section name header

List of Diseases and Injuries

Other disorders of kidney and ureter (N25-N29)

Excludes 2: disorders of kidney and ureter with urolithiasis (N20-N23)

N25Disorders resulting from impaired renal tubular function

N25.0Renal osteodystrophy
Azotemic osteodystrophy
Phosphate-losing tubular disorders
Renal rickets
Renal short stature

Excludes 2: metabolic disorders classifiable to E70-E88

N25.1Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus
Excludes 1: diabetes insipidus NOS (E23.2)

N25.8Other disorders resulting from impaired renal tubular function

N25.81Secondary hyperparathyroidism of renal origin
Excludes 1: secondary hyperparathyroidism, non-renal (E21.1)

Excludes 2: metabolic disorders classifiable to E70-E88

N25.89Other disorders resulting from impaired renal tubular function
Hypokalemic nephropathy
Lightwood-Albright syndrome
Renal tubular acidosis NOS

N25.9Disorder resulting from impaired renal tubular function, unspecified

N26Unspecified contracted kidney
Excludes 1: contracted kidney due to hypertension (I12.-)
diffuse sclerosing glomerulonephritis (N05.8.-)
hypertensive nephrosclerosis (arteriolar) (arteriosclerotic) (I12.-)
small kidney of unknown cause (N27.-)

N26.1Atrophy of kidney (terminal)

N26.2Page kidney

N26.9Renal sclerosis, unspecified

N27Small kidney of unknown cause
Includes: oligonephronia

N27.0Small kidney, unilateral

N27.1Small kidney, bilateral

N27.9Small kidney, unspecified

N28Other disorders of kidney and ureter, not elsewhere classified

N28.0Ischemia and infarction of kidney
Renal artery embolism
Renal artery obstruction
Renal artery occlusion
Renal artery thrombosis
Renal infarct

Excludes 1: atherosclerosis of renal artery (extrarenal part) (I70.1)
congenital stenosis of renal artery (Q27.1)
Goldblatt's kidney (I70.1)

N28.1Cyst of kidney, acquired
Cyst (multiple) (solitary) of kidney (acquired)

Excludes 1: cystic kidney disease (congenital) (Q61.-)

N28.8Other specified disorders of kidney and ureter
Excludes 1: hydroureter (N13.4)
ureteric stricture with hydronephrosis (N13.1)
ureteric stricture without hydronephrosis (N13.5)

N28.81Hypertrophy of kidney



N28.84Pyelitis cystica

N28.85Pyeloureteritis cystica

N28.86Ureteritis cystica

N28.89Other specified disorders of kidney and ureter

N28.9Disorder of kidney and ureter, unspecified
Nephropathy NOS
Renal disease (acute) NOS
Renal insufficiency (acute)

Excludes 1: chronic renal insufficiency (N18.9)
unspecified nephritic syndrome (N05.-)

N29Other disorders of kidney and ureter in diseases classified elsewhere
Code First: underlying disease, such as:
amyloidosis (E85.-)
nephrocalcinosis (E83.59)
schistosomiasis (B65.0-B65.9)

Excludes 1: disorders of kidney and ureter in:
cystinosis (E72.0)
gonorrhea (A54.21)
syphilis (A52.75)
tuberculosis (A18.11)