initiation of therapy recommendations is as follows:
    1. Use of BP-lowering medication is recommended for primary prevention of CVD in adults with no history of CVD and with an estimated 10-yr ASCVD risk <10% and stage 2 HTN.
    2. Use of BP-lowering medications is recommended for secondary prevention of recurrent CVD events in patients with clinical CVD and for primary prevention in adults with an estimated 10-yr ASCVD risk of 10% or higher and stage 1 HTN.
    3. Initiate antihypertensive drug therapy with two first-line agents of different classes for adults with stage 2 HTN and BP more than 20/10 mm Hg higher than their target.
    4. Patients with diabetes mellitus and chronic kidney disease are considered high risk.
    5. In the general non-Black population, preferred initial agents are thiazide-type diuretics, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEI), calcium channel blockers (CCBs), or angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs). ACEI or ARBs are preferred initial agents in diabetics and those with chronic kidney disease (CKD) in this population.3
    6. Preferred initial agents in the Black population (including diabetics) are thiazide-type diuretics or CCBs.
    7. When selecting drugs, try to give once per day dosages to improve compliance. Also consider the cost of the medication, metabolic and subjective side effects, and drug-drug interactions.
  • The major advantages and limitations of each class of drugs are described as follows:
    1. Thiazide diuretics:
      1. Advantages: Inexpensive, once-daily dosing. Useful in edematous states, CHF, chronic renal disease, elderly patients (decreased incidence of hip fractures in elderly patients)
      2. Disadvantages: Significant adverse metabolic effects (hypokalemia), increased risk of cardiac arrhythmias, sexual dysfunction, gout flares, possible adverse effects on lipids and glucose levels
    2. β-Blockers:
      1. Advantages: Ideal in hypertensive patients with ischemic heart disease or status post myocardial infarction (MI); favored in hyperkinetic, young patients (resting tachycardia, wide pulse pressure, hyperdynamic heart) and stable CHF patients
      2. Disadvantages: Adverse effect on quality of life (increased incidence of fatigue, depression, impotence), bronchospasm, hypoglycemia, peripheral vascular disease, adverse effects on lipids, masking of signs and symptoms of hypoglycemia in diabetics
    3. Calcium antagonists:
      1. Advantages: Helpful in hypertensive patients with ischemic heart disease. Generally favorable effect on quality of life; can be used in patients with bronchospastic disorders, renal disease, peripheral vascular disease, metabolic disorders, and salt sensitivity. CCBs’ BP-lowering effect is independent of Na+ intake.
      2. Disadvantages: Diltiazem and verapamil should be avoided in patients with CHF caused by systolic dysfunction because of their negative inotropic effects; pedal edema may occur with nifedipine and amlodipine; constipation can be severe in elderly patients receiving verapamil. CCB-related edema is positional in nature and improves with lying position; additional strategies include switching CCB classes, reducing dosage, giving the medication later in the day, and adding a venodilator (nitrates, an ACE, or an ARB); diuretics may improve edema, but at the expense of a reduction in plasma volume.
    4. ACE inhibitors:
      1. Advantages: First-line therapy for patients with left ventricular dysfunction, helpful in prevention of diabetic renal disease; effective in decreasing LVH, and remodeling.
      2. Disadvantages: Dry cough is a frequent side effect (5% to 20% of patients); hyperkalemia may occur in patients with diabetes or severe renal insufficiency; hypotension may occur in volume-depleted patients; increased risk of renal failure in patients with renal artery stenosis; contraindicated in pregnancy.
    5. ARBs:
      1. Advantages: Well tolerated, favorable impact on quality of life; useful in patients unable to tolerate ACE inhibitors because of persistent cough and in CHF and diabetic patients; single daily dose. An episode of renal insufficiency with ACE inhibitors does not rule out future therapy with an ARB unless high-grade bilateral renal artery stenosis exists.
      2. Disadvantages: Hypotension may occur in volume-depleted patients; hyperkalemia; risk of renal failure in renal artery stenosis; contraindicated in pregnancy.
    6. Alpha-adrenergic blockers:
      1. Advantages: No adverse effect on blood lipids or insulin sensitivity; helpful in benign prostatic hypertrophy.
      2. Disadvantages: Postural hypotension, sedation; syncope can be avoided by giving an initial low dose at bedtime. Generally considered third- or fourth-line agent.
    7. Central alpha-antagonists:
      1. Oral clonidine mainstay of therapy for hypertensive urgencies because of the ease of administration and relative safety.
      2. Transdermal clonidine; useful in management of labile HTN, the hospitalized patient who cannot take medications by mouth, and patients subject to early-morning BP surges. At equivalent doses, transdermal clonidine is more apt to precipitate salt and water retention than is the case with oral clonidine.
      3. Dose beyond 0.4 mg causes fatigue, sedation, dry mouth, salt and water retention, and rebound HTN upon abrupt termination of the medication.
    8. Combined α- and β-adrenergic receptor blockers:
      1. Labetalol, nebivolol, and carvedilol: Use is reserved to treat complicated hypertensive patient when an antihypertensive effect beyond β-blockade is sought. IV labetalol is used for hypertensive emergencies. Carvedilol is shown to have less adverse effect on glycemic control than metoprolol and to reduce urinary protein excretion in hypertensive diabetic patients.
    9. Direct-acting smooth muscle relaxant: Hydralazine
      1. Advantages: Beneficial in Black patients when used with isosorbide dinitrate.
      2. Disadvantages: May lead to reflex tachycardia, worsening ischemia (best used with nitrates), at higher doses or with renal failure can lead to a reversible drug-induced lupus.
    10. Renin inhibitors: Newest class of antihypertensives (Aliskiren):
      1. Advantages: Generally well tolerated; once-daily dosing; can be used alone or in combination with other antihypertensive agents (avoid combining with ACE inhibitors or ARBs given increase of hyperkalemia).
      2. Disadvantages: Contraindicated in pregnancy; should not be used in patients with impaired renal function; excessive cost; paucity of cardiovascular outcomes data showing benefit.

TABLE 7 Antihypertensive Drugs

Drug ClassMechanism of ActionPossible Adverse Effects
Thiazide-like diuretics
Inhibit sodium and chloride reabsorption in the kidney, reducing intravascular volume and peripheral vascular resistanceVolume depletion hypotension, hyponatremia, hypokalemia, hypomagnesemia, hyperuricemia (gout), hyperglycemia, renal impairment
Potassium-sparing diuretics
Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACE inhibitors)
Inhibits ACE, interfering with conversion of angiotensin I to angiotensin II, reducing vasoconstrictionHyperkalemia (with impaired renal function), cough, angioedema, rash, renal impairment, altered taste
Angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARB)
Antagonizes angiotensin II AT1 receptors, reducing vasoconstrictionHyperkalemia, renal impairment
Do not use an ACE inhibitor and an ARB simultaneously
Beta-BlockersSinus bradycardia, heart block, fatigue, bronchospasm, hyperglycemia, confusion. Not recommended as first-line agents unless the patient has ischemic heart disease or heart failure
Beta1 Selective
Selectively antagonizes β-1 adrenergic receptors
Dual acting
Antagonizes α-1, β-1, and β-2 adrenergic receptors
Calcium channel blockers-
Prolong AV node refractory period and have negative inotropic effect; less effective as vasodilatorsSinus bradycardia, heart block, heart failure, rash, GERD, constipation, gingival hyperplasia
Calcium channel blockers-
Inhibit calcium influx, relaxing vascular smooth muscle and decreasing peripheral resistance causing vasodilation with little or no negative effect upon cardiac contractility or AV nodal conductionPeripheral edema
Alpha-adrenergic agonists, centrally acting
Stimulates α-2 adrenergic receptors centrallySedation, dry mouth, constipation. Avoid in older adults because of central nervous system adverse effects
Alpha1 selective adrenergic antagonists, peripherally acting
Antagonizes peripheral α-1 adrenergic receptorsOrthostatic hypotension. Consider in patients with benign prostatic hypertrophy

GERD, Gastroesophageal reflux disease.

From Warshaw G et al: Ham’s primary care geriatrics, ed 7, Philadelphia, 2022, Elsevier.

TABLE 8 Antihypertensive Choice in the Setting of Cardiovascular Comorbidity

Heart failure
Post myocardial infarction
High risk of coronary artery disease
Chronic kidney disease
Recurrent stroke prevention

ACEI, Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor; ALDO ant, aldosterone antagonist; ATRA, angiotensin II receptor antagonist, BB, beta-adrenoceptor antagonist; CCB, calcium-channel blocker.

From Talley NJ et al: Essentials of internal medicine, ed 4, Chatswood, NSW, 2021, Elsevier Australia.

Treatment of Renovascular Hypertension

The therapeutic approach varies with the cause of the renovascular hypertension (RVH) (refer to “Renal Artery Stenosis” for additional information).

  • Young patients with fibromuscular dysplasia refractory to medical therapy can be treated with percutaneous transluminal renal angioplasty (PTRA).
  • Medical therapy is advisable in elderly patients with atheromatous RVH; useful agents are:
    1. β-Blockers: Highly effective in patients with elevated plasma renin
    2. ACE inhibitors: Highly effective; however, should be avoided in patients with bilateral renal artery stenosis or with a solitary kidney and renal artery stenosis
    3. Diuretics: Often used in combination with ACE inhibitors
  • Surgical revascularization: A recent trial revealed that renal-artery stenting does not confer a significant benefit with respect to the prevention of clinical events when added to comprehensive, multifactorial medical therapy in people with atherosclerotic renal-artery stenosis and hypertension or CKD.
HTN During Pregnancy

  • HTN complicates 5% to 12% of all pregnancies.
  • The American Obstetrical Committee defines BP of 130/80 mm Hg as the upper limit of normal at any time during pregnancy.
  • A rise of 30 mm Hg systolic or 15 mm Hg diastolic is also considered abnormal regardless of the absolute values obtained.
  • Hypertension during pregnancy can be from chronic HTN, gestational HTN, preeclampsia or preeclampsia superimposed on chronic HTN. It is important to distinguish the etiology because the risk to mother and fetus is much greater in preeclampsia.In pregnant women with mild chronic hypertension, a strategy of targeting a blood pressure of less than 140/90 mm Hg is associated with better pregnancy outcomes than a strategy of reserving treatment only for severe hypertension, with no increase in the risk of small-for-gestational-age birth weight.3a
  • Treatment of chronic HTN during pregnancy is as follows:
    1. Initial treatment with conservative measures (proper nutrition, limited physical activity).
    2. When drug therapy is necessary, initiation of methyldopa, hydralazine, labetalol, or nifedipine is preferred. Table 9 summarizes drugs used to treat hypertension in pregnancy.
    3. ACE inhibitors can cause fetal and neonatal complications; their use should be avoided in pregnancy.
    4. The safety of CCBs remains unclear.
    5. Diuretics should be used only if there is a specific reason for initiating and maintaining their use (e.g., HTN associated with severe fluid overload or left ventricular dysfunction).

TABLE 9 Drugs Used to Treat Hypertension in Pregnancy

DrugStarting DoseMaximum DoseComments
Acute Treatment of Severe Hypertension
Hydralazine5-10 mg IV every 20 min20 mgAvoid in cases of tachycardia and persistent headaches
Labetalol20-40 mg IV every 10-15 min220 mgAvoid in women with asthma or congestive heart failure
Nifedipine10-20 mg PO every 30 min50 mgAvoid in case of tachycardia and palpitations
Long-Term Treatment of Hypertension
Methyldopa250 mg bid4 g/day
Labetalol100 mg bid2400 mg/day
Nifedipine10 mg bid120 mg/day
Thiazide diuretic12.5 mg bid50 mg/day

bid, Twice daily; IV, intravenous.

If desired blood pressure levels are not achieved, switch to another drug.

From Gabbe SG: Obstetrics, ed 6, Philadelphia, 2012, Saunders.

Malignant HTN, Hypertensive Emergencies, and Hypertensive Urgencies


  • Malignant HTN occurs with HTN when there are grades III and IV retinopathy (exudates, hemorrhages, and papilledema).
    1. The rate of BP rise is a critical factor in the development of malignant HTN.
    2. Complications and mortality rates are much higher in malignant HTN compared with essential HTN.
    3. Requires immediate BP reduction (not necessarily into normal ranges) to prevent or limit target organ disease.
  • Hypertensive emergencies occur when the BP elevation is >180 mm Hg systolic and/or >120 mm Hg diastolic without evidence of new or progressive organ dysfunction. It requires rapid lowering of BP to prevent end-organ damage.
  • Hypertensive urgencies are BP elevations >180 mm Hg systolic and/or >120 mm Hg diastolic with end-organ damage that should be corrected within 24 h of presentation.
    1. Most clinicians suggest lowering the BP to <160 mm Hg/<100 mm Hg or to a level no more than 30% lower than the patient’s baseline BP.

Therapy: The choice of therapeutic agents varies with the cause. IV medications are preferred in hypertensive emergencies.

  • Nitroprusside is the drug of choice in hypertensive encephalopathy, HTN and intracranial bleeding, malignant HTN, HTN and heart failure, dissecting aortic aneurysm (used in combination with propranolol); its onset of action is immediate. Because it is metabolized to cyanide, patients should be carefully monitored for toxicity (mental status changes, acidemia).
  • Fenoldopam is a vasodilator agent useful for the short-term (up to 48 h) management of severe HTN when rapid but quickly reversible reduction of BP is required. It should be avoided in patients with glaucoma.
  • Other commonly used agents are the IV CCBs nicardipine and clevidipine (useful for urgent treatment of HTN in the ICU or operating room), the β-blocker esmolol (useful in aortic dissection or postoperative HTN), labetalol (combined β-adrenergic and α-blocker useful in patients with coronary disease), phentolamine (useful for catecholamine-related emergencies), IV nitroglycerin (used in patients with cardiac ischemia and hypertensive crisis), and hydralazine (used for hypertensive emergencies in pregnancy.
  • Table 10 summarizes IV medications useful in hypertensive crisis.

TABLE 10 Treatment of Hypertensive Crisis: Intravenous Medications

Drug Name and Mechanism of ActionIndications/Advantages/DoseDisadvantages/Adverse Effects/Metabolism Cautions
Sodium Nitroprusside
Nitric oxide compound; vasodilation of arteriolar and venous smooth muscle
Increases cardiac output by decreasing afterload
Useful in most hypertensive emergencies
Onset of action immediate, duration of action 1-2 min
Dose: 0.25 μg/kg/min
Maximum dose: 8-10 μg/kg/min
Contraindicated in high-output cardiac failure, congenital optic atrophy. Anemia and liver disease at risk of cyanide toxicity: Acidosis, tachycardia, change in mental status, almond smell on breath. Risk of thiocyanate toxicity with renal disease: Psychosis, hyperreflexia, seizure, tinnitus. Cautious use with increased intracranial pressure. Do not use maximum dose for >10 min. Crosses the placenta.
Directly interacts with nitrate receptors on vascular smooth muscle
Primarily dilates venous bed
Decreases preload
Use with symptoms of cardiac ischemia, perioperative hypertension in cardiac surgery
Initial dose: 5 μg/min
Maximum dose: 100 μg/min
Contraindicated in angle-closure glaucoma, increased intracranial pressure. Blood pressure decreased secondary to decreased preload, cardiac output-avoid when cerebral or renal perfusion compromised. Caution with right ventricular infarct.
β- and α-Adrenergic blockade
α:β-Blocking ratio is 1:7
Onset of action 2-5 min, duration 3-6 h
Bolus 20 mg, then 20-80 mg every 10 min for maximum dose 300 mg
Infuse at 0.5-2 mg/min
Avoid in bronchospasm, bradycardia, congestive heart failure, greater than first-degree heart block, second/third trimester pregnancy. Use caution with hepatic dysfunction, inhalational anesthetics (myocardial depression). Enters breast milk.
Cardioselective β1-adrenergic blocking agentUse with aortic dissection
Use during intubation, intraoperative, and postoperative hypertension
Onset of action 60 sec, duration 10-20 min, 200-500 μg/kg/min for 4 min, then infuse 50-300 μg/kg/min
See labetalol. Not dependent on renal or hepatic function for metabolism (metabolized by hydrolysis in red blood cells).
Postsynaptic dopamine-1 agonist; decreases peripheral vascular resistance; 10 times more potent than dopamine as vasodilatorMay be advantageous in kidney disease, increases renal blood flow, increases sodium excretion, no toxic metabolites
Initial dose: 0.1 μg/kg/min, with titration every 15 min
No bolus
Contraindicated in glaucoma (may increase intraocular pressure) or allergy to sulfites; hypotension, especially with concurrent β-blocker. Check serum potassium every 6 h. Concurrent acetaminophen may significantly increase blood levels. Dose-related tachycardia.
Primarily dilates arteriolar vasculaturePrimarily used in pregnancy/eclampsia
Dose: 10 mg every 20-130 min; maximum dose 20 mg
Decreases blood pressure in 10-20 min
Duration of action 2-4 h
Reflex tachycardia; give β-blocker concurrently. May exacerbate angina. Half-life 3 h, affects blood pressure for 100 h. Depends on hepatic acetylation for inactivation.
α-Adrenergic blockadeUsed primarily to treat hypertension from excessive catecholamine excess (e.g., pheochromocytoma)
Dose: 5-15 mg
Onset of action 1-2 min, duration 3-10 min
β-Blockade is generally added to control tachycardia or arrhythmias. As in all catecholamine excess states, β-blockers should never be given first, as the loss of β-adrenergically mediated vasodilation will leave α-adrenergically mediated vasoconstriction unopposed and result in increased pressure.
Dihydropyridine calcium channel blocker; inhibits transmembrane influx of calcium ions into cardiac and smooth muscleOnset of action 10-20 min, duration 1-4 h
Initial dose: 5 mg/h to maximum of 15 mg/h
Avoid with congestive heart failure, cardiac ischemia. Adverse effects include tachycardia, flushing, headache.
Short-acting dihydropyridine calcium channel antagonistInitial dose: 1 mg/h; can be increased to 21 mg/hReduces blood pressure without affecting cardiac filling pressures or causing reflex tachycardia.
Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitorOnset of action 15-20 min, duration 12-24 h
Dose: 1.25-5 mg every 6 h
Response not predictable, with high renin states may see acute hypotension. Hyperkalemia in setting of reduced glomerular filtration rate. Avoid in pregnancy.
Nondepolarizing ganglionic blocking agent; competes with acetylcholine for postsynaptic receptorsUsed in aortic dissection
Dose: 0.5-5 mg/min
Does not increase cardiac output. No inotropic cardiac effect. Disadvantages include parasympathetic blockade, resulting in paralytic ileus and bladder atony and development of tachyphylaxis after 24-96 h of use.

From Vincent JL et al: Textbook of critical care, ed 7, Philadelphia, 2017, Elsevier.

The following are important points to remember when treating hypertensive emergencies:

  • Introduce a plan for long-term therapy at the time of the initial emergency treatment.
  • Agents that reduce arterial pressure can cause the kidney to retain sodium and water; therefore, the judicious administration of diuretics should accompany their use.
  • The initial goal of antihypertensive therapy is not to achieve a normal BP, but rather to gradually reduce the BP; cerebral hypoperfusion may occur if the mean BP is HTN in patients with CKD.
HTN management in the neurologic-neurosurgical ICU

  • Guidelines for BP management in the most common conditions treated in the neurologic-neurosurgical intensive care unit are summarized in Table 11.

TABLE 11 Guidelines for Blood Pressure Management in the Most Common Conditions Treated in the Neurologic-Neurosurgical Intensive Care Unit

Acute ischemic strokeEstablish and maintain BP <185/110 mm Hg before receiving intravenous thrombolysis
Keep <180/105 mm Hg if thrombolysis
Treat only BP >220/120 mm Hg if no thrombolysis
Keep <180/105 mm Hg following endovascular clot retrieval
Intracerebral hemorrhageKeep SBP <180 and MAP <130 mm Hg
(ideal SBP <160 mm Hg)
Subarachnoid hemorrhageKeep SBP <160 mm Hg before aneurysm treated
Do not lower BP after aneurysm treated
Traumatic brain injuryKeep adequate MAP to maintain CPP 60-70 mm Hg
Suggested SBP goals: >100 mm Hg (ages 50-69 yr) or >110 mm Hg (ages 15-49 yr)

BP, Blood pressure; CPP, cerebral perfusion pressure; MAP, mean arterial pressure; SBP, systolic blood pressure.

From Jankovic J et al: Bradley and Daroff’s neurology in clinical practice, ed 8, Philadelphia 2022, Elsevier.

Pearls & Considerations


  • “Masked hypertension” refers to the detection of HTN with home or ambulatory monitoring. Up to 40% of patients with BP less than 140/90 mm Hg in the office may have masked hypertension. Automated BP monitors are useful to screen for masked HTN.
  • “White coat hypertension” is defined as an elevated BP during medical office examination, whereas BP is in the normal range while at home. Its prevalence is as high as 30% among patients with an elevated BP in the office. These patients are at increased risk for overt HTN.
  • For patients with HTN, every 20/10 mm Hg increase in BP doubles the risk of cardiovascular events.
  • Most patients will require at least two medications for BP control.
  • If BP is greater than 20/10 mm Hg above goal, therapy should be initiated with two drugs.
  • Resistant HTN: HTN is considered resistant if the BP cannot be reduced below target levels in patients who are compliant with an optimal triple-drug regimen that includes a diuretic. Terms refractory and resistant are used interchangeably. Causes include pseudohypertension, measurement artifact, medication nonadherence, volume overload, and secondary HTN.
    1. Pseudohypertension in elderly: Hardened and sclerotic artery is not compressible; hence, falsely elevates BP measurement artifact.
    2. Measurement artifact: BP taken incorrectly (small cuff, improper support).
  • Renal sympathetic denervation: A blinded trial did not show a significant reduction of systolic BP in patients with resistant hypertension 6 mo after renal artery denervation as compared with a sham control.4
  • Barriers to BP control: System issues, provider issues, patient issues, and behavior issues. The rate at which physicians adopt recommended changes based on evidence-based findings can be quite slow and has been properly described as “clinical inertia.”
  • Indications for specialist referral for patients with HTN are described in Table 12.
  • U.S. guidelines for the treatment of HTN recommend the following2:
    1. Use of BP-lowering medication for secondary prevention in patients with cardiovascular disease and average SBP 130 mm Hg or DBP 80 mm Hg, and for primary prevention in adults with an estimated 10-yr ASCVD risk of >10% and an average SBP 130 mm Hg or DBP 80 mm Hg.
    2. In patients with no history of cardiovascular disease and an estimated 10-yr ASCVD risk <10%, BP-lowering medication is recommended for those with an average SBP 140 mm Hg or an average DBP 90 mm Hg.

TABLE 12 Indications for Specialist Referral for Patients With Hypertension

Urgent Treatment Needed
Accelerated hypertension (severe hypertension with grade III-IV retinopathy)
Particularly severe hypertension (>220/120 mm Hg)
Impending complications (e.g., transient ischemic attack, left ventricular failure)
Possible Underlying Cause
Any clue in history or examination of a secondary cause (e.g., hypokalemia with increased or high-normal plasma sodium)
Elevated serum creatinine
Proteinuria or hematuria
Sudden onset or worsening of hypertension
Young age (any hypertension <20 yr; needing treatment <30 yr)
Therapeutic Problems
Multiple drug intolerances
Multiple drug contraindications
Persistent nonadherence or nonconcordance
Special Situations
Unusual blood pressure variability
Possible white coat hypertension
Hypertension in pregnancy

From Floege J et al: Comprehensive clinical nephrology, ed 4, Philadelphia, 2010, Saunders.

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    3. James P.A. : 2014 evidence-based guideline for the management of high blood pressure in adults: report from the panel members appointed to the Eighth Joint National Committee (JNC 8)JAMA. ;311(5):507-520, 2014.
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