abducens , see [Strabismus, paralytic, sixth nerve]
accessory G52.8
acoustic , see also [subcategory]H93.3ininfectious disease NECB99H94.0-
parasitic disease NECB89H94.0-
alcoholicG62.1with psychosis, see [Psychosis, alcoholic]
amyloid, any siteE85.4G63
brachial, see [Radiculopathy]due to displacement, intervertebral disc, see [Disorder, disc, cervical, with neuritis]
cranial nervedue to Lyme diseaseA69.22eighth or acoustic or auditoryH93.3
eleventh or accessoryG52.8fifth or trigeminalG50.-first or olfactoryG52.0fourth or trochlear, see [Strabismus, paralytic, fourth nerve]second or optic, see [Neuritis, optic]seventh or facialG51.8newborn P11.3sixth or abducent, see [Strabismus, paralytic, sixth nerve]tenth or vagusG52.2third or oculomotor, see [Strabismus, paralytic, third nerve]twelfth or hypoglossalG52.3
diabetic , see [E08-E13 with .41]polyneuropathy, see [E08-E13 with .42]
due toberiberiE51.11displacement, prolapse or rupture, intervertebral disc, see [Disorder, disc, with, radiculopathy]herniation, nucleus pulposusM51.9G55
facialG51.8newborn P11.3
general, see [Polyneuropathy]
geniculate ganglionG51.1due to herpes B02.21
gouty, see also [Gout, by type]M10.9G63
hypoglossal G52.3
ilioinguinal G57.9-
infectious NECG61.0
interstitial hypertrophic progressiveG60.0
multiple, see also [Polyneuropathy]endemicE51.11infective, acuteG61.0
multiplex endemicaE51.11
nerve root, see [Radiculopathy]
oculomotor , see [Strabismus, paralytic, third nerve]
olfactory nerveG52.0
optic H46.9with demyelinationG36.0in myelitisG36.0nutritionalH46.2papillitis, see [Papillitis, optic]retrobulbarH46.1-specified type NECH46.8toxicH46.3
peripheral G62.9multiple, see [Polyneuropathy]single, see [Mononeuritis]
pneumogastric G52.2
postherpetic, postzosterB02.29
progressive hypertrophic interstitialG60.0
retrobulbar, see also [Neuritis, optic, retrobulbar]inlate syphilisA52.15meningococcal infectionA39.82meningococcalA39.82syphiliticA52.15
sciatic , see also [Sciatica]due to displacement of intervertebral disc, see [Disorder, disc, with, radiculopathy]
serum, see also [Reaction, serum]T80.69
specified nerve NECG58.8
spinal root, see [Radiculopathy]
thenar G56.1-
toxic NECG62.2
trochlear , see [Strabismus, paralytic, fourth nerve]
vagus G52.2