adaptation, see [Disorder, adjustment]
adjustment , see [Disorder, adjustment]withmutism, elective F94.0
adversefood NECT78.1anaphylactic, see [Shock, anaphylactic, due to food]
affective, see [Disorder, mood]
allergic, see [Allergy]
anaphylactic, see [Shock, anaphylactic]
anaphylactoid, see [Shock, anaphylactic]
anesthesia, see [Anesthesia, complication]
antitoxin , see [Complications, vaccination]
Arthus, see [Arthus' phenomenon]
combat and operational stressF43.0
crisis, acuteF43.0
deoxyribonuclease hypersensitivityD69.2
depressive F32.9affective F31.4recurrent episodeF33.9neuroticF34.1psychoneuroticF34.1psychoticF32.3recurrent, see [Disorder, depressive, recurrent]
drug NECT88.7addictive, see [Dependence, drug]transmitted via placenta or breast milk, see [Absorption, drug, addictive, through placenta]allergic, see [Allergy, drug]lichenoidL43.2newbornP93.8gray baby syndromeP93.0overdose or poisoning , see [Table of Drugs and Chemicals, by drug, poisoning]photoallergicL56.1phototoxicL56.0withdrawal, see [Dependence, by drug, with, withdrawal]infant of dependent motherP96.1newbornP96.1wrong substance given or taken , see [Table of Drugs and Chemicals, by drug, poisoning]
fearF40.9child F93.8
febrile nonhemolytic transfusion R50.84
fluid loss, cerebrospinalG97.1
foreignbody NEC, see [Granuloma, foreign body]in operative wound , see [Foreign body, accidentally left during a procedure]substance accidentally left during a procedure T81.60aseptic peritonitisT81.61body or object , see [Foreign body, accidentally left during a procedure]specified reaction NECT81.69
grief, see [Disorder, adjustment]
hyperkinetic, see [Hyperkinesia]
hypoglycemic, due to insulinE16.0with coma , see [Diabetes, coma]nondiabeticE15therapeutic misadventureT38.3
immunization, see [Complications, vaccination]
incompatibilityABO blood group , see [Complication(s), transfusion, incompatibility reaction, ABO]delayed serologicT80.39minor blood group T80.89Rh , see [Complication(s), transfusion, incompatibility reaction, Rh (factor)]
inflammatory, see [Infection]
infusion, see [Complications, infusion]
inoculation , see [Complications, vaccination]
involutional psychotic, see [Disorder, depressive]
LSDdue to drug abuse, see [Abuse, drug, hallucinogen]due to drug dependence, see [Dependence, drug, hallucinogen]
lumbar punctureG97.1
manic-depressive, see [Disorder, bipolar]
neurogenic, see [Neurosis]
nitritoid, see [Crisis, nitritoid]
nonspecifictocell mediated immunity measurement of gamma interferon antigen response without active tuberculosisR76.12QuantiFERON-TB test without active tuberculosisR76.12tuberculin test, see also [Reaction, tuberculin skin test]R76.11
organic, acute or subacute, see [Delirium]
paranoid F23chronicF22senileF03
passive dependencyF60.7
post-traumatic stress, uncomplicatedZ73.3
psychoneurotic, see also [Neurosis]compulsiveF42.8depersonalizationF48.1depressiveF34.1hypochondriacalF45.20neurasthenicF48.8obsessiveF42.8
psychophysiologic, see [Disorder, somatoform]
psychosomatic, see [Disorder, somatoform]
psychotic, see [Psychosis]
scarlet fever toxin, see [Complications, vaccination]
schizophrenicF23acute F23latentF21undifferentiated F23
serological for syphilis, see [Serology for syphilis]
serumT80.69anaphylactic , see also [Shock, anaphylactic]T80.59specified reaction NECdue toadministration of blood and blood productsT80.61immunizationT80.62serum specified NECT80.69vaccinationT80.62
situational, see [Disorder, adjustment]
somatization, see [Disorder, somatoform]
spinal punctureG97.1duralG97.1
stress F43.9acute F43.0specified NECF43.89
surgical procedure, see [Complications, surgical procedure]
tetanus antitoxin, see [Complications, vaccination]
toxic, to local anesthesiaT88.59in labor and deliveryO74.4in pregnancyO29.3X-postpartum, puerperalO89.3
toxin-antitoxin, see [Complications, vaccination]
transfusion , see [Complications, transfusion]
tuberculin skin test, abnormalR76.11
vaccination , see [Complications, vaccination]
withdrawing, child or adolescentF93.8