section name header

List of Diseases and Injuries

Congenital malformations of the urinary system (Q60-Q64)

Q60Renal agenesis and other reduction defects of kidney
Includes: congenital absence of kidney
congenital atrophy of kidney
infantile atrophy of kidney

Q60.0Renal agenesis, unilateral

Q60.1Renal agenesis, bilateral

Q60.2Renal agenesis, unspecified

Q60.3Renal hypoplasia, unilateral

Q60.4Renal hypoplasia, bilateral

Q60.5Renal hypoplasia, unspecified

Q60.6Potter's syndrome

Q61Cystic kidney disease
Excludes 1: acquired cyst of kidney (N28.1)
Potter's syndrome (Q60.6)

Q61.0Congenital renal cyst

Q61.00Congenital renal cyst, unspecified
Cyst of kidney NOS (congenital)

Q61.01Congenital single renal cyst

Q61.02Congenital multiple renal cysts

Q61.1Polycystic kidney, infantile type
Polycystic kidney, autosomal recessive

Q61.11Cystic dilatation of collecting ducts

Q61.19Other polycystic kidney, infantile type

Q61.2Polycystic kidney, adult type
Polycystic kidney, autosomal dominant

Q61.3Polycystic kidney, unspecified

Q61.4Renal dysplasia
Multicystic dysplastic kidney
Multicystic kidney (development)
Multicystic kidney disease
Multicystic renal dysplasia

Excludes 1: polycystic kidney disease (Q61.11-Q61.3)

Q61.5Medullary cystic kidney
Sponge kidney NOS

Q61.8Other cystic kidney diseases
Fibrocystic kidney
Fibrocystic renal degeneration or disease

Q61.9Cystic kidney disease, unspecified
Meckel-Gruber syndrome

Q62Congenital obstructive defects of renal pelvis and congenital malformations of ureter

Q62.0Congenital hydronephrosis

Q62.1Congenital occlusion of ureter
Atresia and stenosis of ureter

Q62.10Congenital occlusion of ureter, unspecified

Q62.11Congenital occlusion of ureteropelvic junction

Q62.12Congenital occlusion of ureterovesical orifice

Q62.2Congenital megaureter
Congenital dilatation of ureter

Q62.3Other obstructive defects of renal pelvis and ureter

Q62.31Congenital ureterocele, orthotopic

Ectopic ureterocele

Q62.39Other obstructive defects of renal pelvis and ureter
Ureteropelvic junction obstruction NOS

Q62.4Agenesis of ureter
Congenital absence ureter

Q62.5Duplication of ureter
Accessory ureter
Double ureter

Q62.6Malposition of ureter

Q62.60Malposition of ureter, unspecified

Q62.61Deviation of ureter

Q62.62Displacement of ureter

Q62.63Anomalous implantation of ureter
Ectopia of ureter
Ectopic ureter

Q62.69Other malposition of ureter

Q62.7Congenital vesico-uretero-renal reflux

Q62.8Other congenital malformations of ureter
Anomaly of ureter NOS

Q63Other congenital malformations of kidney
Excludes 1: congenital nephrotic syndrome (N04.-)

Q63.0Accessory kidney

Q63.1Lobulated, fused and horseshoe kidney

Q63.2Ectopic kidney
Congenital displaced kidney
Malrotation of kidney

Q63.3Hyperplastic and giant kidney
Compensatory hypertrophy of kidney

Q63.8Other specified congenital malformations of kidney
Congenital renal calculi

Q63.9Congenital malformation of kidney, unspecified

Q64Other congenital malformations of urinary system

Excludes 1: hypospadias (Q54.-)

Q64.1Exstrophy of urinary bladder

Q64.10Exstrophy of urinary bladder, unspecified
Ectopia vesicae

Q64.11Supravesical fissure of urinary bladder

Q64.12Cloacal exstrophy of urinary bladder

Q64.19Other exstrophy of urinary bladder
Extroversion of bladder

Q64.2Congenital posterior urethral valves

Q64.3Other atresia and stenosis of urethra and bladder neck

Q64.31Congenital bladder neck obstruction
Congenital obstruction of vesicourethral orifice

Q64.32Congenital stricture of urethra

Q64.33Congenital stricture of urinary meatus

Q64.39Other atresia and stenosis of urethra and bladder neck
Atresia and stenosis of urethra and bladder neck NOS

Q64.4Malformation of urachus
Cyst of urachus
Patent urachus
Prolapse of urachus

Q64.5Congenital absence of bladder and urethra

Q64.6Congenital diverticulum of bladder

Q64.7Other and unspecified congenital malformations of bladder and urethra
Excludes 1: congenital prolapse of bladder (mucosa) (Q79.4)

Q64.70Unspecified congenital malformation of bladder and urethra
Malformation of bladder or urethra NOS

Q64.71Congenital prolapse of urethra

Q64.72Congenital prolapse of urinary meatus

Q64.73Congenital urethrorectal fistula

Q64.74Double urethra

Q64.75Double urinary meatus

Q64.79Other congenital malformations of bladder and urethra

Q64.8Other specified congenital malformations of urinary system

Q64.9Congenital malformation of urinary system, unspecified
Congenital anomaly NOS of urinary system
Congenital deformity NOS of urinary system