Diseases and Injuries Index Term
Tear, torn , see also [Laceration]with abortion, see [Abortion]
annular fibrosisM51.35
anus, anal S31.831complicating deliverywith third degree perineal laceration, see also [Delivery, complicated, by, laceration, perineum, third degree]O70.20with mucosaO70.3
without third degree perineal lacerationO70.4
nontraumatic K62.81
articular cartilage, old, see [Derangement, joint, articular cartilage, by site]
bladderwith ectopic or molar pregnancyO08.6
following ectopic or molar pregnancyO08.6
traumatic, see [Injury, bladder]
bowelwith ectopic or molar pregnancyO08.6
following ectopic or molar pregnancyO08.6
obstetrical traumaO71.5
broad ligamentwith ectopic or molar pregnancyO08.6
following ectopic or molar pregnancyO08.6
obstetrical traumaO71.6
bucket handle , see [Tear, meniscus]
capsule, joint, see [Sprain]
cartilage, see also [Sprain]articular, old, see [Derangement, joint, articular cartilage, by site]
cervixwith ectopic or molar pregnancyO08.6
following ectopic or molar pregnancyO08.6
obstetrical trauma O71.3
traumatic, see [Injury, uterus]
internal organ, see [Injury, by site]
knee cartilagearticular S83.3-
old, see [Derangement, knee, meniscus, due to old tear]
ligament, see [Sprain]
meniscus S83.209bucket-handleS83.20-
specified type NECS83.28-
specified type NECS83.24-
old, see [Derangement, knee, meniscus, due to old tear]
site other than knee - code as Sprain
specified type NECS83.20-
muscle, see [Strain]
pelvicfloor, complicating deliveryO70.1
organ NEC, obstetrical traumaO71.5with ectopic or molar pregnancyO08.6
following ectopic or molar pregnancyO08.6
perineal, secondaryO90.1
periurethral tissue, obstetrical traumaO71.82with ectopic or molar pregnancyO08.6
following ectopic or molar pregnancyO08.6
rectovaginal septum, see [Laceration, vagina]
retina, retinal , see also [Break, retina, horseshoe]with detachment, see [Detachment, retina, with retinal, break]
rotator cuff M75.10-completeM75.12-
semilunar cartilage, knee, see [Tear, meniscus]
supraspinatus , see also [Tear, rotator cuff]M75.10-
tendon, see [Strain]
tentorial, at birthP10.4
umbilical cordcomplicating deliveryO69.89
urethrawith ectopic or molar pregnancyO08.6
following ectopic or molar pregnancyO08.6
obstetrical traumaO71.5
uterus, see [Injury, uterus]
vagina, see [Laceration, vagina]
vessel, from catheter, see [Puncture, accidental complicating surgery]
vulva, complicating deliveryO70.0