Diseases and Injuries Index Term
Lacerationwith abortion, see [Abortion, by type, complicated by laceration of pelvic organs]
abdomen, abdominalwallS31.119withforeign bodyS31.129
penetration into peritoneal cavityS31.619with foreign bodyS31.629
epigastric regionS31.112withforeign bodyS31.122
penetration into peritoneal cavityS31.612with foreign bodyS31.622
leftlower quadrantS31.114withforeign bodyS31.124
penetration into peritoneal cavityS31.614with foreign bodyS31.624
upper quadrantS31.111withforeign bodyS31.121
penetration into peritoneal cavityS31.611with foreign bodyS31.621
periumbilic regionS31.115withforeign bodyS31.125
penetration into peritoneal cavityS31.615with foreign bodyS31.625
rightlower quadrantS31.113withforeign bodyS31.123
penetration into peritoneal cavityS31.613with foreign bodyS31.623
upper quadrantS31.110withforeign bodyS31.120
penetration into peritoneal cavityS31.610with foreign bodyS31.620
accidental, complicating surgery, see [Complications, surgical, accidental puncture or laceration]
Achilles tendonS86.02-
adrenal glandS37.813
alveolar , see [Laceration, oral cavity]
ankleS91.01-withforeign bodyS91.02-
antecubital space, see [Laceration, elbow]
anus S31.831withectopic or molar pregnancyO08.6
foreign bodyS31.832
complicating delivery, see [Delivery, complicated, by, laceration, anus (sphincter)]
following ectopic or molar pregnancyO08.6
nontraumatic, nonpuerperal, see [Fissure, anus]
arm S41.11-with foreign bodyS41.12-
lower, see [Laceration, forearm]
auditory canal , see [Laceration, ear]
auricle, ear, see [Laceration, ear]
axilla, see [Laceration, arm]
back, see also [Laceration, thorax, back]lowerS31.010withforeign bodyS31.020with penetration into retroperitoneal spaceS31.021
penetration into retroperitoneal spaceS31.011
bile ductS36.13
bladderS37.23with ectopic or molar pregnancyO08.6
following ectopic or molar pregnancyO08.6
obstetrical traumaO71.5
blood vessel, see [Injury, blood vessel]
bowel, see also [Laceration, intestine]with ectopic or molar pregnancyO08.6
complicating abortion, see [Abortion, by type, complicated by, specified condition NEC]
following ectopic or molar pregnancyO08.6
obstetrical traumaO71.5
brain , see also [Injury, intracranial, diffuse]during birthP10.8with hemorrhageP10.1
focal, see [Injury, intracranial, focal brain injury]
breastS21.01-with foreign bodyS21.02-
broad ligamentS37.893with ectopic or molar pregnancyO08.6
following ectopic or molar pregnancyO08.6
laceration syndromeN83.8
obstetrical traumaO71.6
syndrome N83.8
buttockS31.801with foreign bodyS31.802
leftS31.821with foreign bodyS31.822
rightS31.811with foreign bodyS31.812
calf, see [Laceration, leg]
canaliculus lacrimalis, see [Laceration, eyelid]
canthus, eye, see [Laceration, eyelid]
capsule, joint, see [Sprain]
causing eversion of cervix uteri N86
central , complicating deliveryO70.9
cerebellum, traumaticS06.37-
cerebralS06.33-left sideS06.32-
during birthP10.8with hemorrhageP10.1
right sideS06.31-
cervix with ectopic or molar pregnancyO08.6
following ectopic or molar pregnancyO08.6
nonpuerperal, nontraumaticN88.1
obstetrical trauma O71.3
old N88.1
cheek S01.41-with foreign bodyS01.42-
internal, see [Laceration, oral cavity]
chest wall, see [Laceration, thorax]
chin, see [Laceration, head, specified site NEC]
chordae tendinae NECI51.1concurrent with acute myocardial infarction, see [Infarct, myocardium]
following acute myocardial infarction I23.4
clitoris, see [Laceration, vulva]
colon, see [Laceration, intestine, large, colon]
common bile ductS36.13
cortex , see [Injury, intracranial, diffuse]
costal region, see [Laceration, thorax]
cystic ductS36.13
digit hand, see [Laceration, finger]
foot, see [Laceration, toe]
ear S01.31-with foreign bodyS01.32-
elbowS51.01-withforeign bodyS51.02-
epididymis, see [Laceration, testis]
epigastric region, see [Laceration, abdomen, wall, epigastric region]
esophagusK22.89traumaticcervicalS11.21with foreign bodyS11.22
eye S05.3-with prolapse or loss of intraocular tissueS05.2-
eyebrow, see [Laceration, eyelid]
eyelidS01.11-with foreign bodyS01.12-
face NEC, see [Laceration, head, specified site NEC]
fallopian tubeS37.539bilateralS37.532
finger S61.219withdamage to nailS61.319withforeign bodyS61.329
foreign bodyS61.229
indexS61.218withdamage to nailS61.318withforeign bodyS61.328
foreign bodyS61.228
leftS61.211withdamage to nailS61.311withforeign bodyS61.321
foreign bodyS61.221
rightS61.210withdamage to nailS61.310withforeign bodyS61.320
foreign bodyS61.220
littleS61.218withdamage to nailS61.318withforeign bodyS61.328
foreign bodyS61.228
leftS61.217withdamage to nailS61.317withforeign bodyS61.327
foreign bodyS61.227
rightS61.216withdamage to nailS61.316withforeign bodyS61.326
foreign bodyS61.226
middleS61.218withdamage to nailS61.318withforeign bodyS61.328
foreign bodyS61.228
leftS61.213withdamage to nailS61.313withforeign bodyS61.323
foreign bodyS61.223
rightS61.212withdamage to nailS61.312withforeign bodyS61.322
foreign bodyS61.222
ringS61.218withdamage to nailS61.318withforeign bodyS61.328
foreign bodyS61.228
leftS61.215withdamage to nailS61.315withforeign bodyS61.325
foreign bodyS61.225
rightS61.214withdamage to nailS61.314withforeign bodyS61.324
foreign bodyS61.224
flankS31.119with foreign bodyS31.129
foot S91.319with foreign bodyS91.329
leftS91.312with foreign bodyS91.322
rightS91.311with foreign bodyS91.321
toe, see [Laceration, toe]
forearmS51.819withforeign bodyS51.829
elbow only, see [Laceration, elbow]
leftS51.812withforeign bodyS51.822
rightS51.811withforeign bodyS51.821
foreheadS01.81with foreign bodyS01.82
fourchetteO70.0with ectopic or molar pregnancyO08.6
complicating deliveryO70.0
following ectopic or molar pregnancyO08.6
genital organs, externalfemaleS31.512with foreign bodyS31.522
vagina, see [Laceration, vagina]
vulva, see [Laceration, vulva]
maleS31.511with foreign bodyS31.521
penis, see [Laceration, penis]
scrotum, see [Laceration, scrotum]
testis, see [Laceration, testis]
groin, see [Laceration, abdomen, wall]
gum, see [Laceration, oral cavity]
handS61.419withforeign bodyS61.429
finger, see [Laceration, finger]
leftS61.412withforeign bodyS61.422
rightS61.411withforeign bodyS61.421
thumb, see [Laceration, thumb]
headS01.91with foreign bodyS01.92
cheek, see [Laceration, cheek]
ear, see [Laceration, ear]
eyelid, see [Laceration, eyelid]
lip, see [Laceration, lip]
nose, see [Laceration, nose]
oral cavity, see [Laceration, oral cavity]
scalpS01.01with foreign bodyS01.02
specified site NECS01.81with foreign bodyS01.82
temporomandibular area, see [Laceration, cheek]
heart, see [Injury, heart, laceration]
heel, see [Laceration, foot]
hepatic ductS36.13
hipS71.019with foreign bodyS71.029
leftS71.012with foreign bodyS71.022
rightS71.011with foreign bodyS71.021
hymen, see [Laceration, vagina]
hypochondrium, see [Laceration, abdomen, wall]
hypogastric region, see [Laceration, abdomen, wall]
inguinal region, see [Laceration, abdomen, wall]
instep, see [Laceration, foot]
internal organ, see [Injury, by site]
interscapular region, see [Laceration, thorax, back]
specified site NECS36.538
specified site NECS36.438
intra-abdominal organS36.93intestine, see [Laceration, intestine]
liver, see [Laceration, liver]
pancreas, see [Laceration, pancreas]
specified site NECS36.893
spleen, see [Laceration, spleen]
stomach, see [Laceration, stomach]
intracranial NEC, see also [Injury, intracranial, diffuse]birth injuryP10.9
jaw, see [Laceration, head, specified site NEC]
joint capsule, see [Sprain, by site]
kidneyS37.03-major S37.06-
minor S37.04-
moderate S37.05-multipleS37.06-
kneeS81.01-with foreign bodyS81.02-
labium , see [Laceration, vulva]
lacrimal duct, see [Laceration, eyelid]
large intestine, see [Laceration, intestine, large]
larynxS11.011with foreign bodyS11.012
leg S81.819with foreign bodyS81.829
foot, see [Laceration, foot]
knee, see [Laceration, knee]
leftS81.812with foreign bodyS81.822
rightS81.811with foreign bodyS81.821
upper, see [Laceration, thigh]
ligament, see [Sprain]
lipS01.511with foreign bodyS01.521
liverS36.113major S36.116
loin, see [Laceration, abdomen, wall]
lower back, see [Laceration, back, lower]
lumbar region, see [Laceration, back, lower]
malar region, see [Laceration, head, specified site NEC]
mammary, see [Laceration, breast]
mastoid region, see [Laceration, head, specified site NEC]
meninges, see [Injury, intracranial, diffuse]
meniscus, see [Tear, meniscus]
mouth, see [Laceration, oral cavity]
muscle, see [Injury, muscle, by site, laceration]
nailfinger, see [Laceration, finger, with damage to nail]
toe, see [Laceration, toe, with damage to nail]
nasal , see [Laceration, nose]
nasopharynx, see [Laceration, head, specified site NEC]
neckS11.91with foreign bodyS11.92
involvingcervical esophagusS11.21with foreign bodyS11.22
larynx, see [Laceration, larynx]
pharynx, see [Laceration, pharynx]
thyroid gland, see [Laceration, thyroid gland]
trachea, see [Laceration, trachea]
specified site NECS11.81with foreign bodyS11.82
nerve, see [Injury, nerve]
nose S01.21with foreign bodyS01.22
ocular NOSS05.3-adnexa NOSS01.11-
oral cavityS01.512with foreign bodyS01.522
orbit , see [Wound, open, ocular, orbit]
palate, see [Laceration, oral cavity]
palm, see [Laceration, hand]
pelvicS31.010withforeign bodyS31.020penetration into retroperitoneal cavityS31.021
penetration into retroperitoneal cavityS31.011
floor, see also [Laceration, back, lower]with ectopic or molar pregnancyO08.6
complicating deliveryO70.1
following ectopic or molar pregnancyO08.6
old N81.89
organS37.93with ectopic or molar pregnancyO08.6
adrenal glandS37.813
fallopian tube, see [Laceration, fallopian tube]
following ectopic or molar pregnancyO08.6
kidney, see [Laceration, kidney]
obstetrical traumaO71.5
ovary, see [Laceration, ovary]
specified site NECS37.893
penisS31.21with foreign bodyS31.22
perineumfemaleS31.41withectopic or molar pregnancyO08.6
foreign bodyS31.42
during deliveryO70.9first degreeO70.0
fourth degreeO70.3
second degreeO70.1
third degree, see also [Delivery, complicated, by, laceration, perineum, third degree]O70.20
old N81.89
secondary O90.1
maleS31.119with foreign bodyS31.129
periocular area , see [Laceration, eyelid]
periumbilic region, see [Laceration, abdomen, wall, periumbilic]
periurethral tissue, see [Laceration, urethra]
phalangesfinger, see [Laceration, finger]
toe, see [Laceration, toe]
pharynxS11.21with foreign bodyS11.22
pinna, see [Laceration, ear]
popliteal space, see [Laceration, knee]
prepuce, see [Laceration, penis]
pubic regionS31.119with foreign bodyS31.129
pudendum, see [Laceration, genital organs, external]
rectovaginal septum, see [Laceration, vagina]
round ligamentS37.893
sacral region, see [Laceration, back, lower]
sacroiliac region, see [Laceration, back, lower]
salivary gland, see [Laceration, oral cavity]
scalpS01.01with foreign bodyS01.02
scapular region, see [Laceration, shoulder]
scrotumS31.31with foreign bodyS31.32
seminal vesicleS37.893
shin, see [Laceration, leg]
shoulderS41.019with foreign bodyS41.029
leftS41.012with foreign bodyS41.022
rightS41.011with foreign bodyS41.021
small intestine, see [Laceration, intestine, small]
spermatic cord, see [Laceration, testis]
spinal cord , see also [Injury, spinal cord, by region]due to injury at birthP11.5
newborn P11.5
spleenS36.039major S36.032
superficial S36.030
sternal region, see [Laceration, thorax, front]
submaxillary region, see [Laceration, head, specified site NEC]
submental region, see [Laceration, head, specified site NEC]
subungualfinger , see [Laceration, finger, with damage to nail]
toe , see [Laceration, toe, with damage to nail]
suprarenal gland, see [Laceration, adrenal gland]
temple, temporal region, see [Laceration, head, specified site NEC]
temporomandibular area, see [Laceration, cheek]
tendon, see [Injury, muscle, by site, laceration]AchillesS86.02-
tentorium cerebelli, see [Injury, intracranial, diffuse]
testisS31.31with foreign bodyS31.32
thighS71.11-with foreign bodyS71.12-
thorax, thoracic S21.91with foreign bodyS21.92backS21.22-with penetration into thoracic cavityS21.42-
frontS21.12-with penetration into thoracic cavityS21.32-
backS21.21-withforeign bodyS21.22-with penetration into thoracic cavityS21.42-
penetration into thoracic cavityS21.41-
breast, see [Laceration, breast]
frontS21.11-withforeign bodyS21.12-with penetration into thoracic cavityS21.32-
penetration into thoracic cavityS21.31-
thumbS61.019withdamage to nailS61.119withforeign bodyS61.129
foreign bodyS61.029
leftS61.012withdamage to nailS61.112withforeign bodyS61.122
foreign bodyS61.022
rightS61.011withdamage to nailS61.111withforeign bodyS61.121
foreign bodyS61.021
thyroid glandS11.11with foreign bodyS11.12
toe S91.119withdamage to nailS91.219withforeign bodyS91.229
foreign bodyS91.129
greatS91.113withdamage to nailS91.213withforeign bodyS91.223
foreign bodyS91.123
leftS91.112withdamage to nailS91.212withforeign bodyS91.222
foreign bodyS91.122
rightS91.111withdamage to nailS91.211withforeign bodyS91.221
foreign bodyS91.121
lesserS91.116withdamage to nailS91.216withforeign bodyS91.226
foreign bodyS91.126
leftS91.115withdamage to nailS91.215withforeign bodyS91.225
foreign bodyS91.125
rightS91.114withdamage to nailS91.214withforeign bodyS91.224
foreign bodyS91.124
tongue, see [Laceration, oral cavity]
tracheaS11.021with foreign bodyS11.022
tunica vaginalis, see [Laceration, testis]
tympanum, tympanic membrane, see [Laceration, ear, drum]
umbilical regionS31.115with foreign bodyS31.125
urethraS37.33with or following ectopic or molar pregnancyO08.6
obstetrical traumaO71.5
urinary organ NECS37.893
uterusS37.63with ectopic or molar pregnancyO08.6
following ectopic or molar pregnancyO08.6
nonpuerperal, nontraumaticN85.8
obstetrical trauma NECO71.81
old N85.8
uvula, see [Laceration, oral cavity]
vaginaS31.41withectopic or molar pregnancyO08.6
foreign bodyS31.42
during deliveryO71.4with perineal laceration, see [Laceration, perineum, female, during delivery]
following ectopic or molar pregnancyO08.6
nonpuerperal, nontraumaticN89.8
old N89.8
vas deferensS37.893
vesical, see [Laceration, bladder]
vocal cordsS11.031with foreign bodyS11.032
vulvaS31.41withectopic or molar pregnancyO08.6
foreign bodyS31.42
complicating deliveryO70.0
following ectopic or molar pregnancyO08.6
nonpuerperal, nontraumaticN90.89
old N90.89
wristS61.519withforeign bodyS61.529
leftS61.512withforeign bodyS61.522
rightS61.511withforeign bodyS61.521