section name header

List of Diseases and Injuries

Pervasive and specific developmental disorders (F80-F89)

F80Specific developmental disorders of speech and language

F80.0Phonological disorder
Functional speech articulation disorder
Phonological developmental disorder
Speech articulation developmental disorder
Speech-sound disorder

Excludes 1: speech articulation impairment due to aphasia NOS (R47.01)
speech articulation impairment due to apraxia (R48.2)

Excludes 2: speech articulation impairment due to hearing loss (F80.4)
speech articulation impairment due to intellectual disabilities (F70-F79)
speech articulation impairment with expressive language developmental disorder (F80.1)
speech articulation impairment with mixed receptive expressive language developmental disorder (F80.2)

F80.1Expressive language disorder
Developmental dysphasia or aphasia, expressive type

Excludes 1: mixed receptive-expressive language disorder (F80.2)
dysphasia and aphasia NOS (R47.-)

Excludes 2: acquired aphasia with epilepsy [Landau-Kleffner] (G40.80-)
selective mutism (F94.0)
intellectual disabilities (F70-F79)
pervasive developmental disorders (F84.-)

F80.2Mixed receptive-expressive language disorder
Developmental dysphasia or aphasia, receptive type
Developmental Wernicke's aphasia

Excludes 1: central auditory processing disorder (H93.25)
dysphasia or aphasia NOS (R47.-)
expressive language disorder (F80.1)
expressive type dysphasia or aphasia (F80.1)
word deafness (H93.25)

Excludes 2: acquired aphasia with epilepsy [Landau-Kleffner] (G40.80-)
pervasive developmental disorders (F84.-)
selective mutism (F94.0)
intellectual disabilities (F70-F79)

F80.4Speech and language development delay due to hearing loss
Code Also: type of hearing loss (H90.-, H91.-)

F80.8Other developmental disorders of speech and language

F80.81Childhood onset fluency disorder
Cluttering NOS
Stuttering NOS

Excludes 1: adult onset fluency disorder (F98.5)
fluency disorder in conditions classified elsewhere (R47.82)
fluency disorder (stuttering) following cerebrovascular disease (I69. with final characters -23)

F80.82Social pragmatic communication disorder
Excludes 1: Asperger's syndrome (F84.5)
autistic disorder (F84.0)

F80.89Other developmental disorders of speech and language

F80.9Developmental disorder of speech and language, unspecified
Communication disorder NOS
Language disorder NOS

F81Specific developmental disorders of scholastic skills

F81.0Specific reading disorder
'Backward reading'
Developmental dyslexia
Specific learning disorder, with impairment in reading
Specific reading retardation

Excludes 1: alexia NOS (R48.0)
dyslexia NOS (R48.0)

F81.2Mathematics disorder
Developmental acalculia
Developmental arithmetical disorder
Developmental Gerstmann's syndrome
Specific learning disorder, with impairment in mathematics

Excludes 1: acalculia NOS (R48.8)

Excludes 2: arithmetical difficulties associated with a reading disorder (F81.0)
arithmetical difficulties associated with a spelling disorder (F81.81)
arithmetical difficulties due to inadequate teaching (Z55.8)

F81.8Other developmental disorders of scholastic skills

F81.81Disorder of written expression
Specific learning disorder, with impairment in written expression
Specific spelling disorder

F81.89Other developmental disorders of scholastic skills

F81.9Developmental disorder of scholastic skills, unspecified
Knowledge acquisition disability NOS
Learning disability NOS
Learning disorder NOS

F82Specific developmental disorder of motor function
Clumsy child syndrome
Developmental coordination disorder
Developmental dyspraxia

Excludes 1: abnormalities of gait and mobility (R26.-)
lack of coordination (R27.-)

Excludes 2: lack of coordination secondary to intellectual disabilities (F70-F79)

F84Pervasive developmental disorders
Code Also: any associated medical condition and intellectual disabilities

F84.0Autistic disorder
Autism spectrum disorder
Infantile autism
Infantile psychosis
Kanner's syndrome

Excludes 1: Asperger's syndrome (F84.5)

F84.2Rett's syndrome
Excludes 1: Asperger's syndrome (F84.5)
Autistic disorder (F84.0)
Other childhood disintegrative disorder (F84.3)

F84.3Other childhood disintegrative disorder
Dementia infantilis
Disintegrative psychosis
Heller's syndrome
Symbiotic psychosis

Use Additional Code: code to identify any associated neurological condition.

Excludes 1: Asperger's syndrome (F84.5)
Autistic disorder (F84.0)
Rett's syndrome (F84.2)

F84.5Asperger's syndrome
Asperger's disorder
Autistic psychopathy
Schizoid disorder of childhood

F84.8Other pervasive developmental disorders
Overactive disorder associated with intellectual disabilities and stereotyped movements

F84.9Pervasive developmental disorder, unspecified
Atypical autism

F88Other disorders of psychological development
Developmental agnosia
Global developmental delay
Other specified neurodevelopmental disorder

F89Unspecified disorder of psychological development
Developmental disorder NOS
Neurodevelopmental disorder NOS