acid, see also [Acidosis]E87.29
alcoholic , see [Alcohol, intoxication]
alimentary canalK52.1
amphetamine , see also [Abuse, drug, stimulant, with intoxication]with dependence, see [Dependence, drug, stimulant, with intoxication]stimulant NECF15.10withanxiety disorderF15.180intoxicationF15.129withdeliriumF15.121perceptual disturbanceF15.122
anxiolytic , see [Abuse, drug, sedative, with intoxication]with dependence, see [Dependence, drug, sedative, with intoxication]
caffeineF15.929with dependence, see [Dependence, drug, stimulant, with intoxication]
cannabinoids , see [Use, cannabis, with intoxication]withabuse, see [Abuse, drug, cannabis, with intoxication]dependence, see [Dependence, drug, cannabis, with intoxication]
chemical, see [Table of Drugs and Chemicals]via placenta or breast milk, see [- Absorption, chemical, through placenta]
cocaine , see [Abuse, drug, cocaine, with intoxication]with dependence, see [Dependence, drug, cocaine, with intoxication]
drugacute , see [Abuse, drug, by type with intoxication]with dependence, see [Dependence, drug, by type with intoxication]addictivevia placenta or breast milk, see [Absorption, drug, addictive, through placenta]newbornP93.8gray baby syndromeP93.0overdose or wrong substance given or taken, see [Table of Drugs and Chemicals, by drug, poisoning]
foodborneA05.9bacterialA05.9classical A05.1due toBacillus cereusA05.4bacteriumA05.9specified NECA05.8ClostridiumbotulinumA05.1perfringensA05.2welchiiA05.2SalmonellaA02.9with(gastro)enteritisA02.0localized infection (s)A02.20arthritisA02.23meningitisA02.21osteomyelitisA02.24pneumoniaA02.22pyelonephritisA02.25specified NECA02.29sepsisA02.1specified manifestation NECA02.8StaphylococcusA05.0VibrioparahaemolyticusA05.3vulnificusA05.5enterotoxin, staphylococcalA05.0noxious, see [Poisoning, food, noxious]
hallucinogenic , see [Abuse, drug, hallucinogen, with intoxication]with dependence, see [Dependence, drug, hallucinogen, with intoxication]
hepatocerebral intoxicationK76.82
hypnotic , see [Abuse, drug, sedative, with intoxication]with dependence, see [Dependence, drug, sedative, with intoxication]
inhalant , see [Abuse, drug, inhalant, with intoxication]with dependence, see [Dependence, drug, inhalant, with intoxication]
poisoning, see [Table of Drugs and Chemicals]
methyl alcohol , see [Alcohol, intoxication]
opioid , see [Abuse, drug, opioid, with intoxication]with dependence, see [Dependence, drug, opioid, with intoxication]
pathologic NEC , see [Alcohol, intoxication]
phencyclidine , see [Abuse, drug, hallucinogen, with intoxication]with dependence, see [Dependence, drug, hallucinogen, with intoxication]
potassium E87.5
psychoactive substance NEC , see [Abuse, drug, psychoactive NEC, with intoxication]with dependence, see [Dependence, drug, psychoactive NEC, with intoxication]
sedative , see [Abuse, drug, sedative, with intoxication]with dependence, see [Dependence, drug, sedative, with intoxication]
serum, see also [Reaction, serum]T80.69
uremic, see [Uremia]
volatile solvents , see [Abuse, drug, inhalant, with intoxication]with dependence, see [Dependence, drug, inhalant, with intoxication]